ОтветитьI heard that, on the transport trucks they get sprayed with roundup whether organic or not. Is that true?
ОтветитьThis is why we have Robert Kennedy jr looking into the corruption of our food supply. Holding manufactures accountable.
ОтветитьDoes it wash off I wonder with soap and water?
ОтветитьI do read labels & some organic products have natural flavoring in them. So i pick the lesser of the 2 evils.
ОтветитьThanks for clearing that up.
ОтветитьThanks Bobby ❤
ОтветитьBobby, you talked about iodized salt vs Himalayan salt in a different video. I read an article in Daily New 2 weeks ago where Himalayan has a lot of plastic in it. Why is this all so confusing and contradictory?
Ответить:( it's expensive but still not chemical free. How bad is that.
ОтветитьWe’re growing our own veggies for 4 years now. It’s the best thing happened to my family. we are healthier than ever plus we are saving a lot. vegetables are costly
ОтветитьIf you don't spray your produce you won't have any. Bugs will eat it for you.
ОтветитьSo nothing is actually safe from harmful ingredients or cancer causing defense chemicals
ОтветитьSo a safer chemical? There is no such thing. This is one of the biggest scams ever. Right up there with the lottery.
ОтветитьAmerica sprays Americans food with round up! Among other toxic cancer causing pesticides.. and y’all will still salute the flag sing the national anthem n create babies with SS#’s so the American system has more slaves right? That’s what y’all do huh?!? This is the most armed country in the world, and they have 99% of y’all so brainwashed u can’t even fight back wit those same guns that are supposed to be for safety against intruders and tyrant legal officials!!! Good job y’all, make America great again!
ОтветитьWhat brand of baking powder do you use?
ОтветитьWe grow %90 of the nations green leaf vegetables here in Yuma, AZ. Ask any farmer about organics. It’s a crock of shit and they spray them more because the products don’t work. Less yield, waste of water, and it’s a paper trail of nonsense. But keep buying them because Yuma farmers have private jets and own all the condos in SanDiego south of the rollercoaster on Mission Beach. Right now we use ground up dead fish from the very polluted Salton Sea as fertilizer. So enjoy.
ОтветитьOoohhh!!!! That’s why I had a weird reaction when I ate organic strawberries the other day… I live in France, but I’m vacationing right now in America… And, for the first time ever I had a weird reaction to strawberries!
ОтветитьThank you for saying this. Organic is just the growing method. I grow my own organic fruits and vegetables to insure they are truely organic. Its work but worth it. Organic in the grocery stores are still sprayed and need to be washed before consuming or processing. They are still better for you but not grown the way nature intended. Just safer than others. The real culprits are the prepakaged, premade convenience foods from corporate conglomerate's that have so many ingredients, that you need a degree to understand. I stay away from them as much as possible and when i do buy them its organic. The fewer the ingredients the better. Roundup is deadly.
ОтветитьI hope RFK Jr. cracks down on this and makes foods healthier and safer in the USA like Europe and other nations have.
ОтветитьBayer needs to be fined a few billion.
ОтветитьKLT. It's not just that. It is that, but it's not just that. There are different levels. Organic is good. That is the first level above conventional. Your body is made of approximately 40 different chemical elements. Things like zinc and magnesium and selenium. If the grower puts organic materials back on to the soil then there is a better chance of getting all the elements that your body needs. These elements also have to be in foods that are bio available to your body. Not just there but in food so that your body can absorb them. Also, different bodies have different capabilities for absorption. Genetic predispositions or environmental damage. It is complicated in some ways, but the answer is simple. Food that comes from nutrient rich soil will give you the best nutritional value. KLT
See, "The Ruth Stout no work garden". Older book.
It's been known for quite some time that Organic does not mean pesticide free. For example apples might have 100 ppm of pesticides but if it has 99 ppm then it is considered Organic per the USDA.
ОтветитьDamn boiiii. I see you with those arms
ОтветитьThere's more to organic than that
ОтветитьI had no idea! But I don't eat carbs anyway. I haven't eaten them in about 2 yrs. And I feel amazing! ❤
ОтветитьWe can't win! 😮
ОтветитьWhat’s with the annoying images on the top left. I assume he uses some app to guess what to put up there based on what he says.
Looks damn stupid.
At this point, it doesn't matter..I only care about the price..
ОтветитьThere is a big difference between synthetic chemicals and organic chemicals.. you make it seem like organic is bad.
ОтветитьThis is why I grow my own fruit and vegetables 😋
ОтветитьBut how we know for a fact that they are not using round up?
ОтветитьTy bobby❤
ОтветитьWhy does your hair look like a visor? 🥳
ОтветитьRoundup was first created as an antibiotic also
ОтветитьAnd Bill Gates has the stores spray all produce. But some don’t do it. Trader Joe’s but Whole Foods was one who wouldn’t respond that is suspicious
ОтветитьYou look buff.
ОтветитьFor a long time I have been buying aluminum free baking powder. Also unbleached. Bromide free flour and adding baking powder and salt for self rising flour.
I do not eat a lot of white flour but a biscuit, pie crust and bread taste best to me with white flour. My husband refuses to eat whole wheat.
Just eat whatever you can afford
ОтветитьOrganic just means having organs. All plants, animals and fungi are organic.
ОтветитьThanks so much for this videos❤
ОтветитьThank you Bobby for your time and the clarification
ОтветитьBlueberries are usually on the dirty dozen list too.
ОтветитьThis video is horrible no offense but you did an awful job at giving information. Yeah United States of America organic is not anywhere close to other countries qualifications and standards for organic but if somebody’s gonna get regular milk versus organic milk or regular chicken versus organic chicken, the organic is going to be way healthier for your body. Doesn’t mean it’s perfect, but it does make a big difference. The regular versions of everything are going to be clearly more toxic. And everything that’s organic is not a perfect. God made wonderful creation, but it is much more significantly healthier than the alternative not organic version.
ОтветитьThe USA needs to ban many products that should never be used.
ОтветитьOrganic is just overprice and same shit just expensiver
ОтветитьIts grown with shit canal water organic