ReShade (iMMERSE Basic) shaders with Screen Space Reflections, Depth Of Field, and Screen Space Ambient Occlusion on Unreal Tournament 2004 at 1440p max graphics. Competitive 4v4 TDM from 2006.
Clanbase '06 4v4 TDM Spring Open Cup (Europe)
Map: DM-Fractionary-X2
Map 4 (last win needed for best of 5)
My role:
To control Minigun spawn (27s), control 50 armour (27s), time/control AMP "Double Damage" (82s, 1st spawn after 27s), and help with 100 armour (55s, 1st spawn after 27s) when free. Timing was done on-the-fly by calculating time off the in-game clock.
BVA: asc (pov), Surfa, CodFather, csm
Fd: mouz.Daddy, NaKeDNeO, *aAa*Zeta, *aAa*Falcon
Game settings in 2006:
High Sensitivity: 10cm/360, mx510
FOV 85
CRT at 85Hz
170fps cap
Demo recorded (and captured) at 45fps
#asc #furyasc #unrealtournament #unrealtournament2004 #ut2004 #competitive #arenafps #fpsgames #tdm #4v4 #teamdeathmatch #reshade #epicgames #clanbase #gameplay #maxgraphics #teamplay #highqualitygaming #2k #1440p #raytracing #unrealengine #crtgaming #tacticalgameplay #tacticalplay #45fps #aaa #mousesports #mouz #quadhd #qhd
#ut2k4 #flak_cannon #shock_rifle #amp #double_damage #wreath #royal #be_very_afraid #re(oil #surfa #asczz #asczy #[bva]asc #[bva] #csm #marty #teamwork #map_control #uk #rtx #mousesports #againstallauthority #aaa #mouz #zeta #falc #daddy #linkgun #link_gun #against_all_authority #a-open