Tutorial : Stringing a bow like mine. Advanced speed technique. Military Archery tactics.

Tutorial : Stringing a bow like mine. Advanced speed technique. Military Archery tactics.

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Advanced Native American Archery - Military Archery.

This video is meant for those who have watched my previous tutorial on how to make a bundle bow like mine and made one of themselves or for those who have bought one of my bows. It shows the reason why my bows are designed as they are. Special speed stringing techniques can apply on my "Swiss bow"-multitool for modern warfare use in military operations. In a realistic scenario all of these skills on bow making and bow using would come in handy to a team or person who might have lost their weapons and gear. In their attempt to survive inside a hostile environment they would need a substitute weapon that can co-work with their modern gear and training. Something that can be made as quickly and easy as possible while having at least similar abilities with a handgun. Our modern era has changed so many things permanently. We adapt and evolve. The human is the base limit of all technology , this is why the old time skills will never become obsolete. Now like never before we are connected through the internet, so these ancient arts have the best chance of evolving and surpassing anything that came before.

How to make a bamboo bundle bow like mine, Tutorial :


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