I Tried the Best Wings in Every State [KY, TN, MS, AL]

I Tried the Best Wings in Every State [KY, TN, MS, AL]

Sam Reid

1 год назад

151,868 Просмотров

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@reidcacaro2919 - 15.06.2024 02:39

Im from Memphis and saw the thumbnail and came to make sure you went to chings. It is definitely the best in my opinion. Also central bbq is good but overrated Paynes is definitely the local favorite! Great video man

@calebnewman7119 - 19.06.2024 20:22


@shaneoleary9919 - 21.06.2024 20:30

Yay meow cool video

@AtlasandAlexa - 25.06.2024 00:55

I love the more engines shirt!! You and Preston are my two favorite creators!

@701scope - 26.06.2024 04:21

Describe this Alabama White sauce more! Wtf is that?

@thomascook1539 - 26.06.2024 23:34

Best wings in kentucky are at the spillway in bowling green

@r.m.miller - 30.06.2024 02:25

I found your channel after I moved from Hattiesburg, MS, and then I find out that you went there 😂😂😂

@michaelvangelista335 - 02.07.2024 00:53

By the way Buffalo sauce is not a standard for wings in Buffalo. Typically medium with some blue cheese is what you would get for some wings.

@varanus_komodoensis3723 - 17.07.2024 07:43

If you ever come to Alabama again, try the wings at Big Bob Gibson’s in Decatur! Best barbecue in the state in my opinion. Also, don’t bother with Walk-Ons. It’s a chain and it’s seriously not very good. There’s better alligator in Mobile and New Orleans.

@MrJackzon - 18.07.2024 03:37

I don't know why so many people would recommend Central BBQ over something like Cozy Corner for wings. Central is very mid and uninspiring. Memphis has got a lot of food tucked away!

@GirolamoZanchi_is_cool - 18.07.2024 06:35

And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
—Jeremiah 29:13

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.
–John 3:16

Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out.
–Acts 3:19

If you are in North America, please go check out any of the churches available to you: PCA, OPC, Rpcna, Urcna, or a canrc church
(These are conservative and actual Reformed/Presbyterian churches)

If you’re Scottish, I recommend the Free Church of Scotland and the APC.
(Different from the Church of Scotland)

If you’re English I recommend the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England & Wales and the Free Church of England.
(Different from the Church of England)

Also online you can look up church finders for each of the groups, it will show you locations

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
-Hebrews 10:24-25

@alexwilson4065 - 20.07.2024 20:18

No green acres for Alabama is crazy work

@lucasfox4485 - 27.07.2024 04:58

Baumhowers is straight up garbage who the hell suggested that

@craymond00 - 29.07.2024 17:35

Hackett Hot Wings in Joplin, Missouri has a beer buffalo sauce thats one of my favorites Ive had. Super good.

@wesleytresch7308 - 01.08.2024 04:04

Brother Z’s was highest on my list, I ranked the whole city. The best in Nashville

@r5LgxTbQ - 01.08.2024 19:44

hope you're going to the National Buffalo Wing Festival for Buffalo. Labor Day weekend

@Eddy_HVAC - 05.08.2024 02:58

Indis in Lexington Kentucky is were its at

@ben.8759 - 05.08.2024 22:38

Fairley's in Hattiesburg is amazing in my opinion. And I know you were trying only wings but they have an "All-In" which is basically a fry, boneless wings, sauce, and ranch salad that blows just eating regular wings out of the water. Hope you enjoyed your time in Mississippi!

@bigk9000 - 10.08.2024 01:51

I'm impressed that you pronounced Louisville correctly. lol

Generally, those not native from here never seem to be able to. 😂

@steaglesfan5686 - 13.08.2024 00:40

bro is playing the whole Farming Simulator 19 soundtrack lol

@rednecksniper4715 - 18.08.2024 11:39

Should have went to Hoops in Louisville get their breaded wings and ask them to toss them in Buffalo.

@Davedotdash - 22.08.2024 13:41

Toots hot garlic in Murfreesboro Tennessee is hands down one of the best, blue moose in Gatlinburg is pretty damn good too

@mattc825 - 23.08.2024 03:02

Hey man. Nice job.

@calebvalentin2976 - 03.09.2024 00:16

His videos are so good, i enjoy watching the sponsorship adds.

@I3BQGamer - 05.09.2024 18:44

Arkansas: Little Rock - ZaZa Pizza
Jonesboro - J-Towns bar and grill

@KayakTN - 12.09.2024 08:16

Yeah, I don't know if I'm driving to Dickerson Road for some wings. Brother Zs better be good.

@BrunchyCrunchy - 15.09.2024 06:25

Trust me, for Kentucky, the best wings are actually Feast in Louisville Kentucky

@emilieharrell3022 - 18.09.2024 06:23

You’ve got to come to Birmingham for the best wings in Alabama! Green Acres (the downtown location) or wings heaven!!!

@hunter-bh5qc - 27.09.2024 06:27

he went threw my home town too hit Tennessee, campbellsville

@BigScienceDP - 28.09.2024 04:12

Memphian here. Chings is great! Central BBQ wings are awesome! And you gotta go to Wing Guru. Come back to Memphis for our Hot Wing Festival... And of course, for BBQFest in Memphis in May

@VeryW - 01.10.2024 06:25

Kentucky baby!!!

@WolfPred - 02.10.2024 02:08

Murky Waters has the best wings in Mississippi

@teddanson37 - 10.10.2024 01:58

Messed up at Baumhower's getting the white sauce instead of one of their actual wing flavors. The honey bbq hot is the flavor to get, and their buffalo is really flavorful when it's not cranked up to 11. Also... white sauce is garbage. Always has been.

But for real, enjoying the journey, getting a lot of places to try while traveling. Can't wait to see who wins. Keep it up!

@Daggroth - 26.11.2024 18:40

Cricket's in Alabama definitely is the best there - - I lived in AL for 25 years and tried near every spot in the state.

@pippa3150 - 12.12.2024 15:03

Sam's faces when he ate the hot wings at Ching's and Baumhauer's. 🤣🤣🤣 Sam, you are a legend! 😍🤗

@hid34way - 20.12.2024 22:33

I've seen a lot of these videos... HOW MANY STATES ARE THERE

@bheasy1 - 01.01.2025 10:02

Louisville- best wings, spring st bar and grill. Mommas ok, get brisket from there...

@incubus_the_man - 13.01.2025 04:01

Next time you come to Tuscaloosa, you should go to Archibald's BBQ. It's amazing.

@DirtyBob154 - 11.02.2025 19:49

Are you going to compile this whole series into a large documentary? I feel like that might hit relative to your Taco Bell for 30 days

@DirtyBob154 - 11.02.2025 19:51

Video idea: I tried the hottest wings in the country

@DirtyBob154 - 11.02.2025 20:02

I know you’ve probably thought of this before being the experienced statistician that you are, but it’d be nice to hear how you mitigate the effect hunger has on these rankings. Do you generally try to control your hunger before visiting each place?

@pennygospel - 12.02.2025 11:30

brother z’s!!!!

@andrewdurbin1658 - 12.02.2025 19:44

You missed out on Bootleg BBQ in Kentucky

@haydensmith859 - 04.03.2025 00:55

Been hooked on your channel since your Australian Outback Steakhouse video 😅

@mugencoreni7130 - 15.03.2025 09:46

My dad is from Alabama

@Bigvaf - 17.03.2025 05:23

Gotta go to Chicken Licks in Sun Prairie wi

@dr.mikepavlakdpt3171 - 20.03.2025 05:15

Mike’s House - OH

@mr.badger3950 - 21.03.2025 21:05

I live in Alabama and my go to stop for wings is J-Wings in Bessemer. Its a very good place to eat

@JuanOrtiz-tx1cz - 26.03.2025 08:15

When you come to North Dakota, please go to Parrot's Cay Tavern & Grill in Grand Forks, ND.
