Rich Dad Advice Meets Cowboy Wisdom

Rich Dad Advice Meets Cowboy Wisdom

Larry Weidel

54 года назад

40 Просмотров

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In the first part of this Greatest Hits episode, Sharon discusses her journey to Scottsdale and her family's venture into ranching. She describes how they unexpectedly bought a historic ranch and transformed it into a working cattle and guest ranch, fully off-grid and set in Arizona's scenic mountains. With a background in finance, she approached the ranch as an income-producing asset, creating a unique blend of hospitality and tradition. #shorts #finance #hospitality #traditional


#Million #Mastermind #Larry_Weidel #Sharon_Lechter #Pay_Your_Family_First #finance #hospitality #entrepreneurship #financial_literacy #advocacy #Robert_Kiyosaki #Rich_Dad_Poor_Dad #income-producing_asset #tradition
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