The real Jon Snow live Q&A

The real Jon Snow live Q&A

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@Abbos_700 - 12.07.2024 12:41

Will George Martin ever finish ASOIF? I would like to witness the real final of these amazing stories. If not will you make your own final?

@kleinmu219 - 17.07.2024 16:01

I just thought...GRRM is into parallels. Jon switching up the babies could be a parallel to him being the baby of Ashara and Ned/Brandon and Edric is Lyannas son, switched up to keep Lyannas son safe in the south (just like Mances son), and the Dayne child stays in the North, under the protection of Ned and in the parallel - Jon.

@6Rock6God6 - 20.07.2024 07:12

Daeron II had Targaryen features. Every single Targ king had the pale hair and purple eyes. It wasnt his appearance that caused the turmoil it was his lack of martial ability combined with his soft handed approacgh to diplomacy with Dorne and his dornish wife.

@TheBranchez - 20.07.2024 18:16

The story is so amazingly complicated that I think not only that 2 books are not enough as you say but not possible to finish at all. I think he is stuck and does not know how to finish the series. That is why he does everything else except writing (despite what he says). Not unlike Patrick Rothfuss. I am very pessimistic about it all. I am almost certain he will not finish it. I truly despise unfinished series and almost regret starting to read ASOIF all those years ago (long before the TV series).

@tlungu962 - 26.07.2024 01:29

when is the stannis video

@bw126 - 28.07.2024 06:04

Only 6 hours long. So lazy

@josephtakacs - 31.07.2024 06:46

I keep going to sleep to this, and I have Game of Thrones dreams. It’s pretty awesome.

@moralybankrupt3653 - 01.08.2024 16:42

Whether Robb married the Frey girl or not they were always going to die. Tywin and Frey were planning it when the agreement was reached. That's my two cents. Great video btw! :)

@saminator3563 - 04.08.2024 03:51

Just because the targs knew of a prophecy of the others doesn't mean they didnt also take westeros for personal power, or due to Valeryian Supremacy. Multiple reason like ya say with lots of things in this story

@benjaminswitzer7132 - 10.08.2024 23:06

I love what you had to say about Ned and Tywin, I think it’s spot on and so poetic.

@maideni666 - 11.08.2024 06:07

I’m going to devour this entire six hours thing. Please make a 10 hour video on Rob and 24 hours on Nedd.

@رضاالعراقي-ص5غ - 13.08.2024 12:11

6+ hours live stream💀

@jankes2k178 - 17.08.2024 20:19

Mayby Jon is Jon. All life was call Jon so mayby Jon.

@jag1519 - 19.08.2024 04:08

The real Wind of Winters was the theories we made along the way.

@kewu313 - 23.08.2024 03:54

I really hope Jon's role to be Lightbringer instead of AA, IF the prophecy is really meant to be fulfilled by major characters at all. The supposed hero being already dead and the sword having to figure out what to do seems interesting.

@biglacheese7449 - 26.08.2024 02:54

For Elden ring i think if you put what grrm wrote down on a page all together I don’t think it would be that much like word count wise but he did apearently write the whole kind back story lore for the world the game is set in, and then the game basically takes place in the semi post apocalypse if that would world that grrm wrote the rough outline of

@CNTconnoisseur - 26.08.2024 05:52

In the show, Arthur Dayne dual wields swords. Maybe Jon can dual wield Dawn and Longclaw.

@taytayqueen7024 - 04.09.2024 10:08

I hope Ghost claims Rhaegal and they both fly away from ungrateful Jon. He doesn’t deserve Ghost. Unstoppable duo.

@Coroloable - 05.09.2024 07:41

Hey Chris, no one cares about your music making playlist or whatever the fuck you said. They have their own playlists. You're not special. Either make your playlists, make songs, or shut up, No one cares about your vibe that urge you to insert yourself into playlists.. PS while you mentioned Overwatch you nearly discussed the secret proram that dictates our lives.

@we_qjr - 06.09.2024 13:02

I believe danaerys is the young dragon, aemon is the old dragon, jon is the true dragon and aegon is the false

@jeannieabroad - 09.09.2024 04:44

Maybe George is tricking us all. The reason it is taking so long is he’s gonna release and publish Both Winds and Dream at the same time! I know, I know…not bloody likely. One can dream…of Spring.

@PixieLove5 - 12.09.2024 01:28

I think Lady Stoneheart will Kill Arya while Arya has someone else’s face on. Like, Stoneheart thinks it’s a Frey or a Bolton. She kills Arya only to find out, it’s her own daughter and her own resurrection has created the worst possible outcome. Maybe that will be Aryas sacrifice. She forgives her mother while dying or something like that, and Stoneheart understands her actions finally. In her grief and loathing, she’d lose her soul entirely. Rendering her Lady Stoneheart no more. Just a reminder of what happens when you resurrect?

@AliHussain-bn4yl - 16.09.2024 20:06

(Jon is popsicle)

@AliHussain-bn4yl - 16.09.2024 20:47

When you made video about the valyrian steel can you make a deep Dave about how characters see the difference between valyrian steel and normal steel

@-VineethKumar - 18.09.2024 22:49

I need stoneheart to resurrect Jon snow.
Like turning stone to dragon.

@ncorva - 19.09.2024 23:43

On Ned not telling Jon about his parentage before going to the wall:
Robert was still king at the time and Westeros seemed to be at relative peace,
Perhaps Ned would not have wanted to jeopardize all that they fought for just to see Lyanna's son on the throne instead of his best friend. (considering L+R is true)

@roryreidy9203 - 02.10.2024 00:56

I have a question about the topic of Benjen knowing that Jon Snow is a Targaryen. You mentioned that earlier in the story, Benjen advised that Jon should have a few bastards, and that this suggests Benjen doesn't know about Jon's heritage, because it's a bad idea for a person of royal blood to have bastards (because they may make a bid for the throne). Would it not be a good idea, if Jon is about to take the black, for him to have a few descendants? Have a few spare potential kings, keep the Targaryen line going?

@bricklink-nx5hn - 07.10.2024 18:43

Jon just might b e the mymmers dragon

@trashcaninc.292 - 19.10.2024 07:41

With the idea of "realism" in ASOIAF I've honestly loved the idea that jon WAS important that he WAS azora hi he was the savior but do to stupid decisions and mis-practice he doomed the world to the long night.

Basically Jon was supposed to kill the knight king/end the long night but because he made the wrong choices he didn't get the chance and that is what has to happen for the long night to happen not just a "important winter"

Edit: I think they only kept my Sunday death and dani burning kings landing, they had base plot line but it can only be as smart as who is writing it

@halkitchen1838 - 27.10.2024 12:06

There are quite a lot of recognisable GRRM tropes in Elden Ring’s lore, lots of stuff about falling stars and things like that

@halkitchen1838 - 27.10.2024 12:23

I increasingly think that whatever is going to happen on the Redwyne straits will be an echo of Summerhall, a vast blood sacrifice to awaken the ancient power of the Greyjoys just as Summerhall was a blood sacrifice to awaken the ancient power of the Targaryens. I also tend to think that anyone who summons an ancien god of the deep ocean will very shortly afterwards have reason to regret having done so. I think Euron himself may end up being a bit of a side show but his actions may have very far reaching consequences…

@snally6111 - 06.12.2024 18:00

I think george is exploring what isolation does to people specifically in Jon and Danys case. Dany grew up hopeful but will succumb to it, whereas Jon grew up depressed over it but will overcome.

@tacoman736 - 27.12.2024 15:41

House of the dragon parody would obviously be house of the wagon

@epicreasav8933 - 27.01.2025 23:55

Blood raven will make bran eat euron

@RUBIKGD - 31.01.2025 01:11

I'm of the mind that longclaw is actually blackfire personally that makes more sense to me than jon getting dawn

@jacobbroermann1894 - 02.02.2025 02:33

Another layer to Catelyn's distaste for Jon: her very last thoughts are 'My hair, not my hair...Ned loves my hair.' Catelyn thinks a few times about how she wishes she could have given Ned more children that look like him, with long faces and dark hair and eyes. Robb, Sansa, Bran, and Rickon all have the Tully auburn hair and blue eyes, and the only two children Ned has that look like him are Arya and Jon. I think a lot of Catelyn's dislike for Jon comes from the fact that she tries so hard to give Ned children that look like him when the woman he fathered a bastard upon did it first try. The great tragedy of this is, of course, that Jon is not Eddard's son at all, and that Catelyn spent her whole life despising Jon and being insecure about her relationship with her husband because of a fictional woman who never really existed. This is compounded by the fact that Catelyn even thinks how much Ned loves her hair, and we can see from Ned's perspective that he never even thinks of another woman romantically, not even Ashara, and it's only very late in AGoT that Ned even consciously thinks of Cersei as being pretty.

TLDR: poor Catelyn, poor Jon.

@matthewweeks113 - 11.02.2025 03:58

You sound like the australian version of my brother

@kageyamaswifeu4177 - 18.02.2025 05:57

Rickon will be lord and sansa his regent like allyria and edric dayne! And when he comes of age and gets married sansa will probably become the lady of the vale thru a cousin marriage to sweetrobbin
