The Windover Pond Archaeological site in Brevard County, Titusville Florida is among the most intriguing archeological sites of the century. Researchers uncovered over one hundred well-preserved skeletons from this ancient pond burial ground, along with artifacts and biological material that shed light on past cultures of paleo-Americans. It all begin with a man, Steve Vanderjagt, who found skulls in the bucket of his backhoe and promptly contacted authorities, believing he'd stumbled on the dumping ground of a possible serial murderer. But it was when the site developers had the bones carbon dated that researchers flocked to the location in 1984.
The lack of acidity in the peat of this bog, along with blanketing effect from the many layers of peat that developed over thousands of years allowed for the preservation of what lay below the surface. Without these specific conditions, many of the finds would have been lost to history.
After devising a system of wells to pump water out of the bog, just enough to keep the ground saturated, but allow for digging, excavation began. At first, the researchers were disappointed, finding more of the same that had already been uncovered when they realized the site had archaeological significance. But then they found a human skull, this time with brain tissue. Two years later and 10 feet down, they finally made a discovery to be especially excited for. Like this video for part 3!
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