I Bought My First House

I Bought My First House

Forever Self Employed

2 года назад

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@fettah7908 - 15.03.2022 18:28

Doing good, keep on going!

@frosty8613 - 15.03.2022 18:49

So u can't just go and buy a house u need to study and do a teat dam ima make my own house

@derdeutsche - 15.03.2022 18:59

90 Hour course?

@coolbreeze2291 - 15.03.2022 19:48


@johnt7255 - 15.03.2022 20:13

Congrats bro. That’s super cool

@dominiclopez7879 - 15.03.2022 22:13

Next chapter for you is real estate? Next chapter for me is making 30 spicy chickens for a party😂

@Prospective24 - 16.03.2022 00:48


@day1david - 16.03.2022 03:52

Where did you study for the course

@iGimmie - 17.03.2022 12:22

You're amazing!

@capybara9521 - 17.03.2022 20:14

Good Job

@exspectro8823 - 17.03.2022 21:43

Wait wait wait! Only a 90 hours course? For real?

@superfly_ - 18.03.2022 03:23

Man nothing is stopping bro from moving forward and saving 💰. Congratulations brotha 🤝

@bigspoon. - 18.03.2022 04:39

Big Spoon 🥄

@MRainy-ot7rc - 18.03.2022 06:15

This is his 90th job

@mcfish689 - 18.03.2022 08:42

But what did the course cost. I’m assuming there is also a fee to take the tests. Not to mention that you can buy and home and sell a home without a license people sell houses without realtors all the time. I’m just not sure how getting the license helped you…….

@nicklaschristiansen8942 - 18.03.2022 22:14


@aaronclu - 19.03.2022 02:45

How much is your time worth though…

@gold_bookworm - 19.03.2022 04:51

But how much did it cost in total to get your real estate license and the exams and license?

@crazymaze22 - 19.03.2022 07:54

Don’t forget the $1-2k startup costs. Like joining local, state and National realtors association lol

@Xiluxary - 19.03.2022 13:28

Real estate license is not hard lol

@skyintheclouds4106 - 20.03.2022 00:58

The sink and toilet are so low

@eyezonabankrolll2931 - 20.03.2022 06:21

National ? Bullshit buddy all you need is the 63 hour course completion with the course test and then schedule to do your state and pass with a 70 or higher

@compsigh9275 - 21.03.2022 00:16

Don’t forget to mention how scummy the real estate game actually is 👍🏽

@jeremyb2829 - 21.03.2022 12:15

Why is bathroom a room just pressure washer car wash?
Trapped in boxes just like a skull

@chrisolson3240 - 21.03.2022 15:18

Did a local real estate company sponsor you and a place to hang you license?

@DCfreerunner - 22.03.2022 03:07

"Pretty difficult" my ass. Easiest used car salesmen type test in the world

@andrewduenes1079 - 22.03.2022 08:33

Dang man that’s impressive you got your real estate license to save money and make money off that I the future if you desire very smart I can see why you are a successful business man.

@ElDiddy13 - 22.03.2022 23:27

Difficult he says. Hold my cow. Says apu.

@davidsonnow - 23.03.2022 20:26

What’s the point? As a private investor, your able to do a lot more and you’re not handcuffed by the realtors association

@darwinwatterson1050 - 23.03.2022 23:42

Go cleaner! You gave me a laugh.

@justanotherchannel6097 - 08.04.2022 18:17

Where the Fuck you guys live buying homes under 500K and becoming real estate agent in few days

@armoredman10 - 03.05.2022 08:10

Now they can overcharge himself

@luisantonoofrehoodso1428 - 18.05.2022 23:26


@coza_15 - 13.09.2022 22:43

Congrats :)

@luhlezy6460 - 03.10.2022 20:54

Wow smart

@kidnpigtogether - 27.03.2023 14:33

Don’t DO IT.

You know why they want you in that house so bad? It’s because Americans are the most easiest brainwashed ppl on the Earth. A house is where you pay to be miserable. If ppl here could get past silly traditions and brainwashed religions we could have revolutionized our society long ago. There are ppl that control our society by convincing us that there is profitability in suffering and misery, and a house is DEFINITELY a source of misery. They want you there because they know everyday you’re going to be handing over money for everything, because everything is going to break, inside the house and outside the house. Everyday the outside of that house is going to take a beating from the wind, rain, sun, snow, animals, insects and time and erosion, and YOU have to fix, repair, replace and maintain it. They can’t get you into that responsibility as a renter so that’s why they put power into the propaganda of “ renting is a waste”, no it’s not, it’s peace of mind for you that you get conned into trading because your friends and family and society leans onto you to do as they have done, what your parents and grandparents have done, buy a home. It’s part of being trapped in this matrix of living for bills, running on a treadmill THEY designed for your life. If you buy that house you’re going to be a whore to a home improvement store for the rest of your life. In American society they Push homes NOT for wealth and equity, they push them because the economy depends on it heavily because they require a LOTTTYTTTTTT of time and money to keep and maintain, they keep plumbers, electricians, hvac, painters, landscapers, carpenters and other industries busy and with a cash flow, THAT’S WHY THEY PUSH HOMES ON EVERYONE. That’s the REAL SECRET, that’s why they wanted everyone here to get married and have kids, so that you’d need the living space, so that they could keep you a slave at their corporate jobs. It’s alllll about keeping you busy and burdened down with bills and responsibilities to keep this oppressive system running. You can live anywhere, but ask yourself why does it ALWAYS have to be a home? Because it’s about keeping you controlled, and they have run this game on us far too long. Never buy a house, rent one and let the owner suffer with all the inconveniences, let your life be free, stop thinking you have to do what the masses do, you want freedom and flexibility in your life, a house is NOT an investment, it’s a liability that bleeds your pockets everyday.
