To quote Rodney King, can't we all just get along? NS!
ОтветитьIt was horrendous that Billy was forced to do what he did to save his community from sectarian IRA genocide.
ОтветитьLoyalists b
ОтветитьUppa good guys! Hopefully it stays away but it’s not looking great is it folks?
ОтветитьAll touts or targets which 1 is which? Either way you all and I mean you all work for the British state
ОтветитьPaid my respects at this mans graveside. I was over year after year in the 90s from Scotland supporting my brothers and sisters at Portadown. That’s when I paid my respects. He’s buried next to his mum at beautiful Drumcree 🇬🇧💙🙏
ОтветитьWe can never forgive British Colonialism in Ireland, that caused all this Murder and Turmoil in Ireland.
Shameful and Unforgivable.
Love how these cowards talk a big game then hide their faces like little school girls
ОтветитьLoyalists had become Northern Ireland’s biggest killers? Not even two minutes in and the facts are wrong 😅
ОтветитьBilly wright a true son of ulster❤
Ответитьthat chap Laurence Maguire was totally braindead clearly.
ОтветитьBilly Wrights mid ulster faction was riddled with British paid agents. The British state etc spiecal branch was gaving these murder loyalist sqauds information on Catholics. Its called the dirty war for a reason. Billy Wright was disposed off as he knew to much about the branch who all was involved wright knew names right to the top.
ОтветитьEnough blood has been spilled.
Both communities have suffered, there is much need to work for peace for the future generations, to ensure that these tragic deaths are never repeated.
Live in peace and let others live in peace.
(From the teachings of my Sufi Shaykh and Teacher a Saintly Soul.)
billy’s father deserted the family when he was very young. Apparently they spent some time in Scotland and then they came back to ireland at that point. I believe he was put into an orphanage somewhere close to the border that happened to be Catholic. I believe that was where his hatred for Catholics and All Things catholic came from the normal conclusion would be that the child was severely interfered with while he was there. A more murderous cowardly excuse for a human being. You couldn’t make up. And he didn’t get what he deserved he got off light . Most of his own couldn’t be in the same room as him.
ОтветитьThe Sunday World got so many murdered on gossip, gutter journalism fack.
ОтветитьNo Protestant family victims in this interview 🤔
ОтветитьO’lone wasn’t a Catholic supporter 😂😂
ОтветитьHe got his comeuppance the in the best way in prison bastard
ОтветитьDark days. Horrific suffering on all sides
ОтветитьWhat an excellent piece of journalism. It was clearly the dirtiest of dirtiest wars! May they all rest in peace.
ОтветитьI have never been more ashamed to share an island home with anyone but John Hume. The sight of him crooning gaelic songs before an American audience, of people slimmer and more sober than he, will never leave me. The graping Kennedy and Clinton gang were outrun by his disgusting show. If he was the answer it must have been a retarded question.
ОтветитьSad sad sad sad sad sad sad 💯💯💯
ОтветитьBilly was right and died for what he believed in.
ОтветитьPowerful stuff, I grew up during most of this. Seen it on the news. Was the Norm to hear it every day. Looking at it now with Adult eyes and kids of my own. Dark days. Let’s not let it happen again. ❤
ОтветитьHe didn’t get any info on the INLA coming to get him
ОтветитьBilly Wright and loyalists in general masterminded nothing. It was all setup for them by his Brit handlers, who selected the victims then set the scene for these mindless psychopaths to pull the trigger. Afterwards the Brits would contaminate the evidence and launch only cosmetic investigations to ensure their loyalist triggermen filth didn't get caught.
ОтветитьJust by the fate of being born in Northern Ireland generations of people are traumatised, you would think the colonisers would wake up to the fact colonising doesn't work long term, 1 country should be enough countries for any country, as we speak the people of Gaza are suffering a similar fate, good old England set that whole sh!tshow in motion also.
ОтветитьIt always amazes me that these type of videos seem indignant to the British defending Ulster.
The IRA claim to have been at WAR, but republicans seem outraged that Britain should defend itself! 🤔
A "normal happy place to live", full of immigrants, refugees and drug dealers !
ОтветитьAnd today's Ireland, both north and south, overrun by immigrants, refugees and drug dealers ! Happy times 🤨
ОтветитьWell we out hun we d been crushed, we needed him then, that’s y they destroyed him, so wot bout hog course she did get a piggin grip,
ОтветитьBilly Wright was a loyalist nonce into little boys. It’s part of the loyalist tradition.
ОтветитьThey knew the guy was in prison but still went "looking" for him,🤔🤔
ОтветитьBilly wasn't an informer. Cops and brits fed him info so he could target people. He was more powerful than any protestant/loyalist there has ever been.
ОтветитьIrish killing Irish,🙏😞 so sad
ОтветитьIrish killing Irish,🙏😞 so sad
ОтветитьSeems quite uncivilized for people of same ethnic and racial origin and speaking same language to hate one another because of the church to which they adhered
ОтветитьSeen lately that Laurence Maguire is being prosecuted for this interview and it's an absolute disgrace! All persecuting Maguire does is stop others from coming forward and further burying any first hand knowledge about the conflict for us and the future generations.
ОтветитьThe cutting edge of the was mid Ulster bridge whee billy was commander... When everyone para group downed their guns... Then the UVF turned their guns on billy who was set up by the state to be murdered.. God 🙏 bless every member of the LVF . LEAD THE WAY...
ОтветитьClassic BBC. A supposedly British institution, barely mentions a Protestant death, a 5 second reference. Any catholic death gets a full interview with the extended family
ОтветитьThe more we learn about what actually went on, the more the state looks like the worst actor of all
ОтветитьUVF kill people they fear. Billy Wright. Bobby Moffat
ОтветитьLoyalist drug crazed criminals and sectarian murder gangs, picked on decent and unarmed Catholic men, women and children and murdered them simply because they were Catholic. These were the so called enemies of Vile criminal Adair.
ОтветитьLoyalist cowards killing Catholic children, nothing new there as Catholic children don't carry guns
ОтветитьHe set his own brother. Up. And. His. Girlfriend. And the ira. humiliated them three. Men. At the grave of. Misses. Perry.
ОтветитьMisses perry. Portadown.
It just goes to show how murky and dirty it was. Somehow In the whole treason
How much did the inla make through the brits mi5 with the killing of billy wright a war? More like a mocking of complete pride of this country a complete dirty war which.. made this country a complete mockery of itself.
ОтветитьFair play to the vf all fair game for their republican support 🇬🇧
ОтветитьYou wannabe Irish Paramilitary 😂