Go Away Martin! ADVENTURE TIME Season 6 Ep 27 & 28 First Time Reaction

Go Away Martin! ADVENTURE TIME Season 6 Ep 27 & 28 First Time Reaction


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@sororss406 - 01.03.2025 22:13

30 seconds ago. Dang I’m early

@lasseehrenreich5502 - 01.03.2025 22:15

What I find really interesting about Martin's character is that he isn't some sadistic monster who enjoys hurting other but a manipulating scemmer who doesnøt care either way. Those people are unfortunate a lot harder to find than the monsters. No specific spoilers Martin said one true thing who funny enough seems the most likely to be a lie. Great video.

@Ngrizz4899 - 01.03.2025 22:31

I really like your interpretations of the the lemongrab episode

@pokefire953 - 01.03.2025 22:32

The face in the thumbnail is the perfect reaction to Martin

@orbboom6119 - 01.03.2025 22:34

Yeah as the seasons go on there's more and more phylosophical and trippy episodes😅almost evangelion type episodes lol

@thebrokenpuppet2714 - 01.03.2025 22:39

I don’t why but I absolutely love that in this crazy wild world that this trippy mountain is just called the mountain of Matthew. Honestly, while I really like it, I still don’t know what to make of that episode.

@rirvilfogueira4887 - 01.03.2025 22:45

I don't know if you noticed but that blue butterfly is one of Finn's past lives, which is probably why he must have deduced that was the right place to go.

@Yegor_Shel - 01.03.2025 22:50

The Mountain episode is about ego. Matthew deprived of any ego because he is a mix of different ones. And Lemongrab is an ego in the flesh, so his sub-product can destroy Matthew. But besides this, this episode was mid.

@ChaosByWheels - 01.03.2025 22:56

This comment from reddit helped me understand this episode, here it is:
The Mountain' isn't about Lemongrab learning to look beyond himself; that was never actually the problem, even though it seemed that way. Lemongrab's actual problem was living with himself, and 'The Mountain' shows him being tempted to give up living with himself, but not giving into that temptation and learning to accept his own existence.

His Earldom is finally peaceful, there's no disorder to stress him out, but he's still not satisfied. He gazes at the mural above his bed, which depicts the legend of the Mountain of Matthew, and becomes upset while focusing on a crack in the head of the traveler, representing the darkness within himself he fears. That's when he resolves to leave, to go and test himself inside the mountain so that either way, the problem will have been dealt with.

To get to Matthew, he must choose the mirror that reflects best who he truly is. Rather than trying to attain his desires (PB playing catch) or prevent his fears (Lemonhope taking over his Earldom), he seeks to end the division in himself by stopping his two former halves from hurting Lemonsweets. By digging down beneath his surface hangups and neuroses, he is able to get at the heart of his identity, at which point Matthew attempts to seal the deal by making him disgusted with his own flesh using the term "Grease", reducing him to his spiritual essence.

Matthew is found to be a being comprised entirely of individuals who chose not to live with themselves anymore, dissolving their consciousnesses and becoming part of a larger whole. Lemongrab has considered this option, but upon confronting Matthew, views him only with contempt. "If you are the head that floats atop the ziggurat, then the stairs that lead to you must be infinite," he says, referring to the emptiness of Matthew's promise, and how the peace he offers is not truly attainable on his path.

Lemongrab won't stand for this, because infinite stairs are unacceptable, and he destroys Matthew by tossing Lemoncandy into his mouth. The lemoncandies are all that remains of Lemonjohn, who was Lemongrab's son, and represents an incredible capacity for selflessness that must be present in Lemongrab as well. Lemonjohn sacrificed himself for the good of the many, making him the polar opposite of Matthew, who adds to himself at the cost of the many. The lemoncandies are also sour, just as Lemongrab is, and the stark individuality of Lemongrab as represented by the sourness of the candy is too much for the forced harmony of Matthew to bear, and he breaks apart.

Upon returning home, Lemongrab plugs up that crack in the traveler's head with Lemoncandy and the phrase "Yo yo, it's grease", reflecting a satisfaction with his own being

@kaydengores7140 - 01.03.2025 22:59

I think the infinite stairs mean improving one self or understanding one self. So to take the deal with Mathew would mean he would never get self realization since he would lose his identity.

@mostlyharmless1957 - 01.03.2025 23:08

So I've written a whole paper for college on "The Mountain" so I'll go ahead and share my thoughts about that episode.

Basically the way I see it is that Matthew is a cult. Cults prey on people who are insecure and are lacking a place in life and Lemongrab is one of those people right now, and that's why he decides to go to Matthew. Lemongrab has struggled a lot with identity and acceptance, and after the Lemnohope 2 parter he is essentially 2 different beings stitched together, further amplifying those feelings.

The 3 doors are probably the most confusing part of the episode to interpret. I think like Matthew says only people who choose the right door get accepted into the cult, probably because the other 2 options are based too much on selfish desire? So for Lemongrab it was jealousy over Lemonhope and the desire for connection with PB, and for Finn it was his desire to be with FP and his Jealousy over other people having Finncakes. For Finn the correct option was the butterfly, which is another one of his past lives that we see in "The Vault". Matthew describes joining him as being returned to your original source materials. For Lemongrab his original source materials is the two halves that he used to be. I think where Matthew fails here is that the scene that is shown turns into a fight which activated lemongrabs possession over Lemonsweet, so he chooses the right door for the wrong reason, and its why he doesn't join Matthew in the end.

In the recursive dream part I believe it to be a way to beat down the ego of those who want to join Matthew. I think "grease" is a stand in for all the things lemograb doesn't like about himself, and Matthew needs those who want to join acknowledge that part of themselves so that he can then use it and promise a state of existence with out all that. Lemongrab gets out of the recursive loop by becoming his pure essence which is lemon juice/grease. Finns part here is less focused on and I can only assume that it has something to do with insecuirties about his father, since we see him without his arm and Martin is the reason he lost that in the first place. I think Finn gets through that part so quickly because he's already partly accepted not having his father in his life or something? We don't get as much with his sequence as we do with lemograbs so I'm not sure.

Finally we get to the final confrontation and I think here Lemongrab recognizes what Matthew is, and I think that is because he himself was Matthew in the past. In the S5 Lemongrab episodes Lemongrab gorges on other to become bigger and more powerful. He doesn't let people leave so that his kingdom has more manpower. Matthew does the same thing, he exploits peoples insecuirties to make them join into him so he can grow bigger and more powerful and unleash the "2nd age of Terror" (I assume the first was the Mushroom wars?) Lemongrab recognizes that the path that Matthew promises is impossible (the promise being the top of the ziggurat, the stairs being infinite showing that it's impossible to reach it) and then destroys him.

I think the reason the Lemonjons work to destroy him are either because they like you said are made of Lemonjon who sacrificed himself for others which is something Matthew would never do, or its because the Lemonjons are something that are inherently Individual. Matthew strips everyone's personalities and bodies away to being identical so throwing the Lemonjons in is like introducing a lemonshaped cog to a perfectly oiled machine, a sort of rejection of the cult mentality that Matthew has.

So yeah, not too complex right? Jokes aside I love that episode and always love talking about it, so I'm glad you seemed to enjoy it too.

@Spyko- - 01.03.2025 23:12

for a man who struggle that much with his own existence, Lemongrab sure have strong opinions on what is and isn't acceptable lol
I love the mountain of mathew episode, so much interesting stuff. I personnaly interpret it as some sort of self acceptance journey ?

@tomthekek - 01.03.2025 23:22

I love these two episodes a lot

@kingshadydemon - 01.03.2025 23:25

"Yo yo it’s greas" 😂

@christofferoff - 01.03.2025 23:26

Your analysis of the Mountain was great! It's one of my favourites.

@randomdode - 01.03.2025 23:28

Martin is an...interesting character to say the least he is a character that you are supposed hate because he is just not a good person but at the same time he always gives of the feeling that there is something more going on with him. at least that's the feeling he gave me when i was watching the show.

I have a lot more to say about Martin but almost all of it is spoilers so until we get there enjoy the show

@ninjaswithguns - 01.03.2025 23:47

I'm really liking the schedule
Remember, no spoilers

@Hamantha - 01.03.2025 23:51

Martin is who Non Pikmin fans claim Captain Olimar is

@brenda5073 - 02.03.2025 00:23

Lemongrab episodes are always so weird 😂 this episode is hard to interpret honestly

@piraptor5677 - 02.03.2025 01:38

I really want to talk about about Fin's dad's story but can't say much without giving spoilers, all I can say is there is indeed some elements of truth in it

@Jhereckk - 02.03.2025 02:02

The Mountain is 100% my favorite episode. I love the existentialism of Lemongrab, and it finally reaches its peak here. The whole time Lemongrabs been alive, he's been rejected by his creator, was given another of himself that he should accept but does not. Then his creator gifted them the power to create life, and they used it and their creator rejected their creation. After a creation of theirs was accepted by their creator and killed them both, himself and another of him, they are reborn combined. Are they the first Lemongrab? Are they the second Lemongrab? They are both and at the same time their own Lemongrab. Are they accepted? Do they fear the creation that destroyed them? The only thing he can be certain of is himself, which is the choice he chose at the mirrors. Then when given the option to give up himself for a greator purpose that relieves him of the turmoil of this existential confusion, Lemongrab recognizes two option: He could give up himself and help in a greator purpose that is pure and forseen to succeed, or he can accept the fact that not is perfect and everything has uncertainty. There's a lot of existential idealism that recognise that the atoms that make up humans could be rearranged into other forms that aren't human, and with that logic, what is it that separates us from all other beings outside of our own definition of what is what. Lemongrab tells Matthew "These Lemonjohns are me, and I wonder if they can destroy you" because he acknowledges that himself as a creation and his creations are equal, and regardless of if you are a creator of life or a creation, you are still life. This is why it destroys Matthew, because Matthew is the rejection of that idea. The people who appear out of Matthew are those who chose to give up their physical forms for belief in a greater purpose or power, similar to a cult or religion. He does this because he recognizes that that ideal of a perfect forseen future is impossible to achieve, and thus should not be followed. That's why he tells to Matthew before destroying him "If you are the head that sits atop the Zigguraut, then the stairs that lead to you are infinite. Infinite stairs are UNACCEPTABLE"

@shiny_x2177 - 02.03.2025 04:52

The butterfly during “The Mountain” references the fact Finn was a butterfly during his past life and his spirit animal from the episode “Still”

@maxdon2001 - 02.03.2025 11:28

Great reaction!

@EmiyaHikari - 02.03.2025 22:48

spoilers for mike:

the fact that martin grabs his head and stammers everytime finn asks him about his past is a great piece of foreshadowing

@nathanblackburn1193 - 04.03.2025 01:11

Imo but Martin's kinda thicc~ Like he's a crummy dad but like would
Also "The Mountain" is a trippy episode but one of the themes is of the pursuit of personal perfection and whether it attainable, Lemongrab is troubled by his personal imperfections and seeks Matthew who claims to be a perfect being in order to test the idea of perfection, Matthew exists in contrast to Lemonjon from "All Your Fault", while Lemonjon made the ultimate selfless act of dissolving into lemon candy to save both the lemon people and the candy people, in Lemonjon's words "become component to all" Matthew is the opposite a single being composed of many who became his components to avoid living with their imperfections, Lemongrab questions the notion that Matthew is "perfect" with the line "If you are the being that floats atop the ziggurat then the stairs to reach you must be infinite, infinite stairs are unacceptable!" AKA "You can't be "perfect" because perfection is impossible" and throws lemonjon candies into Matthew's mouth which destroys him and proves that Matthew is not perfect.

@cruz5531 - 04.03.2025 03:49

Yo yo it's grease

@Enderstorm20 - 04.03.2025 13:46

The mountains of Matthew seems to be a thing for "broken" people. Finn has gone through a lot of stuff recently like his break-up with FP and meeting his deadbeat dad and Lemongrab is, well, Lemongrab. Meanwhile, Jake wasn't allowed in because he was already pretty satisfied with his life. He has a lady and kids and he lives in a treehouse with his best friend and goes on awesome adventures with him.
