How to Choose a Coding Bootcamp (2024)

How to Choose a Coding Bootcamp (2024)

Colby Jax

55 лет назад

28,326 Просмотров

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🚀 Looking to kickstart your coding journey with a coding bootcamp? You've come to the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the essential factors to consider before choosing the perfect coding bootcamp for you.

📚 One crucial tip we'll cover is the importance of preparing in advance. Discover why a solid foundation of knowledge before joining a bootcamp can make a world of difference in your learning experience.

👩‍🏫 Additionally, we'll delve into the significance of having dedicated and invested instructors. Learn how having mentors who are genuinely committed to your success can accelerate your coding skills and boost your confidence.

🧐 Being selective is key, and we'll show you how to evaluate and choose the bootcamp that aligns with your goals, learning style, and budget. Make the right choice and set yourself up for a successful coding journey!

👉 Don't miss out on this valuable advice – hit that "Subscribe" button and stay tuned for more informative content on coding bootcamps. Your coding career awaits, and we're here to guide you every step of the way!

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@RealestRealEstateAgent - 25.01.2025 09:36

has anyone heard of Triple10? is it any good?

@leagueofotters2774 - 08.12.2024 17:29

Get a CS or CE degree instead.

@zach.intech - 13.11.2024 20:54

Nucamp is cheap but indont know if they are good enough.

@JunJiaChen - 17.10.2024 18:14

subs earned+1 Ty for the vid

@jamesbonding3988 - 21.09.2024 06:58

tech is dead .. no more hiring lot of US Computer Science Graduates without a job, lot of indian H1B's are jobless too.

@fearlesslyme2727 - 09.09.2024 05:00

What do you think about USF Software Engineering 10 week bootcamp

@NACHIWEST - 03.09.2024 05:38

what are the best IN PERSON bootcamps in LA?

@charlita25 - 14.08.2024 03:43

These are all excellent 👌🏽 tips

@charlita25 - 14.08.2024 00:33

I just selected University of Texas at Austin Cloud ☁️ 😶‍🌫️ Bootcamp 👩🏽‍💻

@abdullahalmanasseer4360 - 06.08.2024 03:07

i just finished tech elevator part time coding bootcamp, it was pretty good i really recommend it

@div8698 - 19.06.2024 04:00

Anyone can share their experience with general assembly SEI bootcamp program or any program at all?

@jefferymuter4659 - 01.06.2024 22:22

I failed at self taught for 4 years.
Took a bootcamp and walked out with a job in the worst market I've heard of. I definitely worked stupid hard the year leading up to the bootcamp. Once I got there, I was programming, learning, or networking for 12-16 hours a day. It was insanity. People thought i was a genius because I knew basic js/html/css/react pretty well.

You should hardcore investigate the legitimacy of any bootcamp. That much money, and maybe 50% of my class has a job? Shit sucks. You better be ready to grind for a year after graduation.

@julioo534 - 14.05.2024 08:31

Don't. Go get your degree, you will thank me later..

@liamwalton6991 - 08.05.2024 02:18

Currently in sales and reeeallllyyy considering a career change into software development. Currently in the phase where this video is exactly what I needed. Study for 100 hours before deciding and choose a part time but study full time is such great advice and I genuinely appreciate it!

@Leblueskee - 08.05.2024 00:35

this is solid advice for going into any sort of job schooling. i would love to hear your suggestion on a bootcamp in florida or for someone in florida

@DnMori-v6b - 07.05.2024 07:28

Guys, I need some advice here. What do you think: two years of college or a BootCamp? Which option do employers prefer more? Or is it all about how I perform in the interview, and they don't really care about where I gained my knowledge or if I have a diploma? Thanks.

@darrallshamarwilliams7560 - 01.05.2024 01:32

How do you feel about Triple Ten?

@therealcrazyrobot - 24.04.2024 08:09

What u think about 4geeks? They said that if u don’t land in a job, you have to pay it the tuition

@mariposa_media - 01.04.2024 20:41

I went with TripleTen 10 mo bootcamp and I'm really happy with it!

@Childofyahuwah12 - 19.03.2024 05:43

Can you point me in the right direction because I’m trying to learn how to become a game developer I’m a gamer and tired of spending all this money on developers and a lot of game developers scamming people and I can learn this myself and teach other people who I know and help them so can you please lead me in the right direction

@erikaz6934 - 12.03.2024 07:37

I am still undecisive after doing research :( , could you please advise CodeSmith vs. Fullstack Academy vs App Academy, which one is the most reliable in 2024? Thank you in advance!

@iwannagosurfing139 - 28.02.2024 03:03

Quick question, I'm highly intrigued and interested in joining a coding boot camp, but what I'm more specifically intrigued in is mobile app development, specifically phone applications off of iOS or Android. Would encoding boot camp be good to learn this direct specific thing? Any thoughts? Comments questions? Advice. Please help. Thank you

@FahimUniverse - 25.02.2024 08:21

You've put so much gold out there, thank you so much!

@W1thRaisins - 25.02.2024 07:39

Liked and Subbed.

@shabadooshabadoo4918 - 23.02.2024 00:42

Man, I have a full time job just doing office work. My whole life I've spent on computers and I always thought I would end up doing something computer related. But I went from highschool to college and took a programming course and it just burned me out pretty fast. The amount of work they shovel onto your plate that isn't even programming related is crazy. I was preparing english lectures and business presentations, and all sorts of shit, and then on top of that they want you to learn some pretty advanced programming stuff towards the end of 2nd year and even more advanced 3rd year. Anyways, so i burned out and took a 2 year software support diploma instead of pursuing the 3 year programming diploma.

Part of me regrets it. But at the time i wasn't looking to be a programmer i wanted to be in web design. But that landscape has changed so much now that IDK that I even want to be a part of it. There are so many website builders and frameworks out there.

Then i recently heard that someone I know who had no interest in computers took a 2yr bootcamp and is working as a software engineer. This really shocked me, and got me thinking about a programming bootcamp. But part of me thinks that if I wanted to program I would have taught myself it by now. Like I know the basics and I can make python scripts and batch files and a bit of php and a trickle of a hundred other things. if it was my passion i probably would have taken it further.

idk, im really on the fence.

@hassanjinja - 19.02.2024 00:33


@tyturner5870 - 17.02.2024 19:13

You don’t reply to your ppl, kinda weird

@jasonliu5421 - 28.01.2024 09:11

tbh, which boot camp do you recommend?

@Sendmelvyn - 25.01.2024 22:20

Anyone has an example of a few good ones?

@coldorange5 - 24.01.2024 00:49

Basically I didn't choose a bootcamp because its limited to web dev and is also way more expensive than just taking some college courses.

@Fourtune1 - 16.01.2024 00:54

What about for other career fields? Like Data Analytics? Brinkman Labs has one for 10 weeks.

@JessTheMessTheCoder - 06.01.2024 21:19

Thank you for this, you just earned a new subscriber!

@StorytellerDan - 04.01.2024 17:08

I have literally just committed to a Data Science & Machine Learning with 4 Geeks Academy - Part-time, I saw exactly the same way. I´ve been assigned a pre-work to complete within 20 days. I know F**K ALL about coding! I have done buckets of research on bootcamps - Ironhack I was looking at but as soon as their communication couldn´t even be bothered to get back to me in a timely fashion, I bowed out. I´m 39 - I´m a good bulls**t detector by now but don´t know if I´m good enough when it comes to switching careers.
Glad I found your channel amidst the searching thanks.

P.S - At least 1 of your friends by now should have told you, you look like Edward Norton!

@LanceLovesEverybody - 02.01.2024 09:43

Excellent callouts Colby. I am currently in flux about which coding bootcamp to undertake but the reading of alumni reviews, taking a good look at the metrics have instilled confidence in me to find the right bootcamp. Now I best go and complete the 60 remaining hours in my self-study. Happy New Year!

@pedropichardo8280 - 30.12.2023 02:09

why nobody is talking about SynergesticIT ?

@favio1415 - 24.12.2023 05:48

Which coding camp/s check all boxes @Colby Jax?

@AhmedRaza-lv3id - 23.12.2023 21:53

What about boot.devs course pls reply?

@levelup2014 - 15.12.2023 23:31

I’m going to be honest guys a good bootcamp is going to cost you around $18-25k take that money enroll in college, take 18 credits a semester and graduate in 3 years or less, the thing with college is that you get INTERNSHIPS, you can pay of 50-80% of your debt with one summer internship

@stefanintech - 07.11.2023 08:59

The most underrated training program is 100Devs.

@junveld4830 - 04.11.2023 12:00

You are really look like Fighter Club

@JarrodSchilling - 27.10.2023 19:23

Great summary Colby. Key point in my experience as mentioned in this video, "and for god sake, please STUDY FIRST". I can honestly say I've gotten so much more out of my bootcamp by having done CS50 and other self study ahead of time. Also, I had been working on a full-stack Python app (thanks to CS50 guidance) before the bootcamp and being able to use that as a practice vehicle is helping to cement a lot of the bootcamp materials I am learning. Lastly, I think there is a common misconception around "career services". I can only speak for my experience, but these people are no different than a career counselor in college or guidance counselor in high school. They aren't there to "get you a job", they are there to help GUIDE and ASSIST in the job search process. Just like a guidance counselor doesn't get you into college, they help you through the process. Thanks for the video!

@neoprint3d - 27.10.2023 03:48

Or just don't do a bootcamp and learn for free

@brandonndo - 26.10.2023 23:22

codesmith is top tier

@HiFiJi - 26.10.2023 22:06

I'm on the fence of doing GA part-time for 6 months at $16,500 OR a/A part-time for 12 months at $36,000. Any advice from anyone?
