Drop your comic suggestions here please.
ОтветитьI can't believe the pull numbers on league of comic geeks for the marvel/dc crappy books compared to conan ,ghost machine, energon, ice cream man etc... 🙄😕 so few readers....
ОтветитьI'll never forgive or forget Superboy Prime's retcon punch. That was Geoff Johns brainchild. So no Wes, I don't understand why you are putting the guy on such a pedastal. Fabok as an artist....yes, I concur. But let's not act as though his style isn't based on George Perez and Phil Jimenez.
ОтветитьWhen I started all of the ghost machine stuff, Redcoat was at the top of my list...
Rook Exodus has derailed all of that and took the crown for me. It's so damn good.
I'm waiting for Howard Chaykin's Fargo
ОтветитьI've been all in on the Ghost Machine universe. So far I've read them all, and I have been loving them. Like an oasis in a desert of shit.
ОтветитьGhost machine is the best thing ever happened to new comic book readers like myself
The Unamed stuff and Rook Probably my favourite comic book in 2024 after Ultimate Spider Man is by far the best things and sadly not reading any of the energon stuff because Snake Eyes and Bumblebee are not there
You ain’t lying I hate what they ( Marvel) are doing to the x-men
ОтветитьOoh, I hadn't noticed the Conan book but the art is phenomenal! Right up my alley thanks!
ОтветитьConan !🎉
ОтветитьI have to agree on Conan and Transformers. Those are some great titles. Better than almost anything Marvel and DC are putting out. My pull list is definitely independent heavy.
ОтветитьHell yeah brother! The Ghost Machine stuff is excellent so far! Geiger and Rook Exodus. Can’t get enough of it!! Also, the Energon universe rocks!! Can’t wait until Hyde Street 🤘🏻
ОтветитьLooks amazing!!
ОтветитьHave to check those books out. Thanks
ОтветитьI mentioned in a live stream on mvp's channel that I thought Rook: Exodus was better than Transformers and Drew and MVP thought I was crazy. But I stand by what I said. Rook: Exodus is something new and I do not know anything about it unlike Transformers.
ОтветитьCouldn't Agree More, ROOK:EXODUS is awesome, as is Ghost Machines other titles, Gieger, and Red Coat. They are by far my favorite books out right now. HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO ALL. Also looking forward to the next title "Hyde Street" coming soon. Geoff Johns is Killing it👍
ОтветитьThank you so very much for your recommendation.i went to one of my local comic book shops to try to buy it but it was sold out so had to go on eBay.i just ordered it so I’ll check it out and if i like it I’ll continue to support the series but thanks again the art looks fantastic.
ОтветитьThanks for this
ОтветитьVery refreshing to see you give a worthy book props for this ount of time rather than a negative clip on Batman talent, sales, etc
ОтветитьThis is sounding amazing. I've always liked story lines or group concepts that had a basis in some kind of a structure like Checkmate in DC and I myself have used totemic animals in this way. It makes me a little biased but the artwork is amazing and the story sounds compelling. Definitely looking for this. Thank you for letting us know about it.
ОтветитьMe and my fiancee would like to get back into active collecting but times are rough. If you could sell me one book a month that isn't Marvel or DC is it this or something else?
Ответить"I want giant rhinos with lasers on their head" - proof there is no concept too off the wall for comics, just writers too incompetent to pull it off. 😁
Write and draw it well and we will buy it, it's not a difficult concept.
Every time I go to my LCS I buy more Rook.
ОтветитьRook: Exodus is pretty much the only Ghost Machine book that's worth reading, imho.
ОтветитьJunkyard Joe is good and fun too 👍
ОтветитьI’m picking this up. Interesting concept with people connected with these animals.
ОтветитьWe have been hand selling the hell out of Rook Exodus, Right there with you, the BEST book being published right now. This is Epic Sci-Fi
ОтветитьInteresting. Their character organization concept is very similar to ours, except our concept predates theirs by a couple of years. Instead of being a warden, The CALICO is an apostle of The Fourth Order of St. Francis of Assisi, of House Felis and Panthera. There are other animal-themed apostles representing their corresponding animal-themed houses (Canis, Lupis, Ursus, Simian, Aves, etc). Different premise, but definitely very similar character organization concept.
ОтветитьI'll go to the comic store this weekend. Chances that I'll find this comic are low though. That's the problem. There are some fairly sizable comic stores near me, but the really big one that I would expect to find this title at is an hour's drive.
ОтветитьGhost Machine , Energon Universe , Local Man and the Massive Verse get all my read time..i have nothing left for blood hunt or absolute power....vampires are played out and they made me sick of Amanda Waller before the event even started.
ОтветитьIt's great to hear there are some good Western comics out there. Unfortunately I'm increasingly less of a fan of dystopian stories than I used to be.
So I'm not sure if this would be for me.
I really love Rook Exodus. It's defintely a gem !
ОтветитьSold!!! I can't wait to get all four!
ОтветитьI gave up on new comics, from the big two. They suck. But I LOVE the Ghost Machine comics, especially Rook Exodus and Geiger. I eagerly look forward to reading them as soon as they are out . Great stuff. I also love the new Conan book from Titan. Great stuff and I love the art on that book as well. Also collecting Space Ghost because of the nostalgia, memories from when I was a kid. It's pretty good as well.
ОтветитьYour 100 percent right in this video. I couldn't agree with you more.
ОтветитьI thought in the latest issue it established that the animals were imported by “Better World”…?
ОтветитьAnything with Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok in it has my interest.
ОтветитьI agree that Rook Exodus is phenomenal (all of the Ghost Machine books are and I'm eager for Hyde Street, but yes, this is the best of them all). Like you said, I am almost wishing they would make some 6" action figures of these characters (I say almost because my wallet doesn't want them to). It's a fantastic story for all of the elements you mentioned.
ОтветитьHi West , thanks for recommending me this comic.
I don;t if you realized but 2024 is filled with a lot of post - apocalyptic content.
I mean we got Rook Exodus , Geiger as far as comic books are concerned but then we got Fallout series , Furiosa : A Mad Max
Saga and more recently Borderlands movie came out which is a utter joke.
Oh and more thing Wes , I don't know if you hear anything about it or any updates but Geoff Johns' Geiger is getting a TV adaptation at Paramount.
From what I heard about this project is that Justin Simien of Dear White People is set to direct I don't know how many episodes but what I do know is that the real Showrunner of this entire shebang is Geoff Johns.
Not only is he the showrunner but is also penning a pilot episode.
Now from initial announcment nothing came out of it , there's been a radio silence.
But I think (that's just my theory) the people at Paramount saw what Amazon did with Fallout and they propably said "OH SHIT! We need to beat these assholes quality wise".
What do you think Wes , am I crazy or just spitballing facts here ?
I see a bit of a Travis Charest influence in the artwork, but also Gary Frank after he left Hulk and became more detailed (e.g. Kin). Very nice.
ОтветитьAgreed. Great series. On my pull list.
ОтветитьI have really enjoyed both the Energon Universe titles and all of the Ghost Machine books they currently have out.
ОтветитьRook Exodus, Conan the barbarian and void rivals are my favorite pulls by a large margin
ОтветитьThose weaponized creatures sound like Yugioh monsters like Catapult Turtle.
ОтветитьI'm so glad that you're covering this comic series. I'm so deeply in love with Rook and this series alone got me to reach out and purchase most of Johns' previous releases that I would've never thought of ever reading such as Green Lantern
ОтветитьGreat to see you spotlight Rook, I pushed Ghostmachine as hard as I could to everyone I know and not many people bought in, but so many have came back after more word spread on Rook especially, saying it’s awesome.
Ghostmachine has the best pool of talent in comics. Literally like all my favourite writers and artists decided to start and indie company together. It couldn’t get any better for me personally.
I’ve bought every Ghost Machine book so far going back to the original Geiger mini. I love it all.
ОтветитьThe big two are dead. Go read Johns, Kirkman, Millar and the odd Image book.
ОтветитьThe new Thundercats Dynamite series is great also
ОтветитьJohns is probably my favourite writer in big two, but i didn't dig Giger that much. Gonna try this book though, SOLD.