The Evolution of Humanity // Live Q&A

The Evolution of Humanity // Live Q&A


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@Hiddenreality1 - 04.03.2025 10:44

Thank you Eluna

@clairelashomb2526 - 05.03.2025 05:28

Yes please do more like this and May. Thank you!!❤

@yiqichen8120 - 06.03.2025 04:25

long distance clearing definitely sounds interesting to me

@lynneschulist6597 - 06.03.2025 06:59

I am not able to visualize- my thoughts come as words. It makes it quite a challenge to meditate. Any tips?

@AnnBates-zq2ww - 06.03.2025 09:08

Thank you Eluna, many blessings ❤

@sarahledos7812 - 06.03.2025 16:30

Yes please I would love to participate but am financially unable to move to Egypt and all your support and guidance and time sharing is deeply appreciated and if you could do a further q&a that would be amazing. Thank you 💜

@pamelafeather6405 - 06.03.2025 19:35

My love to you Eluna, full gratitude for all you and your team do.

@michelleyahweh6157 - 06.03.2025 23:36

Absolute gratitude to All Divine as well as you for this transmission ... yes please to do another such as this...

And yes please, though i currently am unable to in person not get to Egypt, would love to be part of all transformations...

Too many words not necessary presently... vibration is high an says all...

Again...gratitude an blessings for transmission...

Blessings upon all earth, animal, human, universe

@michelleyahweh6157 - 06.03.2025 23:39

Yes please to long distance participate in Egypt

Blessings and gratitude

@billbarker4641 - 07.03.2025 02:31

Please, a spelling would be helpful

@tamaragrenier4572 - 07.03.2025 02:45

Would love to support the work in Egypt from afar. I am just back from there and resonating with the grid consciousness

@billbarker4641 - 07.03.2025 03:00

The exercise like yoga

@glowgloomlife - 07.03.2025 13:30

Thank you so much for sharing this information Eluna, I learnt so much from the video. I absolutely resonate with what you mentioned and reminded us to remember who we are. Looking forward to the heaven on Earth 🌎❤️🙏

@mariaelenamorfin8582 - 08.03.2025 00:14

Infinite Love, Blessings and Gratitude!!! So, so beautiful and enlightening!!! I will love to support and contribute long distance🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖

@stefanieklempau3433 - 08.03.2025 15:24

THIS is it. I mean i dont need any additional video after this. Everything after, is pure entertainment

@StephanieLouise-pd2sj - 09.03.2025 06:17

I know I am here to hold the divine consciousness and structuring of gridls on this planet. I’ve known this my entire life and feel a deep pull to assist in any way possible. In May as a support long distance or any time really. I’ve been shown many things that I’m doing and becoming aware of more of myself every day. I feel the energy you are emitting and it’s calling me and all of us back to our true nature . Please let me and any others who feel the same know how we can join together in support of this transition. I feel the heart open and the quantum connection grow instantly and want to connect more with others and assist.❤Blessings and Deepest Gratitude for you ❤

@clareuk71 - 09.03.2025 23:55

love and thank you for all the information here .. mucho appreciated

@stevemartineau3592 - 10.03.2025 04:25

Thank you Eluna
You’re so appreciated
We love you ❤️

@Leon8000 - 10.03.2025 12:52

I wish to thank Eluna and all the Circle members for making this gift of grace, this special dispensation possible. I loved it, and I am indeed truly appreciative.
Hugs and Blessings to you all. 💕💕💕

@BrooseMcGatt - 11.03.2025 00:30


@karinnedessureault2070 - 11.03.2025 13:14

Every interested to learn more about what I can do here as a grid worker, thank you ❤

@rover3965 - 11.03.2025 18:18

❤ it! Truth is a Frequency! ❤

@mi_amor_meraki262 - 12.03.2025 00:40

How did you get the vaccine without knowing? I’m confused by your statement

@chelseymckeown8598 - 12.03.2025 00:42

Where in the video does she give the prayer for food?

@griffinhannahl - 12.03.2025 02:40

Absolutely so beautiful and helpful! Thank you Eluna! I would love more forums like this. All of the practical information was so helpful. I am also one of the many very interested in the consciousness grid and how I may be of service. I would be in Egypt with you without a doubt if I could afford it.

@beatrizclemenciavargasrodr332 - 12.03.2025 20:16

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you! I've listened to this many times so I do not forget a word! And yes, you should talk about this being of Metatron, please!!!

@EM-de5ml - 13.03.2025 17:46

Devotion would look different for everyone.

We’re all unique.

There is devotion to the creator, devotion to self, and devotion to others.

We all come from god. I heard one time someone say. If a cub comes from a lion, is he not a lion?

Through enough devotion to god, you will cultivate devotion to self as god, and begin to see the god in others and show devotion to others by being in service to others within the scope of your own unique purpose.

I love this video, it is so practical. Thank so much for your courage and energy.

With love and gratitude to all. ❤

@JOYOFTHEFATHER1351 - 14.03.2025 16:07

Does the nasal swab have the same affect as the vaccine?

@CherylL-sv9xv - 14.03.2025 17:28

Thank you for this. I am not able to join you in Egypt but would like to do what I can on the ground here in May. You mentioned to reach out as you have some thoughts on how to help the collective at that time?

@tiffanyschultz8826 - 14.03.2025 23:37

Thank you so much. This was beyond helpful.

@dianereilly4914 - 15.03.2025 11:40

Yes please do another Forum. Very informative. Thank you

@erikamikaelsson7684 - 15.03.2025 15:04

Thank you for your sacred message 💝😍

@risingeagle369 - 15.03.2025 15:35

This was truly amazing I loved every aspect of this. When I listened I was saying yes yes and yes as I related to everything you said as for the 💉I was told about the disconnect by my guides and I left my job so that I didn't have to I am grateful everyday for that. I would love to hear more like these may you be blessed 🙏

@Niyahwithlove - 15.03.2025 16:20

Gratitude. Gratitude. Gratitude.

I would be grateful to receive another public forum from you regarding May. And I would absolutely like to offer my contribution remotely and look forward to that opportunity.❤

@marielal3428 - 15.03.2025 19:51

Thank you Eluña. GRACIAS ❤ YES YES YES pls 🙏 hold more of these forums and Yes I am interested in participating in Egypt at a distance too. 😊

@John-k6k8y - 15.03.2025 20:11

I wish to ask. Is it true that Jesus and Mary Magelene were lovers?

@wendymarshall9634 - 16.03.2025 11:56


@hollymoore1248 - 16.03.2025 14:16

Yes, please do another public forum, Eluna. I’ve listened to this twice. The two hours are packed with inspiration thank you from the bottom of my heart.

@cipherME - 17.03.2025 04:11

Already way ahead of you! Everyone start eating that Diatomaceous earth baby! Detox. Cleanse. It's physical, mental and spiritual

@BB.BrendaBrown - 17.03.2025 17:36

This felt so true, thank you for the awareness.😅

@bonnie_nelms - 18.03.2025 03:38

I just learned of you today through someone’s mention in the comments of another podcast! I’m happy to have found you. QUESTION: I am 84. I did not get the Covid jabs. Are the blood and heavy metals detoxes still recommended? I am a longtime practitioner of things you suggest and basically good health, although challenged with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue (for decades). Thank you 🙏

@sachalay4626 - 19.03.2025 18:42

Egypt is calling me deeply. I would be delighted to participate from afar this time (with the knowing that I will be joining you there some time in the future 💛)
And another yes to more of these forums - so extremely activating and enlightening, the guidance you are providing is so needed during these intense energetic times.

@kasachmama - 19.03.2025 18:56

Thank you Eluña for your guidance and wisdom, and sharing it publicly. Thank you to your guides! Thank you, Circle for allowing her to share it with a wider audience. 🫶 All of this resonates with me and much of it is confirmation of guidance I have been given minus the specifics for the year.
I am drawn to the Egypt trip, but cannot physically be there. I am willing and would love to support from afar! I will be working hard for the next few weeks (and beyond) to compete as many karmic cycles and clear as many contracts that do not serve and embrace myself and HEAVEN ON EARTH. While it's scary, these are labor pains. I am ready! I like FUN & JOY!😘
Also, I would love another of these to explain more about the anchoring of the grid. 🎉

@Nothigbuttruth - 20.03.2025 17:45

How you relate to freedom if you bound yourself to the concept of karma?
Bookish knowledge.
There is no thing such karma, the only thing that exist is the Supreme Being, the human context and all new age context of the human life is an illusion.
I must say that you are the only one i respect in matter of authenticity, the rest is only false light , it will crumble as the Higher dimensions will not aloud this lies anymore.

@biliescu1 - 20.03.2025 17:55

I would love to attend the Egypt game group from abroad. ❤

@OnenessAndLove - 21.03.2025 17:53

This is my perspective, take what resonates with you. Regarding the vaccine and shrinking of the crown chakra or third eye chakra, this is really just a problem prior to enlightenment, while the mind is still leading the heart (still stuck in duality), before the heart leads the mind (unity). Yes DNA strands are affected but continue to meditate, stay mindful (stay in the present moment only) and find ways to stay devoted. This opens the third eye and crown. Once you transfigure there is no longer concern about your chakra growth or balance because you are balance and expansion itself due to the massive influx of permanent light. You become a Unified Rainbow Body. Yes absolutely stay healthy to ground Heaven on Earth. Yes cleanse heavy metals to release densities and consume lots of fruits and vegetables as well as drink clean water. Love will always conquer fear. Let the Love in via your physical body, emotions, and thoughts. Once you embody Love, you will naturally have a balanced third eye chakra and crown chakra, which leads to transfiguration, and the Unified Rainbow Body. Also continue to express gratitude. Gratitude is the fast track to ascension.

@OnenessAndLove - 21.03.2025 18:51

Thanks for sharing you are a Mantis. I met Mantis beings dressed in white in lucid dreams. Debbie Solaris says Mantis are from Antares. I understand why you wear green now. Indigo/Pleiadian/Sirian/Angelic heritage here. I wear lots of blue. We are all probably working together during the dream state.

@tcslife4794 - 22.03.2025 19:52

Yes, a forum on how the maculine holds so the feminine can flow. What does this look like on a personal, communal, global, and energetic level. Thank you for all you do.

@maggiedehaan1343 - 23.03.2025 12:51

Thankyou for all your information. Truly grateful. 💜💜💜
