I'm confused. You object to genetically engineering something to let it be unharmed by something that could otherwise harm it. That by itself would seem to be a good thing. You make it a bad thing by supposing that the thing that would harm it (a herbicide) would also harm us. You gave the name of such a herbicide, glyphosate. The only people who claim that glyphosate is seriously harmful are the people who are already against any and all genetically modified foods. But maybe that's just my opinion. Let's see if I can do better.
Another herbicide, completely different from glyphosate, is atrazine. Atrazine used to be the most used herbicide in the world. But nobody needed to genetically modify some important crops to make them immune to atrazine. Corn, for example, was already immune to atrazine and farmers sprayed corn with atrazine exactly how they now spray corn with glyphosate. But atrazine is way more toxic to people and animals than glyphosate is. Not only that, but glyphosate is sticky so it doesn't flow through soil directly into water bodies. Atrazine flows easily through soil. Several countries have completely banned atrazine because there is no way to keep it from getting into rivers and streams, and into well water.
Do you think I'm making up the "glyphosate is sticky" part? Go look at the anti-GMO literature about glyphosate. One of the things you will read is that glyphosate is a chelator. So what's a chelator? It's an organic chemical that binds itself to minerals. In other words it sticks to grains of soil.
Hybridization is not genetic modification