331 twin turbo sbc

331 twin turbo sbc

Jim Huffman

12 лет назад

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@jimhuffman5988 - 01.04.2013 06:26

E bay turbos,then i built the rest myself.

@455NOS - 08.04.2013 22:18

sounds good any updates ,,,

@chispa454 - 22.05.2013 06:23

Congra! Jim, you don't built a motor, you built a piece of art.

@mantis8085 - 24.08.2013 20:52

are you running e85 to keep the IATs in check without an intercooler? how is it working so far?

@mantis8085 - 24.08.2013 20:58

is that 90 degree wastegate piping working as far as controlling boost? seems like it wouldn't let off enough exhaust and they could over boost. let me know cause i want to build a setup like this on my new car!

@nzo210 - 06.10.2013 04:41

What kind of carb??

@nossprayer - 19.12.2013 07:00

Is this a stroked 305 sbc

@Turbo72Chevelle - 03.01.2014 05:31

Looking real good Jim !  I assume that's just a race car and not for the street because of the short turn down exhaust.  Sounds real real good.  How much boost did you end up running and what did the car run?  If you don't mind sharing.  Check out my turbo chevelle, 383 w/ 76mm @ 10 psi (as of Jan 2014). 

@jimhuffman1470 - 01.02.2014 17:04

Thanks for all the comments. I havnt been on here for a while so i have missed them. It is a destroked 350. It has a Blow thru Quick fuel E85 759 dbl. pumper. i have not ran the car because of break issues and i am jn theprocess of installing disk breaks. it goes but wont stop.I will post more videos when i run the car.

@rockinbass01 - 07.03.2014 23:29

did you buy a kit or piece together your turbo setup.  I was going to build a 434 mouse but for 7k and still only 650-750hp I could build a 377 that will handle rpms respectably turbo it and push the same power and probably a lot more..

@theroadrunner661 - 29.05.2014 06:20

I like your water pump setup

@xmetrix - 22.09.2014 16:48

is that a garden hose? Rofl... nice.. you have distilled water on tap? lol

@kedaotuning - 18.02.2015 04:43

car is runing meth injection?

@andrewaharvey - 01.03.2016 07:45

I know this is old but are you selling that setup yet

@andrewaharvey - 21.03.2016 18:14

just realized how old this video is

@josephdunaway4752 - 05.08.2016 05:26

where's your inner cooler at have to have to get the best results out your turbos

@Bige4u - 16.10.2016 01:08

Title says"331" and the guy holding the camera said "454"... even when your buzzed, it increases the size of an engine right before your eyes, same effect when looking at ugly women. lol

@donniemoon3926 - 27.03.2017 04:30

no intercooler? detonation...have fun with that. lol
