I'm starting to love this cooky character. I read she hates being called a failure and a mistake, so she will do anything to prove herself she isn't weak. Plus, I love her new look. It has a mix of cute, a bit of goth, and style. Not to mention she loves cute stuff❤
ОтветитьAmo a Silvie! @BlackPink
ОтветитьHer waving of hands simultaneously as sticks her tonuge out
😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂
Every enemy of Ángel is a friend of mine. Welcome back to KoF, Sylvie.
Ответитьminha lindinha de volta
ОтветитьFaltan mian
ОтветитьPrefiero a Mian
ОтветитьVergonhoso! Espero que não coloquem personagem assim no novo Fatal Fury.
ОтветитьOh, she "activates" during her lvl3. Neat.
ОтветитьI liked her xD.
ОтветитьI hope you had fun getting what you want I like looking at you send me some electromagnetism and I send some back at you. I want you there.👾✌️⚡🤩😍🥳🇯🇵欲しいものを手に入れて楽しんでいただければ幸いです。あなたが私に電磁気を送ってくるのを見るのが好きで、私もあなたに電磁気を送り返します。そこにいてほしいです。👾✌️⚡🤩😍🥳🇯🇵
ОтветитьSHE WON!
Ответить👾1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣🐰🦁🧙✌️🕯️I see you👾1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣🐰🦁🧙✌️🕯️わかりました。
ОтветитьLoving the day I hope if not you get me.?🧲👾⛈️今日を愛しています、もしあなたが私を理解してくれないなら願っています。?🧲👾⛈️
ОтветитьSup bout too see if we can walk the talk.🇯🇵🥳😹✌️🗺️🐰🧙🍕🌮-🤓-📷🦊🦁⌛🔮😢話ができるかどうかを確認するためのサップ試合🇯🇵🥳😹✌️🗺️🐰🧙🍕🌮-🤓-📷🦊🦁⌛🔮
Ответить💫-👾1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣🥊🇯🇵⚡ Release your feeling.?💫-👾1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣🥊🇯🇵⚡ 気持ちを解放してください。
ОтветитьI have a theory that the people at NESTS created her with Benimaru Nikaido's DNA.
ОтветитьA gift too me is a gift too you.🐰🍕🤩😍🔮🧑⚕️🧑🔬👾⌛🎌😶🌫️🥛私への贈り物はあなたへの贈り物です。🐰🍕🤩😍🔮🧑⚕️🧑🔬👾⌛🎌😶🌫️🥛
ОтветитьIt's nice and wet out ⛈️ there cause they want to know how it feel to be charged up and that's the only way.🎲⚡👾🧊-🔥🤯🧑⚕️🧑🔬🦋-🎨気持ちよくて濡れています⛈️彼らはチャージされる感覚を知りたがっているので、それが唯一の方法です。🎲⚡👾🧊-🔥🤯🧑⚕️🧑🔬🦋-🎨
ОтветитьSup ready set go too get charged. 🎌🍕😶🌫️🔮✌️🥋⚡Sup Ready Set も充電しましょう 🎌🍕😶🌫️🔮✌️🥋⚡
ОтветитьThe new costume looks great. She is the new character in the NESTS saga. It's no use just having classic characters, new characters linked to previous sagas also have to come and SNK got it right with Sylvie. Diana would be great for next season.
ОтветитьO novo traje parece ótimo. Ela é a nova personagem da saga NESTS. Não adianta só ter personagens clássicos, novos personagens ligados às sagas anteriores também têm que vir e a SNK acertou com Sylvie. Diana seria ótima para a próxima temporada.
ОтветитьCan they take a shot from a 1 in millions?彼らは数百万分の1の確率からシュートを放つことができるでしょうか?👾🔮😋
ОтветитьI love the electrical charge you giving me.🤩🫠🤓⚡あなたが私に与えてくれる電気が大好きです。🤩🫠🤓⚡
Ответить"Ha ha, don't try this at home!" Sylvie
ОтветитьI love her❤❤❤
ОтветитьHoney on my honey.?🔀私のハニーにハニー。?🔀
ОтветитьHold it tight untill.🧙👾💗🪤🤓😶🌫️🦁🤕 それまでしっかり握ってください。🧙👾💗🪤🤓😶🌫️🦁🤕
ОтветитьReminder that this character is an agent of a terrorist organization. 🤣
ОтветитьIt still delights me to this day that she's a NESTS experiment. Ignis was clearly going for a theme with all of his guinea pigs. But when he got to Sylvie, he was like "Eh, it's a Friday night, I'm 5 beers in. Let's get crazy."
ОтветитьI used to love Mignom Beart from KOF Maximum Impact. Sylvie is like an spiritual skik from her😊
ОтветитьSylvie paula paula benimaru and orochi shermie=team electricity aka team human pikachu's.
ОтветитьSeems like YOU showed up without Mian either, some friend you are!
ОтветитьThat is a very cool Halloween fashion costume outfit she got. I like her new look. And I like her climax, she's doing a Kamehameha!!!
Ответитьfun fact she's based on the jpop singer kyary pamyu pamyu