ОтветитьFabulous, thank you for posting them. Good time for you. Master Jack Bruce
ОтветитьThat's a real Friday night treat - cheers!
ОтветитьWow!!!! Thank you for the upload!
ОтветитьSensacional fantástico estupendo
ОтветитьThank you for this. I spent a year between high school and university delivering mail in Amsterdam full time, and I never left the house without my trusty discman and the Jack trilogy (Songs for a Tailor, Harmony Row, Out of the Storm)! It's hard to explain but these songs are just in my blood.
ОтветитьBruce Gary from The Knack on drums 😮
ОтветитьThese are great videos, but actually I found them looking for Jack and Carla together, this is the only one of this set I've watched so far that shows Carla for more than a second. I love Jack, and these videos are rightfully about him, but obviously the videos were created by people who didn't realize who she was even then and how her fame would spread so far and wide. She seems an afterthought here, while that 'other dude' on keys gets lots of video air time. (he's fine, but not why I'm here) Anyway, so cool that they had a great collaboration on Escalator over the HIll and in his bands. Yay for Mick Taylor too.
ОтветитьThis band seems to have become more of a Jazz type band. Mick Taylors solo's were nothing like what he played in the Rolling Stones.
ОтветитьCarla Bley on keyboards in the background! One of the great jazz composers. Aside from acknowledging her musical talent, Jack Bruce was very taken by the fact she smoked a pipe
ОтветитьCannot get tired of this ❤
ОтветитьJack Bruce war ein großartiger Sänger und Bassist
ОтветитьJack Bruce!! mick Taylor!!
ОтветитьUnfortunately, this band plaid no new material, but just promoted Jack's last albums.
That's why Mick Taylor left the band, and the others followed. Big mistake by Jack ...