What's the Best Foil for Wing Foiling?

What's the Best Foil for Wing Foiling?

West Coast Wing Foil

2 года назад

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@wiepkejan - 19.01.2023 09:17

Wow what a production value video!

@mikeymaguire100 - 19.01.2023 13:04

Am an intermediate; Have tried a few brands… love my Fanatic foils. Easy, stable and bullet-proof.

@martinomovies - 19.01.2023 16:57

Axis makes great high aspect foils. I was having trouble gybing until I moved over to Axis. Now I have tons of time to make the gybe while I glide through the turn. Plus gliding is great for riding back home downwind.

@AdamsHadEnough - 19.01.2023 19:40

Great video, you succinctly covered all the foil basics. Something that is important to me is an upgrade path. Does the foil manufacturer offer decent smaller and/or higher aspect wings that work on the same fuselage? This prevents the need to rebuy a full new setup when the inevitable upgrade comes. See you on the water, oh and nice board!👍🏻

@frankbingel5504 - 19.01.2023 22:54

Great clip! Roberts Wing foil boards? Nice!

@flyingfootage - 19.01.2023 23:37

Awesome mate , thanks for sharing 👍🏄🏼‍♂️

@Sportalcentro - 21.01.2023 14:55

Very good video...short and very dense of intormations.
I am a mid level wingfoilers and so far I love Fanatic and F4...good experience with both of them ;)

@granthore90 - 21.01.2023 23:10

I'm running the Slingshot Phantasm for Wing and Kite. The G series are great wing foils, for kite either the ptm 730 , 684, sometimes the pfi 730 for high wing kite foil or super wing foil

@granthore90 - 21.01.2023 23:12

Great video, some good advice for all levels. In another episode maybe for riders a bit more advanced could you discuss rear wing sizes and how it affects the ride.

@janakay7641 - 22.01.2023 21:10

For the little ladies, I’m 110lbs and use Takuma Kujira 1210 for light winds up to 15kts, and Takuma Kujira 980 for higher winds. I’m and intermediate winger and really don’t feel a need to change any time soon. I started with the Helium 1500 but it was way too much lift and I felt like I was being shot out of a cannon, so I switched to the 1210 and learning was great. I’ve been on the 220 stabilizer from the beginning but it was challenging at first because it felt pretty loose, but I got used to it and now I love the maneuverability. 75cm mast for the first 6 months then on to 85cm. I’m 9 months in to my wing journey and am starting to go in the surf. I’d recommend anyone 120lbs and under to skip the super big front wing it’ll just cause you to breech as soon as a gust comes. Hope that helps!!

@robertrecco710 - 13.04.2023 13:27

Armstrong foils hands down top notch you pay more but you get more out of your foiling

@LuigiFontana64 - 01.05.2023 19:34

Thank you I ride Subfoil foil and board

@Homer482976 - 17.12.2023 17:08


@rafaelalbuquerque6782 - 20.01.2024 22:45

Great vídeo!!!

@tansuakar89 - 02.03.2024 16:22

Absolute beginner here. Planning to start with Gaastra Hybrid 85 2000 🌬

@devesimo7383 - 18.03.2024 19:47

do you thin i can pull off an 800 cm foil whith a 50L fanatic board?

@defenderoftheadverb - 24.03.2024 17:12

Well gee, I see by your chart my foil is too small. I hope you're wrong :)

@andrewr.5665 - 13.02.2025 00:39

Those links you provided do not work. All of them.

@Chad.B.Foreman - 10.03.2025 18:30

Thank you for this video! I find it vey informative for someone like me who has 0 experience in Wing Foiling (but lots of experience in other board/water sports)
