What's on a Standard Trad Rack? | How to build your first trad kit

What's on a Standard Trad Rack? | How to build your first trad kit

Summit Seekers Experience

3 года назад

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@RennerFoto - 25.03.2022 17:05

Such good info here. 👍

@jbdavisnc - 06.04.2022 20:58

I'd argue the primary reason to extend is to protect your pro. New trad leaders coming from gym or outdoor sport should really pay attention to walking pro and zippering potential. Trad pro doesn't always stay put like bolts, especially directional passive pro. One of my early leads, I zippered out my pro because I hadn't been exposed to this concept, but definitely learned a lesson. My position is that unless it's a vertical splitter crack, it ought to be extended by default. Rope drag is still super important on longer leads, but insulating your pro from the rope comes first. Thanks for your video 👍🤠.

@ananda_miaoyin - 08.04.2022 08:15

Great stuff - totally agree on the alpine draws; carry plenty of those! I like the idea of tri cams but have seen lots of failures on videos. I have never owned any or climbed with them. I climb Northern Cali and have never seen them up here but they look so cool for those horizontal cracks! I have some baby Metolius ultralight cams for those and a great set of Dragons for the bigger stuff.
The scariest part of the whole deal for me is trusting the gear. I like to practice falls with cams or nuts placed just above a sport bolt and take a nice little whipper to inspire confidence but I will be honest, hanging on a trad anchor a few hundred feet up still feels sketchy!
I want the second to hurry up so I can get off of that thing...

@bigmutant69 - 10.04.2022 07:33

Awesome video, I'm glad I found this channel out. One thing I'd mention though is when talking about alpine draws "grey on gear" is something to remember

@ClimbingADK - 25.04.2022 18:39

Started off with 7 cams .5-3 a couple duplicates and a yellow alien, 7 nuts and 7 hexes. Had 12 draws, 2 cordelettes, 6 slings. First trad lead was high E. Progressed a lot since then.

@OffBelay_ - 27.04.2022 17:33

That belt buckle though....

@ToolinAround2025 - 14.05.2022 17:41

Why/when is a clove hitch preferable to an alpine loop? ETA: "Friend" is actually the original name for cam devices.

@edmunek - 14.06.2022 16:13

worth to mention. wild country cams had colour scheme changed 3 times. if you would buy older cams and newer cams, you will find that colours do not follow any scheme and you can end with 3x purple, all in a different size, even if from one manufacturer

@hamishlivo - 02.07.2022 08:11

What diameter cord you go for on your cordlette?

@GwyndolinBingham42 - 16.07.2022 22:35

Uh uh um

@carravagio16 - 11.08.2022 18:58

I understand your comment about seeing people with more gear than you think is necessary for that route however some people (like myself) feel more secure placing more pieces and moving more slowly than your average climber. Even if that grade is well with in my abilities i still perfer and enjoy placing more pro. great videos and info just wanted to toss in my 2 cents, also do you have affiliate links where spending money on gear can support your channel, you have alot of informative content that i would like to support financially

@dereksantavenere2172 - 20.08.2022 15:49

is that belt buckle part of the rack ?

@AnonymousOtters - 30.08.2022 05:31

Massive fking belt buckle is clearly the best piece. Gotta make sure you've got something sharp and metal near your member when you fall so that you don't accidentally produce trad babies

@susedianinso - 04.09.2022 21:16

Blind people listening:
"This is what my set of nuts looks like"

@joel6376 - 06.09.2022 07:02

re cams, you could easily recolor another brand to match what is used in callouts.

@mcfjk3 - 06.09.2022 10:39

7 lockers. Woah.

@cacambo - 24.09.2022 01:24

Awesome stuff, like for the algorithm

@oscardodd4223 - 04.11.2022 17:56

Your videos are ace - super informative! I've been trad climbing for a while but find it really interesting seeing how the standard rack varies in different parts of the world! In the UK, we don't have many parallel cracks :(, so the standard rack has far fewer cams (lots of my mates only climb with 3-4, I use 6 personally 0.5-3), but then a double set of nuts, often with offsets and micro nuts to supplement that! Keep making the great content!

@chase7176 - 07.11.2022 23:38

Do both the leader and belayer bring a grigri?

@colbjallen8334 - 27.11.2022 20:57

Got a big ol belt buckle on that harness

@PaoloCaglioLMT - 28.11.2022 04:45

Tennessee? 🤠

@kid5Media - 16.12.2022 01:34

No hexes? How sad. And however did we manage to climb and live to tell about it without locking 'biners in the 70s?

@djdiscopapi - 08.03.2023 01:53

great for me as I have just been learning more about trad and the equipment necessary. This was really helpful thank you.

@imacarrot6570 - 27.03.2023 08:25

I don't even want to climb and I can't stop watching these videos. This was a really good explanation.

@roemerjonker284 - 28.03.2023 14:54

This helps me

@testboga5991 - 11.05.2023 02:32

am I the only idiot who adjusts his setup for each route? am I doing something wrong?

@Ry-tc7et - 13.06.2023 16:13

heavy on nuts

@andersonboy620 - 15.06.2023 12:22

Nice video man, very useful tips and clearly explaned, good job!

@michaelmcdermed841 - 21.06.2023 19:56

look at that belt buckle!!!

@travishayes6037 - 30.07.2023 00:49

nice belt

@L1quidbrick - 11.09.2023 01:18

whenever hes says "im now gonna show you my rack" i laugh so much

@neilp3235 - 17.09.2023 06:50

Awesome video! Thanks for sharing this knowledge for us beginners

@husky701rider9 - 19.09.2023 22:22

Did my first multi pitch trad lead the other day! I just have a singles rack but I made it work. Definitely took too many lockers lol.

@trombahonker - 01.12.2023 20:06

That belt plate!

@prestonakin6618 - 15.12.2023 21:36

Love it

@lovis_hertel - 20.12.2023 03:54

how much about does a starter trad rack kost? am i looking at like a couple 100 or easily 1000?

@alvarobriceno4500 - 30.01.2024 08:56

Thank you!

@evelynwall7470 - 02.03.2024 10:24

Just rack up with 15 link cams, you need 15 because they're one time use only.

@bonesrangel8327 - 17.03.2024 16:43

Gates out 👏😤😂

@djcontour - 13.04.2024 01:19

Do you keep on full set of cams on each side of your harness? Or do you split them with some type of system like big on some side and small on the other?

@tuomassyrjaniemi - 01.05.2024 20:53

😂first I would be interested in the price tag of that whole rack

@tracewell - 23.07.2024 21:05

This is extremely helpful. Your pacing of the information, the organized way you presented the info, and you showing the camera close up explanations were all well done. Outstanding. Thanks.

@martinbrathen3635 - 06.08.2024 14:39

Hi, why do you opt for a nylon sling as a rappel extension instead dyneema?

@davidredshaw448 - 27.08.2024 11:05

How to build a rack these days? Try getting rich first.

@WyomingMtnMan - 11.10.2024 22:40

The reason Wild Country calls them "Friends" is because of the inventor of cams, Ray Jardine.

Ray Jardine is an American engineer who invented cams and was keeping them secret as he was refining them. His climbing partners really liked them so when they would go climbing with Jardine his friends would ask if he was bringing any of his "friends" along, a code word for the cams.

If my memory is correct, he gave the first license to manufacture cams to Wild Country, and they were initially marketed as "Friends."

@CrowMagnumMan2025 - 19.12.2024 04:10

Thanks for the video....I noticed you carry no quick draws.....I am a total beginner so I just wanted to know why....I thot these were the most basic piece of equipment.....would appreciate your input.....thanks a million

@dancoursey5447 - 29.01.2025 09:14

Very useful. Thanks.

@drgerardhobley1599 - 09.03.2025 12:12

5 hexes and a bunch of wires. 2, 3 each smaller wires. Plus a 3 friend.
