Tbf even with a vpn and these counter measures for privacy they can pretty much profile you on your viewing habits if you are sit using goggle services
ОтветитьThe EU ended emergency call support withouit SIM card. Is it an excuse, that it´s because of misuse? Is it because of costs?
ОтветитьIf you think your sim card is the only thing that can track you, you're mistaken. The phone itself has a tracking chip
ОтветитьMy security people say never connect to public wifi because your phone can bring bad things into your home internet.
ОтветитьWhat if I have a mobile hotspot box with me for internet?? Those hotspots do they work in Canada too?
ОтветитьThey banned Huawei accusing them for national security concerned spying their data privacy etc. the Truth they banned and suppressed Huawei by sanctioning China not to get chips coz Huawei technology are becoming more advance than iphone and samsung. American reasoning about their security concerned are big B$$sh$T only stupid people believe that! LOL!
ОтветитьSee how advanced this AI lady is? We are doomed.
Ответить:) the point ok be tracked anyway, and who knows if these days carrying any alternative devices that are connected to your phone would still access all your information makes no sense Miss.
ОтветитьOk smart ass with all the tech' jargon how do you make a call with no sim card
ОтветитьWhat hotspot can you connect with a cable? I'd like one.
Ответитьboth the phone and the sim track your activity. its integrated into the cell phone system
ОтветитьIf you only use a VoIP number how can you use it for messaging app verifications some only allow GSM numbers
ОтветитьSo, the entire data protection act is nothing more than a scam! Shame on Apple for ‘caving in’ and selling out their customers!
ОтветитьRip the cell antenna out and just use wifi :D
ОтветитьNobody does not peraa😅
ОтветитьEoe hire again? All that tracking works on cdma too last I checked. I don't understand this retardation.
ОтветитьYou don't have any sim cards in your mobile because I stole them while you were taking a shower,,, joking aside , I hear Pinephone are completely Google free with no tracking or spyware
ОтветитьIt's funny to listen about SIM / network operators concerns, at the same time trumpeting a VPN as YOUR VPN. It is't yours! You simply trust some Panama based company with your traffic. And you have no way to verify the encryption.
Ответитьthats too much hassle for hiding your porn browsing history.
ОтветитьI wonder about our government officials. Do they have a way to prevent their phones being a gateway into their personal lives?
ОтветитьWell, Starlink came to make this become a reality by providing satellite connectivity 24 hours a day.
ОтветитьCan you put your phone carrier SIM card inside a the hotspot router or another phone ; to reduce those encrypted messages sent from cell network?
ОтветитьI don't take my cell phone with me. At my age I need to pay attention to my surroundings.
ОтветитьLooking cute and covering common knowledge is not SECURITY .. you want to be secure… GET A HAM RADIO and then get a PAGER… if you do anything else you are at risk of TELCO/APPLE-GOOGLE/3rd party/Carriers
ОтветитьBut didgital sims have control of everything.. it runs on back end..
ОтветитьAsk Snowden
ОтветитьAh so calyx is only for inside the USA? That's a pity.
ОтветитьAnd what if I'm armed ? Probably don't stalk people and think that gives ultimate power
ОтветитьUsing a vpn does not help. It makes no sense when you can just use Kali linux to get into the phone and the phone is the key.. encryption does nothing in that case. Plus the vpn company has to answer government questions, it has all your info even when they say they don't. It's a waste of money.
ОтветитьPhones use esims now anyways
ОтветитьSudo needs your ID
ОтветитьIf you’re truly paranoid about people snooping on your web activity route your traffic through TOR and disable your cellular modem. GrapheneOS is the best option currently as far as a privacy-respecting mobile operating system is concerned.
ОтветитьConnecting to public wi fi is the worst thing you can do.
ОтветитьThank you so much for sharing this video.❤
ОтветитьWhat if your not beside public WI-FI? And you need to make an emergency phone call or your family member needs to call you? Then your Screwed Big Time‼️...i do Love my Privacy but id rather have a SIM card in my phone‼️
ОтветитьSister, the guy above is correct. I don't care how you set up a cell phone unless you have some kind of separate mesh network. Your phone has an IMI number and an electronic serial code that are recorded every single time you are on the internet. Or on a call doesn't matter whether you are on regular network or Wi-Fi network. Google fi Verizion anything of the sort.
You can be tracked if you are using a cell phone.
how can someone uses the phone without a SIM card
Ответитьwhat if I choose a dumb phone and only use my PC? still trackable?
ОтветитьExcellent presentation
ОтветитьThey can track my boreing life no problem there
ОтветитьThat's why 9 Volt Battery cannot Charge a Mobile Phone
Ответитьactualy it makes no sense, because you are tracked by GSM modem used in your phone, and it always online no matter you have SIM in it or not, your IMEI always registered in the system and that's why you can do an emergency calls without SIM card
ОтветитьVPN isnt that good if anything it's rubish