All AskOB's with Tatiana Maslany

All AskOB's with Tatiana Maslany


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@alexarms1286 - 02.02.2017 12:46

I think of Tat as another clone, she has so many qualities from her sestras but I never think of her as all of them, I think it depends on the hair style and the lighting that changes which one I associate her with

@annawerner9772 - 25.02.2017 15:42

"I would like to be Helena. Not because I can kill people"
lmao 😂

@timawebdz76 - 27.02.2017 04:41

of course delphine is the better kisser

@saraaibar5630 - 24.04.2017 13:04

tat is closest to Sarah I guess

@cassymutch7004 - 22.06.2017 08:20

how many people here are in clone club 🙌🙌

@mvanj - 27.07.2017 23:14

I so love her smile and laugh! And she's stunning, too!

@reynbaby2 - 08.08.2017 11:03

I would fan girl so hard over you Tatiana Maslany!

@KatherinaKatz - 14.08.2017 10:50

I haven't seen season 5 yet and I thought that here's a spoiler about Helena' death and I'm like NOOOOO IT CANT BE TRUE and got upset and stuff but then.. i checked the video date and it's 2016, thank God. And screw you, Katjathegerman for almost giving me a heart attack.

@GeireenG - 21.09.2017 14:45

... or Cosima as Felix :D

@hashslingingslasher3855 - 07.10.2017 18:29

Tatiana is such a beaut😍😍😍

@lauratrezise1202 - 17.12.2017 16:01

Bloody hell I didn't know Helena dies! Or is this video before season 3 and onwards?

@shortmocha2005 - 27.12.2017 00:42

Alison’s first ‘known/real’ curse word was “damn”... uttered in the finale episode of Season 5.

@ricardosanchez1276 - 26.01.2018 00:17

I'd like to hang up with Alisson she is so funny and of course Elena

@ricardosanchez1276 - 26.01.2018 00:19

She looks like Amy Winehouse or is just me?

@mariaramalho1867 - 10.02.2018 14:56

That editing of the coments and shit fucked me up as someone who isn't a native English speaker it was so confusing I had to pause all the time to stop and read

@jacquelinereis2486 - 19.05.2018 06:15

tatiana is a straight version of cosima

@mcjones853 - 18.07.2018 10:10

I had to watch to get a feel of who she is in real life discovering Orphan Black in 2018. With the conclusion that this girl is a natural. She is going places. I hope she has a great team around her and wish her nothing but success , wealth , health , happiness. She seems awesome. Best actress I’ve witnessed in a long time to nail and master all her roles. This cannot be done by just anyone.

@kevincorcoran5157 - 29.07.2018 02:14

When I see her interviews I feel like it’s Sarah and Cosima Alison and Helena are other people. That’s how good she is.

@anne-louisepreuss6946 - 24.08.2018 15:56

Haha... Alison as Helena... That would have been so weird if that happened xD I'd loved to see that XDDDD

@chloemcpartland4272 - 24.09.2018 13:54

Tatiana is by far the best actress, she deserves an award! Love her so much, Orpahan Black is amazing!

@cophine-clexa4545 - 29.10.2018 19:34

Of course delphine is the better kisser ....!!!

@aminojeezus - 09.01.2019 04:51

I think Cosima's the hot one, mainly because she smiles so much, just like Tatiana herself.

@douaem7496 - 28.01.2019 19:04

Cosima is tatiana in real life and she’s like being herself in that character except the sience that’s WHY

@DaviOliveira-vm2jc - 10.03.2019 05:31

Love tatiana Maslany

@shortz354 - 14.05.2019 05:29

Omg herr her smilleeeeee

@JoanaAngelicadosSantosAssis - 28.08.2019 05:56

I am watching the wonderful series I am really enjoying the Clones of Beth and the others. The very beautiful and talented actress kisses hits for all of ORPHAN BLACK

@JoanaAngelicadosSantosAssis - 28.08.2019 06:03

Tatiana you are a cheerful and very professional actress, I hope you continue with the series I'm already on 14 that comes more and very good series never watch a series with such affection .Beautiful, I love you Tatiana. kisses

@mr.moosetache3615 - 05.10.2019 11:38

awww tats is most like allison

@Nicoleglitter_397 - 26.01.2020 07:18

I am looking at her and thinking Alison.

@thisismebecca - 09.02.2020 15:40

Every time I watch an interview with Tatiana I see Cosima. Not just the voice, but the half-crooked smile, the hand gestures...Cosima seems the most like Tatiana to me.

@izzatiaisyah1116 - 20.04.2020 21:01

I can see cosima 😂💯

@izzatiaisyah1116 - 20.04.2020 21:02

I can see cosima 😂💯

@angelsonmartirez5383 - 17.05.2020 15:18

2020 and I'm still watching this 😊

@rubyelizabethemilybennett2294 - 29.05.2020 18:52

Cosima and Rachel hot ones. Cophine always.

@naziah3543 - 19.06.2020 11:45

My all time favourite characters from this show has to be:




@captainyethie216 - 08.08.2020 21:41

I think she is more like Cosima only hair change. 😆

@su-rv2uq - 10.09.2020 01:17

I still freaking forget that she is all the clones..when she was talking about Cosima, I am thinking why don't you ask her! Of course, later on, when Alison was running for the school board, Cosima played her at the speeches, but it would only be possible briefly, because of the dreads and the glasses. Helena playing Sarah playing Beth, all utterly believable, was a total coup. Beth was so messed up it wasn't funny.

@diegogimenez3812 - 20.11.2020 19:13

tatiana i lov u , u are a great actress, the best

@samb1123 - 10.12.2020 08:49

One thing depresses me about Tatiana. She will be a US citizen in 5 years. They just about all do it. Bill Shatner is one of the very few that has not done it.

@fabianschweitzer - 16.12.2020 14:02

In every single Interview Tatiana takes the time to talk on the incredible job her clone double is doing behind the cameras and putting her a little bit more in the spotlight. I think that’s very cute and selfless, because she is not very good in taking a compliment. Maybe it’s true that she couldn’t give the performance that she gives without her double, but in the end it’s still her we see on screen and it’s still her who plays these clone scenes multiple times from multiple angles and even improvises with herself. She’s an awesome actress and I can’t wait to see what she gives in the new She-Hulk series

@amelooloo - 27.06.2021 18:18

cosima as alison: “as a lesbian….. supporter”

@romabello9055 - 05.07.2021 02:35

I like it when she's laughing as Helena 😁😁😁

@yamil.343 - 03.08.2021 13:35

It’s 2021 I just finished watching the series. She soo deserves the Emmy & I think we’re going to see great things from her. She’s totally amazing. Also Helena is my favorite clone. She could also play Shakira in a movie. And that dazzling smile.

@frannyfaye2683 - 27.09.2021 00:21

So MUCH talent and what a genuine soul! Thank you TM
For my most favorite series ever!

@sueladd2382 - 04.03.2023 07:35

Tatiana Maslany / Jennifer Sue Walters She Hulk

@jlr686 - 11.03.2023 19:02

Man, I love her smile so much, it's so beautiful AND her laugh

@ShesThe1yup - 06.09.2023 11:38

They'll nvr be another Maslany ,I always like Krysten Ritter in her own right but Maslany is a force of her own xo who can do better than Maslany

@robertocandelas1551 - 23.06.2024 20:01

Adorable Tatiana❤❤❤
