I’m just curious bout that deleted text message app 🤔
ОтветитьI think there's more to this story. Not defending Camilla nor am I victim blaming but it's strange to me that Renee opened up about Camila yet the parents felt the need to walk on eggshells in fear of losing her regarding her boyfriend.
ОтветитьWhy would such a beautiful girl fall in love with a guy in prison she never met? There are plenty of real single guys not in jail you can meet in real life.
ОтветитьHer little brother should not feel ashamed to cry. He has every rights too.
ОтветитьMom accepting everything. Lol. There the trouble started. Everything downhill from there.
ОтветитьThis monster has children! I fear for their future with someone so evil and manipulative. Also, will the parents of their friends want their children near her.
ОтветитьCamila was living the fantasy that Renae was with her. So what she said in court, it was all in her mind.
ОтветитьMom is thick as a rock
ОтветитьThey'd be able to go after her in civil court in the states, why isn't that an option there?🤔
ОтветитьBut the be serious… unalive bcuz of a chat? C’mon
ОтветитьWell put together documentary! Crazy story
ОтветитьMy daughter’s boyfriend sends me a text telling me that my daughter is going to unalive herself. I go speak with her. She says everything’s ok which is a natural response for most people. I go back upstairs and she’s getting dressed saying that she’s going out to eat with friends that’s when mommy mode kicks in. I’m going to be bombarding her with questions. Who are you going with? Where are you going? Let me talk to them. I’m just trying to make sure that you are still all right. I need the location of where you’re going to be at because I’m going to show up. I’m a mother that takes those comments seriously and I’m now your bodyguard like it or not. My job is to keep you alive and well. I will tell her I have no problem committing you to save your life. Yes this is a sad story but I’m sure it’s not a day that goes by that her mother doesn’t say. “ I should have done something.” Her mother obviously didn’t take that text seriously.
ОтветитьAny updates on this POS
ОтветитьAnd Camilla she knew that she knew the damage that she was doing to her best friend
And the damage that was done was just unforgivable. I can’t even fathom why anybody would do that.
Especially to somebody who still loved and cared about them, even though they had that personality of control
Renée didn’t care she wanted to see the good side of Carmela. I think she just wanted to see the good side of people and not always the bad.
And that’s also why I don’t understand why she would hurt her so so so so so bad
To the point where Renée so no way out she was so mentally damaged and destroyed
She was probably extremely tired of the betrayal and embarrassment
And I honestly can’t blame her I honestly don’t
Wow…. That’s crazy cause how can you be a grown woman and still be jealous over someone?!? I will never understand.
ОтветитьThis child never jumped !
ОтветитьUsing a real persons photo to pretend to be someone else should be a crime within itself.
ОтветитьThe mom is beautiful
ОтветитьParents should have focused on their daughter’s safety over her happiness . Accepting their daughter’s relationship with a guy in prison ? Really?
ОтветитьSo Camila killed her friend.
ОтветитьThe friends a monster.
Ответить“Question the justice system” good thing I’m an American 😂
ОтветитьVery sad story and what an evil trick to do to someone
ОтветитьThis creep has a husband? Wow some people have low standards
that’s CRAZY how can the police not recover deleted texts. And it took a 13 yr old to unlock the old phone.
How do they know that she threw the phone in before she” jumped” ?
How do they know she didn’t just put it in her back pocket and” jump”?
I put jump in quotes because how do we know she jumped at all?
Maybe those 91 text messages were so upsetting that Camilla convinced or offered to meet with Renae… and when she got out there, she got the phone by saying, let me see what he said, pushed her over, sent the I’m sorry text messages and then threw the phone. I mean, she knew exactly when to message Renae‘s mom as the boyfriend. I mean, how would she know that, how did she know She actually went through with it unless she was there… they couldn’t track Camilla‘s phone to see if it was pinging off any towers? Probably not because they couldn’t even open the old one.
This WHOLE thing is very upsetting, my heartbreaks for Renae’s family.
I use to have a friend like this. I got a gameboy for Christmas and she bullied me into giving it to her. She threatened to expose my secrets I’ve told her to everyone. I finally gave in. She also made nasty comments about a girl in our class and she told that girl that I was saying things about her and I’ve gotten confronted by her and while I was getting threatened by the girl my “friend” stood there and was egging it on to the point where I started crying. After school she came over and she was laughing and said I can’t believe you cried over someone that’s not going to do anything. I told her friends don’t do that to each other. And she said you’ll get over it.
One day, my mom asked me what happened to my gameboy? I just sat there and cried. I said Mariah, bullied me into giving it to her. Then I proceeded to tell her about the girl that made me cry because of her too. Then my mom sat me down and said that’s not what friends do. She also proceeded to tell me that she had bad feelings about Mariah but she just didn’t know how to intervene. From there on my mom took control and one day Mariah came over to my house and asked if I could come out and hang out. My mom said no I don’t think it’s a good idea. My daughter told me what you did. I don’t appreciate that you did those things to her. You can keep the gameboy but the friendship between my daughter and you is over.
I never saw Mariah again
What a horrible situation. I feel so bad for the family that they received no justice and still have to her in the store. She better hope nobody does this yo her children. I don't understand how the cell phone company could not still pull the text messages. Maybe because it's Australia but ive seen here in USA all they fo is supena the phone company. So tragic
ОтветитьSo not fair that she gets to have a life, if I were her family and found this out I’d be ashamed of her.
ОтветитьDisgusting 😢Disappointed on so many levels. I give them so much grace because if I were to see that trash in public. I wouldn’t know what I would do to her. God bless this family ❤😢🫶🏽
ОтветитьI think too many politicians and law makers dont actually work to keep up with technology. Or to update the laws. For petes' sake a 13 year old boy was more savvy than the police. Their incompetence allowed this predator to litterly just delete the evidence. Do we now need to hire 13 yr olds in the police depts? This woman should be held accountable. If nothing else, never let her face or name be forgotten. Never let her hide. Her children are in danger as well as this type of predatory behaviour doesnt just go away.. she will hurt her kids.
ОтветитьThis is so messed up. I hate this. How can she just act like nothing happened? She's a mom now and would be hurt if her child unalived herself. 😢
ОтветитьI wonder if she really committed it on her own or if Camila did it and left.
ОтветитьSuch irrelevant crimes as life isn't precious
ОтветитьNot a single book in her bedroom.........
ОтветитьHer friend totally pushed her…
ОтветитьNot so sure it was a suicide…
ОтветитьI had a friend like this… she would secretly message my then fresh boyfriend and tell him things about me that were completely untrue to make him do things I would reject and tell me completely different things. She lashed out when we made it official and I ended the friendship… watching this I’m glad I did
ОтветитьIf you've had a lunatic best friend.... This hits too close to home.
ОтветитьWhat’s the app
Ответить😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 thats scary
ОтветитьThat beautiful little brother’s love for his sister is heartbreaking. My heart goes out to everyone that loved her.
ОтветитьIs there a wrongful death lawsuit in Australia 🇦🇺?
ОтветитьI knew all woman are crazy
ОтветитьThis is an absolute injustice.
ОтветитьI can't even imagine having to see this person in your community on the regular.
ОтветитьShe didn't want her daughter to pull away from her because of a dude?? They must've had a shytty relationship.
ОтветитьStrangely the c**t is living happily after taking an innocent life
ОтветитьEmbarrassing police work
ОтветитьYou dont have to tell everything at the start of the video! No point in watching