Thanks....this was fantastic. I wish we had such videos to see when we were young.
Ответитьi dont know if i said this already but i completely understand jay's anger at still being alive and the feeling of 'i couldnt even do that right!' i live in the desert and there arent that many means of quick "natural" death here which is good because i had to choose something else. that is part of the reason i myself am still here. i still have the stuff i bought to die in my car, my car needs cleaned pretty desperately-no worries now.
Ответитьmy words tend to go askew or get lost in translation so i used jays words and shared his video. it helped me though i am no longer suicidal. hopefully it will help someone else too, especially if they are 'there' now. thank you jay.
Ответитьim in are a real treasure on the Earth
ОтветитьOh Jay, your story makes me feel like when I was upset like I shouldn't of been upset, I tried to kill my self once too, but it didn't work. I was tired of feeling like no one cared about me or anything and that I was just hated at home, my mom i felt like she was always on my step dads side(who hates me) so i just didn't know what to do anymore..but i'm sorry you had such a struggle, i'm not anyone amazing but i'm here to talk to u or anyone. i love to tak to ppl now when i didnt then. :)
ОтветитьI have tried suicide because of being taunted and harassed for being gay. There is nothing wrong with being gay, it's a part of life. And you guys show that! Thanks you guys, love you!
ОтветитьThis was a wonderfull video & Jay you are a great man!(:
ОтветитьReally? What videos have you been watching? And "no offence" doesn't excuse the offensive comment.
ОтветитьThis video is sad because I can picture myself doing that since I came out to my friends and the school and most of u guys need to stop judging their relationship its them let them run thief relationship how they want it to be and Bryan did the right thing to push his husband to keep talking because its trying to help him keep strong
Ответитьif people realized ..its not the SEX thats makes people gay/lesbian its what your BRAIN tells you or makes you feel..what two men do has nothing to do with the married man and woman that lives two blocks down the street..
Ответитьthank you for sharing !
ОтветитьI am fed up with "big discussions" and "explainig" and "seeking for permission to do what I need to do", I dont do that anymore. I only talked to my closest family about it (mother, one grandma, father, uncle, one cousin, aunt). the rest (like my second grandparents) can suck my balls, if they want contact, they better inform themselves and treat me normal. I dont know why the hell they want to talk about my sexuality so hard, fuck you. it s not your stuff. I dont need your permission.
ОтветитьExcellent video. I applaud you for your bravery of sharing such a painful experience with those who think suicide is the only answer. Thank you.
Ответитьwaw thanks for make this im thanks God u stay whit us
ОтветитьGod had better plans for u ! So glad u didnt die! You are a wonderful example to both gay and straight people. God bless u!
ОтветитьI just saw this for the first time. Jay, you are a fearless heroic individual. To expose yourself like you did in this video was a brave and generous thing to do. I greatly admire your courage.
ОтветитьGreat video Jay... you really needed courage to do it... Hope this video is helping a lots of teens. Shame that there are still parents disowning their own kids for being gay! I did have the luck of having one of my sisters supporting me at that time. I was a little older than you when I came out... not a teen at all.
ОтветитьYou have an amazing story and a beautiful family. Congrats on living a happy and full life!
ОтветитьWow, you are the reason I keep fighting. Life isn't easy for anyone. Jay if I could I would give you a big hug. No matter what religion you maybe just know that you are always loved!
ОтветитьJust watched the video and one thought popped into my head while watching it: How could you believe that God didn't love you. You survived at suicide attempt that no one should be able to survive. So Jay no doubt that God loves you and we are happy to have you in the world. So thank you for some good informative videos.
ОтветитьThank you for your heartfelt story.I am glad you lived to tell it and to show the world that you and your husband and family are just as "normal" "deserving" "worthy" as any heterosexual family.I started watching your videos because I am a fan of adoption.I continued watching because I enjoy your family.
ОтветитьThank you for being such a strong person and telling this story from your heart. I'm sure this video means the world not only myself, but your followers well. So thank you Jay and Bryan for always being honest with us and your beautiful kids. You guys are such an inspiration to a lot of gay men and women. I wish you guys and your family all the best in everything you do(::
Ответитьthey tell you lies :) . . catholic church is responsible for countless deaths and is basically the biggest money scam in the world. . theres a reason the pope sits on his golden throne in his palace made of dimonds and marmor, praying for starving children
Ответитьgreat story
ОтветитьYou are such a brave person to relive the horror of that night in order to help someone else who is as desperate as you obviously were on that bridge. You've come such a long way...just look at you now. Michelle
ОтветитьI see your point, and agrees with you. . I dont personally believe there is a god cause it's a concept made up by the church. and im not buying it. . But if you believe in a god or gods or godesses or whatever , thats great! people gotta believe in what they want
ОтветитьI have been watching your family's videos for a year now and never knew this about you Jay. Thank you for sharing it, got me crying that's for sure :)
ОтветитьThank you so much for this gift of self. You spread love into the world
ОтветитьI am so sorry Jay had to go through that bad stuff. It is wonderful he survived and partnered successfully and formed a wonderful nurturing family.
ОтветитьHugs to you, Jay. I hope you find healing in sharing this episode of your life. Your channel makes a difference to people you reach out to and I for one wish you all the best. You deserve it.
ОтветитьI love Jay, he is awesome,
ОтветитьYour draw my life vid brought me here
ОтветитьI'm a lesbian, and I tried to kill myself about 8 months ago. That's how my parents and family found out I was gay, becasue my then girlfriend was the one who called an ambulance. You're story really hit me close to home. It's still hard for me sometimes. I still think about killing myself everyday.
ОтветитьI just want to give you a big hug after watching this video! I've been there, done that and it is an incredibly horrible feeling...I am so glad that you were able to recover and live to find the happiness you have today!
Ответитьman ... I swear you made me cry... Jay, you are a fantastic brave man. Thanks god you didn't die. take care and keep well. All the best for your family. I wish guys you were in Chicago, I would have come and met you.. need to talk to someone like you. Adam.
ОтветитьThank you so much for sharing your story and for your channel. I came out (bisexual) this past semester at college to myself after struggling with it since middle school. I spent some time in the hospital a year earlier after suicide attempt due to mental illness, school & being in the closet. I'm much happier with myself now that I accepted who I am even if my family doesn't know about it and they ever will. I'm so glad I wasn't successful with it because I would never be where I am otherwise. I'm so happy that you overcome it and lived to realize the family of your dreams. I love your family and channel.
ОтветитьThis is such a good video, not only becoz it was so honest and helpful to so many people, but also the support that came from behind the camera was so heartfelt and genuine. I sometimes despair at the shallow videos on here with gay couples, but this one is proof that gay r/ships can be happy, supportive and genuine. Can I ask how long you've been together? Just wondered. Love from Stockport, England.
ОтветитьJay, too much bravery here, I can't believe you were able to go through with this on the very spot--total admiration for you strength and commitment to help others.
ОтветитьWith tears in my eyes I am saying to you that you were spared because GOD had a greater purpose for your life, your purpose is to help others , which you do by posting these videos . EVERYONE is here for a reason , I am so glad YOU are here!
ОтветитьJay, idk if you'll see this, but this video, and a lot of your other videos, kept me alive back in high school (about when you first posted it). Thank you. Bryan too.
ОтветитьWe've got to stop this needless loss of life. Every life is worthwhile and intended by God.
ОтветитьWe've got to stop this needless loss of life. Every life is worthwhile and intended by God.
Ответитьour stories are very similar. wow
when i saw that i didnt die, i wondered why.
now i know why. i have a wonderful husband and life. looks like you do too.
just recently discovered this channel.
glad you guys are making these videos. with the election, etc the world sure needs to see this kind of channel
thanks for sharing this.
You are amazing. I am glad that you did not die. Hugs to you and your family!
ОтветитьBeing gay it's a very difficult journey for me. I haven't come out to my family yet. I am so scared to lose my family... I hope God give me the the courage to keep moving forward and hope someday to be happy.
ОтветитьI am an older person and feel that the world has let me down. I am tried of the fight. What do I do? Everybody says save the young people. What about people like me. I feel no one cares. I fought for years and now feel as if the world has past me. Just because I am in my 60s do I not matter?
ОтветитьAw, Jay, you are worth more than you know. I’m glad you didn’t die. You’ve taught me that it’s okay to have any difference.
ОтветитьThis has me thinking about Tyler Clemente he died after jumping off the gw bridge in ny thànk God u made it 0ut turns out his brother was gay too I think there was more to it he didn't have to die