Hippie Denies The Gospel // Marketplace Evangelism

Hippie Denies The Gospel // Marketplace Evangelism

Richard Lorenzo Jr.

1 год назад

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@noobsnail2010 - 04.04.2024 07:45

I pray for Angie and any other like her in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

@1stJohn3.9-10 - 08.04.2024 18:08

No body can argue with your testimony, so when I evangelize, it only takes me 2 minutes. I share my story while people who are pumping gas or standing in line behind me, so I know I've e got a captive audiance! I say:
Hi, I give 1 of these (business) cards to every body that I meet. This is simply a screenshot from my phone that litterally saved my life in just 1 day. I used to be a homeless, suicidal, drug addicted, murdering, gay, prostitute, that was kid napped for sx traffic king, so I had 4 multiple personality disorders from the age of 6 to age 50. So of course my entire life was in complete Ruins as well as everyone that ever knew me! After all the Drs, the counselors, medications, and The Church weren't able to help me, I was about to kill myself on my 50th birthday. But then, Jesus Completely Healed my mind, body, soul and spitit on 8/10/2017! 🎉 Bec God reminded me that it only takes 1 Day to Listen to the NT Bible, and THE TRUTH set me Free. So for the last 6.5 years, I've never again struggled with: lust, anger, guilt, shame, insecurities, fear, depression, alcohol, unforgiveness, jealousy, worry, lying, complaining, self-pity, or suicidal thoughts.
While in church, I had never once read The Bible, bec I was too busy Cherry picking verses in 1,000s of Bible studies, 12 step groups, topical studies.
My closing: So if you...or anyone that you know (wink wink) needs to healed in just 1 Day, PUSH PLAY TODAY! 🎉
Then as I start to walk away, they suddenly want to talk. 😅
The Greatest Commandment is to ❤ God with ALL of our Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength...not 95% But most people are too busy with other things.
~The Screenshot on my business cards:
17 Hrs of ❤️ & TRUTH
+7 Hrs of SLEEP
24 Hours
~I've read the Bible cover to cover every month for 6 years. So I encourage people to PUSH PLAY Everyday while they are getting ready, driving, cooking, eating, cleaning, exercising, walking the dog, working out, soaking in the tub, etc... instead of wasting time watching TV, Netflix, FB, YT, TikTok, sports, porn, drinking, working OT, sleeping in, etc.
People suddenly realize that Jesus can heal anything that they are struggling with.
So bec we've all been brainwashed by the church, that's why there are so many man-made christian religions; they each pick this, but want nothing to do with that!
The last verse in the gospel of Matthew, Jesus said teach them to OBEY Everything that I have Commanded you. All scripture is God breathed: The OT & NT! So I don't go to church anymore, bec Jesus ❤ having a Relationship, but Hates Religious Hypocrits.
So pray before listening, that you are willing to remove EVERY preconceived ideas, and ask Him to give you a supernatural comprehension on how God wants us to ❤ Him will ALL of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. 95% is not enough. The Foolish Virgins were Religeous and all thought that they were Wise, but then when it was too late, and Jesus didn't give them a 2nd chance. Today everyone still has a chance 🎉

How? ~Paul said all we have to do, is simply Take EVERY Thought Captive "AND" Make It Obedent To Christ. So I stop for 10 seconds to ask myself "Will this thought, word, emotion, action, relationship, etc glorify God OR Satan?" The answer is Always Obvious, but at first it's not always easy...but then it becomes very easy and there's no regrets! 😇

@discovery_uncharted - 21.04.2024 17:26

I love you laugh…

Lying is a sin

@delinsacla7779 - 22.04.2024 20:17

Godbless to you ministry, pastor God is always with you, watching from phillipines,

@delinsacla7779 - 22.04.2024 20:24

God will open the heart and mind of angie to, know the truth, that God is really true, the creator of heaven and earth, In Jesus name, amen

@kiki10202 - 23.04.2024 01:11

I love you Pastor Richard! You’re so brave to do all these. God bless you!❤

@kiki10202 - 23.04.2024 01:14

I prayed for Angie

@MendedMind369 - 23.04.2024 08:54

The arcangels are real spirits. Ive spoken to them they literally told me the church is lieing to people. One day i asked... After going to church and feeling my energy being sucked from me, rollercoaster of depression, losing my love, i asked them the question.. is the church lieing to the people? Arcangels answer: Literally, Jesus is real god is creation, it is not a man. But that is not any proof of any truth. Just my story though its awesome. Because after i was introduced to my spirits i wanted to be closer to God of course! So i went to bible study every thursday and friday. I went to both surmans on sundays. Was a rollercoaster. But yeah since i stopped acknowledging God as man in the sky my life has been great and great things are happening and more to be put into play for me. I feel so free, truly I as a human being do. I couldnt bare to sit and listen to a man who has 0 actual spiritual experience sit and destroy my connection with god that is everything. Creation. Me. You. And everything else. Ive become a creator. Im doing my part. And im going to set people free frkm their mental shackles.

@aquillasteele602 - 24.04.2024 00:32

I praying for Angie Jesus name

@KeziahManuel - 25.04.2024 12:19

I prayed for Angie in Jesus name!

@stanisduman - 28.04.2024 16:50

Prayed for Angie

@aaliyahpruitt2834 - 30.04.2024 07:14

I prayed for Angie in Jesus name

@thomaslink9020 - 02.05.2024 11:43

Every belief is valid. Except the one true way. Very interesting.

@theresapittman7681 - 04.05.2024 22:40

I prayed for Angie

@arnoldcastillo2054 - 11.05.2024 06:06

Angie is confusing “pushy” with conviction.

@sindanonegongo1199 - 14.05.2024 05:18

I prayed for Angie in Jesus name

@jonasfetz8904 - 14.05.2024 14:15

The sad thing is once they heard the truth and deny it its very likely for them to die! I believe every body has the chance to choose a side once u chose the side death could come up to you. If its the wrong side

@holybunnybeauty - 14.05.2024 19:07

Orlando is not a safe place to live anymore.
A witch also told me I can't put her in a box and that she is god & did some lil craft to me, shaking her ear and stuff. A lot of women get like that now when you mention Jesus. The warlock men hex from afar, silently. Personal observation...lots of spiritual warfare I have had to undergo for the Kingdom.
Bw Avalon & the Market and even the salons, Orlando is a principality now.
Angie seems so sweet, though. 😞I love her vintage shop & Fran Drescher laugh. It's very cute.
Richard is bold for Christ and I believe Yahushua loves that young lady <3
She will come around. I did.
Cradle Catholics always come back to Christ!

@Katy38316 - 16.05.2024 13:56

Her laugh is so different 😂😂

@denisemarsack6604 - 20.05.2024 04:48

I prayed for Angie

@dleyba3199 - 29.05.2024 17:46

Angie's a hypocrite for sure.

@ianfair8151 - 02.06.2024 23:34

i prayed for angie in Jesus name!!

@tiffanyscariati4537 - 17.06.2024 21:50

I prayed for Angie. She has something so sweet about her. When she encounters Jesus, that’s it… she will be all in, and be painting the most beautiful pictures of Jesus and even Heaven. I believe God will show her a glimpse of heaven to inspire others and show his love.

@zinniawallace6210 - 29.06.2024 23:57


@baugherchrystal3958 - 01.07.2024 15:33

Prayers for Angie ❤

@alexanderalvarez7861 - 07.07.2024 04:27

I prayed for Angie!!!

@Haylee1080p - 08.07.2024 01:50

That laugh gives laughs, she’s got the gift of spreading joy if only she had clear direction but bless her may she come to truth 🙌🏼

@madninja7319 - 14.07.2024 23:08

Interesting that she said she not as BOLD. 🤔

@arriya1744 - 05.08.2024 22:27

“i like your laugh” was so Justin Bieber coded 😭

@camerongrasso7592 - 11.08.2024 02:34

I prayed for Angee, in Jesus Name❤❤❤

@YHWH_527 - 16.08.2024 00:49

I prayed over Angie

@gamestamatic8471 - 17.08.2024 02:12

She said in the beginning that she believes she has a soul and spirit and this life is temporary but then says there is no Heaven and Hell?

@Unknownname77189 - 25.08.2024 03:28

I prayed for Angie in Yeshuas mighty name!!

@Yahyahsouth401 - 05.09.2024 16:32

No one knows how Jesus looks , painting or showing him as a white man makes it harder for people to commit to Christ.

@jaime-marieblanck4910 - 19.09.2024 03:53

Prayed for Angie ln JESUS’ name!

@lip2flyy351 - 23.09.2024 23:44

I prayed 🤍

@nataliepalacios2938 - 15.10.2024 23:09

I prayed for Angie 🙏

@babatunde264 - 25.10.2024 03:22

Even though this is almost a year ago I prayed for Angie

@Lunganii - 14.11.2024 07:28

Her laugh😂

@JesusFreak141110 - 01.12.2024 06:40

Remember: Your ego IS NOT your amigo!! 🗣️
I like this lady’s vibe. Beautiful hippie bus, pretty nice art from what I see (bright and colourful), she seems PRETTY open-minded (for the MOST part) and seems relatable. However, she is confused!!
I pray for The LORD to open her eyes up and let her experience HIS Unconditional and Unchanging Love as well as HIS Amazing Mercy, Grace & Peace 🕊️

@Kikobinky - 02.12.2024 23:46

I prayed for Angie, in Jesus name, amen! 🙏🏼🤍

@kninemillee9882 - 05.12.2024 15:10

She said the soul & spirit keeps going & that this is just a shell but then says heaven & hell don’t exist 😑

@kninemillee9882 - 05.12.2024 15:13

It’s clear that her jokes wasn’t that funny, but he laughed bc she laughed. Her laugh is hilarious😂😂🤣🤣

@lexiegonzalez3354 - 12.12.2024 20:12

I pray for Angie in Jesus’ name! ❤

@michaelartiles1397 - 15.12.2024 19:32

I prayed for Angie...

@chuckpapenburg3807 - 16.12.2024 16:04

I prayed for Angie in the mighty name of jesus

@barbieplayboybunny6111 - 26.12.2024 22:13

Hola. I pray for Angie, in Jesus name. Amen.

@bhitz - 03.01.2025 15:56

She twists things
