How to prevent hair loss   natural hair treatment Absolique GRN

How to prevent hair loss natural hair treatment Absolique GRN

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YouTube channel @CarolynFrostTrichologist

Once you have experienced hair loss, how to prevent hair loss becomes important. If you have gone through the process to gain hair regrowth, how to prevent hair loss again is also a priority.

Trichologist at Absolique helps you to find the cause of your hair loss, that is one way to prevent hair loss. Other times there are things in life we cannot avoid that can cause hair loss.

Life events that can be cause of hair loss:
• Birth control and hair loss
• Roaccutane and hair loss
• Hyperthyroidism and hair loss
• Postpartum hair loss
• Surgery and hair loss
• Medication and hair loss

These are the most common life events that can cause hair loss. The changes they make to the body disturb the growing hair cycle resulting in hair loss three months later.

Normal hair shedding - normal hair fall per day

It is normal to lose 70-160 hairs per day. When experiencing hair loss, this number will double. The hair loss will continue for three months, then it should subside.

Normal hair fall and telogen effluvium diffuse hair loss are a result of the hair cycle. The hair cycle has a growing, resting and falling phase. Strong body disturbances can disturb the hair cycle.

How to stop hair loss

Unfortunately, there is nothing that will instantly stop hair loss because the cause was three months earlier. The hair cycle is slow to respond, which is a good thing. If the hair cycle was oversensitive, we could lose hair from simple changes.

The best way to stop hair loss is to have a look at health. In most cases we find those with nutritional lows are more susceptible to the lifestyle triggered telogen effluvium hair loss. Check nutritional levels at least once a year or before you know there is going to be a body change.

Then I would suggest to always keep a special hair serum in your bathroom cabinet for the time when one of these unavoidable situations occur. Natural hair treatment Absolique GRN grow.revitalise.nourish works to prevent predictable hair loss and slow current hair loss in most cases.

Hair loss specialist – Trichologist

Absolique Hair Health Clinic Trichologist Carolyn Evans-Frost has experienced this type of hair loss many times. Therefore, we are experienced to help. We understand the hair cycle and use the right product to assist the hair cycle to return to normal function when required.

Originally a hair growth treatment, Absolique GRN grow.revitalise.nourish has delivered impressive hair growth results since 2014. We then put it to test to see if it could prevent hair loss when we were in a predictable situation.

Hair falling out pregnancy – postpartum alopecia

Hair falling out after pregnancy is called post-partum alopecia. It is a predictable type of hair loss. The hair will shed three months after birth, return of the menstrual cycle or after ceasing breast feeding.

Most women are familiar with this post-partum hair loss. But they did not know it could be prevented. Absolique trichologist has conducted trials with pregnant women wanting to avoid post-partum hair loss.

Each time we avoided the postpartum hair loss when we started using Absolique GRN three months before the predicted hair loss. So, we started preparing in the last trimester.

How to avoid hair fall – Absolique GRN

Most recently we tried the natural hair treatment Absolique GRN again in predictable situation to see if we could avoid hair fall. The situation surgery, hip replacement with anaesthetic, strong pain killers and antibiotics. A recipe for telogen effluvium hair loss.

There was pain, inflammation, healing, repairing and medication post op, these can also contribute to hair loss. We started Absolique GRN all over the scalp 3 months before the surgery and continued for 3 months post op. Now five months on, there has been no abnormal hair loss. It is relevant to say we were nutritionally stable preop with no lows or deficiencies.

How to reduce hair fall naturally

Absolique trichologist has also used GRN to reduce current hair loss. When a client presents with current hair loss, we go in with combination therapy to pull the hair cycle back into the growing phase. GRN can do this and is also a hair growth product.

How you use GRN will depend on the intended result. Combination therapy with correct scalp preparation is always best. We also prefer to know the clients’ individual circumstances and nutritional status for best results.

Hair treatment clinic

Absolique GRN is available online or from Absolique hair treatment clinic in Brisbane. For individual help on how to prevent hair loss and how to stop hair loss, book an appointment with Absolique Trichologist. See our results, stories, and videos here


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