© 2020 Institute for the Future. CC-BY ND NC SA 4.0 INT'L
ASK A FUTURIST is a public Q&A series sponsored by IFTF Vantage as a forum for you to ask questions and hear answers from IFTF futurists drawing on insights from years of research and experience.
ABOUT IFTF VANTAGE: Institute for the Future is the world’s leading futures organization. Its signature program, IFTF Vantage, is a unique partnership of innovative global leaders that harnesses over 50 years of IFTF global forecasts and pioneering research to navigate volatility, identify emerging imperatives and opportunities, and develop world-ready strategies. IFTF Vantage partners represent businesses, governments, and social impact organizations from around the world that require the most comprehensive view of future forces directly affecting their organizations. To learn more about how IFTF Vantage generates organizational readiness for a world in flux, visit
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