How To Keep the Clubhead Behind Your Hands (it blew my mind)

How To Keep the Clubhead Behind Your Hands (it blew my mind)


5 месяцев назад

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@AlexElliottGolf - 30.09.2024 22:02

New way of thinking about releasing the golf club! This is the BEST & easiest way to understand how to hit your irons longer

@Jayman83 - 03.03.2025 12:00

Hi Alex great video, just one question. When does the lead wrist then go into EXTENSION? I feel like my wrist starts going into flexion almost immediately after impact! is this incorrect? Otherwise I feel like I'm holding the club off.

@Aloha96789 - 01.11.2024 01:25

Alex, your wave hi tip from another video was the game changer for me. It stopped me from going OTT and I’m hitting crisp shots now. Mahalo!

@allgoodthings7477 - 03.10.2024 22:17

Commented too soon you did play Ramblas beauty course

@allgoodthings7477 - 03.10.2024 22:15

That’s my course La finca !!!! If you can play Las Ramblas , Colinas and Vista Bella

@TropicanaEntertainment - 01.10.2024 20:49

the hands always win the race. I think about that often

@WolfgangFrontzek - 01.10.2024 20:30

Good old saying: there is always a race between clubface and hands which the clubface never wins

@joseph40ninjas88 - 01.10.2024 18:28

Bro, you remind me of Simon Wilson! Thanks for your tips.

@keithriley9643 - 01.10.2024 14:12

This was just what I needed. I have been hitting my shots a long way left. I took these tips to the range and was hitting longer, straighter shots immediately. Thank you!

@syedmansooralizaidi2317 - 01.10.2024 09:19

your voice over is so weak that its inaudible, if you can improve it it will help the viewers , Mansoor

@jorisvanimhoff9722 - 01.10.2024 07:57

got some bling on ur wrist there bretheren... no wonder you are hitting down on the ball....

@petermontgomery5621 - 01.10.2024 05:27

Big fan here, your videos have really improved my game
but... your slow mo shows that due to the shaft flex the club head is beating your hands or at best dead even.
so are stiffer shafts needed for irons?
or less deceleration on the way down? Slower at the top and accelerate through the ball to prevent the shaft flex effect

I am 60 years old with slow club head speed and use senior flex on all clubs, but I do the later due to the whippy clubs I prefer
at the top I only think about the wrist angles being correct and elbow tucked in and do not even think about speed until hand are at the right thigh
( 10 handicap, so not qualified to teach, just my 2 cents)

@Propsbyben - 01.10.2024 03:54

I realized, people watch your videos in order to stop watching your videos LOL. Super helpful, Just broke 80 for the first time last week, and yesterday shot a 75! Thanks for all the tips Alex!!

@johnmiett6032 - 01.10.2024 03:26

What is happening in this video? I know I didn't take any mushrooms. It was animated, then a green screen, then I saw your shadow and footprints, and how did you get access to Augusta National? 😂

@Tenncup76 - 01.10.2024 02:39

I’m 48 and cannot and will not ever be able to compress the ball like this. I have moved the ball back in my stance like 6-7 one ball behind center and hit 7/150 6/160 and so forth. Only thing I can do. Been trying for 20 years

@icg9370 - 01.10.2024 01:40

What is missing is how do you initiate the swing to accomplish what you are describing? Should you start with a forward press? Please let us know.

@sheilasmith5323 - 01.10.2024 01:34

Wow!!! I love the way you broke this down👍 Will definitely work on this, thanks so much🥰

@allisongonemac - 01.10.2024 00:50

I usually don’t leave comments on these training videos but I was super struggling with hitting thin shots and was never feeling solid contact even though I hit straight. I started using flextion in my lead wrist and wow instantly fixed me I’m hitting it further now with half the swing length it’s amazing. Ty so much ❤

@susanaduarteraposo - 01.10.2024 00:05

Hey thank you so much!! This explanation is world class ❤ love it and will put it to practice as soon as I can!! Great!!

@kenlynch6332 - 01.10.2024 00:00


@jerrysmiley1084 - 30.09.2024 23:57

I am 78 and have been watching your videos for awhile now and they have helped my game tremendously. I am starting now to break 90 often with my handicap going down slowly. Thank you for the videos as i am now playing better golf than I did in my younger days..

@richardcole4776 - 30.09.2024 23:55

This was excellent quality instruction, Alex. It reminds me more of what you were doing years ago when I first subscribed to your channel.

@JulianCross-wk2cq - 30.09.2024 23:28

Love this brilliant 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

@Chris54321 - 30.09.2024 23:06

I appreciate the different feel options. Handle dragging may be a feel that works for tons of people but it hasn't clicked with me.

@boreilly82 - 30.09.2024 23:04

Golf is hard.

@murphyebass7837 - 30.09.2024 23:00

Hand having a race with the club head is the best fuckin explanation I’ve heard. Makes sense finally. 👏👏👏

@drtbke - 30.09.2024 22:57

This is another banger. This is going to help me a ton. I’m a 5 handicapper with an early extension. This is gold.

@berylwright3301 - 30.09.2024 22:34

exciting great video

@JoshuaClark19 - 30.09.2024 22:18

Get your butt to the US so I can break par!

@karlforssman9709 - 30.09.2024 22:09

Brilliant explanation 👍🏻
