How these Cities are Destroyed by Criminals

How these Cities are Destroyed by Criminals


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@Supershamwow02 - 03.01.2025 06:02

Oregon did decriminalize the majority of illegal drugs. And now they are recriminalizing them because as it turns out when you make drugs legal, all the people are gonna want to do is be on drugs. Portland is literally a city full of stoned out zombies tweaking everywhere. Decriminalizing drugs does stop the illegal sales and purchasing of drugs, but at the same time it severely increases the amount of drug related crime such as DUI and assaults and theft, etc. We live in a pretty depressing time right now and people will have no issue taking a substance to help them forget the stresses in their lives. I'd rather have a society of smokers and drunks then one of coke heads and heroin addicts.

@xiangquny - 26.12.2024 12:04

I was studying in Rotterdam back in 2004, and it was safe there. Very sad ......

@Pyrrhic537 - 23.12.2024 17:08

This is why I stick to Luxembourg.

@Flamehazard - 23.12.2024 03:59

Why not make crime legal? There, no more crime!

@fcogt - 22.12.2024 15:03

and all this shit is fueled by people that just want to party harder ...

@Pocol0c0s - 21.12.2024 18:48

Hey. I live im antwerpen and as a morrocan i don't agree with what my people are doing. i work in the docks as a maintenace engineer and i got stopped 8 times by people who wanted me to work as a mule and i said no.

the thing is everywhere are dealers by tunesian people and afghan this is a real problem and going outside is always a scare for me.

i hope in the future that it quiet downs soon

@ViscountOfKethely - 20.12.2024 21:04

Yes, alcohol and smoking should also be banned.

@kellivanderwielen - 20.12.2024 20:38

What about Sweden?

@tomghzel - 20.12.2024 19:15

Paul David's second channel?

@Owlr4ider - 19.12.2024 05:32

Legalizing drugs is a very complex subject. When done haphazardly like in the case of Oregon it will never work(and indeed didn't). It actually requires a lot of thought and care to be implemented in a way that has even a chance of succeeding. Then there are the obvious risks, as drug use is far from a healthy habit. The fact that alcohol for example is legal doesn't mean that drugs should be too. DUIs for example are a massive problem in every western country and alcohol as a whole(be it DUI, alcohol poisoning or any other alcohol related reason) is responsible for countless annual deaths. Not to mention all the other non fatal issues, from a variety of health related issues(physical and mental alike) to reduced productivity, etc.

Regardless, drug legalization, in any variety, can't be the first step as doing so will only kick the can down the road. It begins with law enforcement and the criminal justice system that needs a complete overhaul. Then there's the cultural aspect, of realizing that 'innocent until proven guilty' and what it entails to 'prove' something are too rigid to properly function in the modern era and should therefore be rethought into a more flexible version that will allow law enforcement and the criminal justice system to properly do its job. Is it really different to make a statement like 'we should be able to convict criminals without evidence' in order to prevent witness intimidation and assassination than it is to say 'we should legalize drugs to prevent organized crime'? Think about it for a moment.

@moonzee9478 - 18.12.2024 22:44

This leads to legalization of cacaine which is great result

@freedomfighter5360 - 18.12.2024 19:25

The government are letting criminals get away with this for a reason....I predicted that they will use this as an excuse to tighten the law and give police more power. That's all. We will be moving to a police run state. We are heading towards communism.

@northkoreannarco - 18.12.2024 17:50

thanks jews

@Valfary - 18.12.2024 15:33

EU: faces worsening drugs-related issues
Also EU: starts counting drug traffic in the GDP

@lenjon7478 - 18.12.2024 11:49

Volgens mij waren de grootse en machtigste criminelen in Nederland toch bijna allemaal autochtone Nederlanders die o.a. Marokkanen gebruiken om onder hen te werken en de klappen op te vangen

@ironfromicey8700 - 18.12.2024 06:29

Immigrants not criminals

@leeskull9228 - 18.12.2024 04:56

Cant say why vit its already happening the kilo price has dropped dramaticly in the netherlands

@Maximilian1312 - 18.12.2024 04:38

Legalize drugs to stop illegal drug trafficking

@djangounchained9387 - 18.12.2024 00:55

So I cant say anything on this channel

@djangounchained9387 - 18.12.2024 00:54


@DreamyOnYt - 17.12.2024 21:47

As the prime minister Geert Wilders said "Do we want more or less moroccans?" Since most of the "terrorist" are from Morocco

@mollyduck6370 - 17.12.2024 15:23

I don’t think making cocaine legal would do much to improve the situation. Organised crime would still exist and consumption would get much higher. By that logic we should just make all drugs legal? Investing in education, rehabilitation and prevention seem like more sustainable solutions in the long term.

@ProCredit-t7t - 17.12.2024 14:52

We love drugs in the Netherlands

@PIERS212 - 17.12.2024 13:08

Everytime I hear an explosion in Amsterdam… I now know for certain what it is

@SuperiorPursuit - 17.12.2024 12:56

At least we arent Nazis🫠

@NeraBuffy - 17.12.2024 12:11

There's barely any Europeans in this issue, the problem is not even the drugs at this point.

@pianolandamsterdam - 17.12.2024 11:23

People forget that the same lawyers that try to punish the criminals are also the customers 😅😂. And all the banks directors etc.

@kyberite - 17.12.2024 11:10

If it wasn't illegal we wouldn't have those problems, because people love their party drugs and no matter the provenance, they will still buy them.

@raghuthunder - 17.12.2024 06:01

Its really scary watching this video. In my point of view, legalising drugs will bring more destruction of society

@serious1756 - 16.12.2024 23:03

Just make sure to vote correctly next time.

@jeroenb5553 - 16.12.2024 20:28

The governments are the problem

@ingles24horasbr - 16.12.2024 20:07

Netherland is a corrupt shit hole! No future because no jobs with good salary and future to buy a house that's why 95% of the population can't buy! Renting is not possible because the waiting list is 25 years because the government let's mil lions of refugees (actually fortune seekers) in the country and they get everything for free! Houses, cars, healthcare, money and so on.... 75% lives on benefits for 10 years or entire life!! Even the foreigners who live and work in the Netherlands say that the Netherlands is finished! Luckily I left in time!!!

@2psah2 - 16.12.2024 19:11

No we have a foreigner problem.

@magg93 - 16.12.2024 17:45

Let's be real, consumers won't stop consuming.. The only effective and logical solution to this problem is for the governments to start legalizing cocaine. This will be massively beneficial for the following reasons:

- Defunding organized crime by removing their main source of income
- Receiving tax income through state regulation, benefiting society as a whole
- Reducing burden on the criminal justice system (for criminalizing users + dealers)
- Ensuring 100% purity of cocaine through state regulation, eliminating risk of end users consuming toxic impurities such as fentanyl, levamisole or other cutting agents.

Prohibition doesn’t eliminate demand; it simply pushes it underground, making it more dangerous. Legalization would allow governments to monitor and study use patterns, enabling evidence-based public health interventions. Prohibition, on the other hand, obscures accurate data and drives the problems into the shadows. We need to start thinking critically about this issue, and not hang on to old beliefs where the argument is "cocaine is highly addictive and should therefore be illegal". What about sugar, gambling, tobacco and alcohol? All legal but heavily regulated by the state. This is a completely possible solution for cocaine as well, and it would far out-weight the current risks and burdens of having it considered an illegal substance!

@FredMat-hg5nl - 16.12.2024 17:32

Not by criminals but by lefties government and women in gov

@DiscoDrew - 16.12.2024 17:20

Don’t you feel enriched 🤗🥰

@scolex8001 - 16.12.2024 16:53

In Antwerp we call Borgerhout - Borerocco because all the people that live there are from Maroccan decent

@scolex8001 - 16.12.2024 16:44

I live in Antwerp city in a nice neighbourhood and born in Belgium.
There is almost 0 violence against you if you stay out of sketchy shit and places.
Only time I get in touch with those people is when I need some party favours.

@darkalpha50 - 16.12.2024 15:45

European politicians : keep importing third world criminals

Europeans : "why are you doing this???"

Mob bosses lobbying the politicians: "Oh yeah nah its for diversity mate"

@robito25 - 16.12.2024 15:37

Colombia and México narcostates? Your statements are false and not facts.

@demille8286 - 16.12.2024 15:06

in belguim its bad inport of women coke fenty i life over here and you cant go outside

@kareljanssens5606 - 16.12.2024 15:00

I go often to antwerp
Nice city never had a problem

@hazee146 - 16.12.2024 14:50

I'm going to say something that's unpopular in EU. You are incapable and imotent against ANY threat. No matter if it is russia or organized crime. So stick those LGBTQ+- flags away, get your heads out of your aases and make your police, intelligence and army work again or you're going to be next Guinea Bissau but on scale.

@laszlovarga_ - 16.12.2024 14:48

It's not only the "criminals" what you mean like all these drug people.
IT'S ARABS AND BLACKS, actively ruining europe and taking it away from us europeans

@sativothegrail461 - 16.12.2024 14:35

Never forget that the consumers are politicians, artists, traders, philosophers, hookers etc that's the self claimed "elite" of Europe.

The people in charge are addicts, why would they do anything about it?

They love this lifestyle consisting of hard work during the day, and coca + hookers at night.

@danonthestrings - 16.12.2024 14:30

Usual suspect behaviour
