Hello everybody, David Novak here. Today, we're showcasing a rescue dog here today, and his name's Malcolm. And he's at Ho-Bo Care Boxer Rescue, and he's available for adoption, or you can foster this dog. He is a five-year-old faun boxer and he is house trained. Anyway, he's just a good dog. He's ready for a new owner and he just wants to go. He wants to go on walks and kind of acts like he wants to play all the time. So just a good dog here for somebody. So if you're looking to want to foster a dog or adopt a dog, reach out to myself. Or I'll post Ho-Bo Cares' website on my page and you can get more information on what to do and so forth. So anyway, just wanted to get Malcolm out there to everybody and hope you have a great day and we'll see you guys again soon.