Cub Cadet CC30H Riding Mower Annual Service | Powermore 328cc Engine

Cub Cadet CC30H Riding Mower Annual Service | Powermore 328cc Engine

Tom Doby Mower Repair

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@Jay-pw5xx - 06.08.2024 01:12

First ✌🏽😎

@seanspangler7963 - 06.08.2024 01:12

Hope you feel better Tom I get ear infections all the time I have tubes in my ears there always giving me problems

@jonathanfierberg3807 - 06.08.2024 01:12

Cool mower

@dougpursell9591 - 06.08.2024 01:43

Another good video. I hope you start feeling better my friend . Your Health is more important than a few mowers. Always remember you need to stop and smell the flowers every now and then. Take care.

@RoyRucman - 06.08.2024 01:55

Sorry that u have a ear are bless u an the work that u do I have learned alot from u my name is roy an I live in Indiana kokomo.

@johnnyreagan1 - 06.08.2024 02:04

Feel better Brother, Was great to hang out for a little while on Saturday!

@Stihlalive044 - 06.08.2024 02:11

Wow, it looks like it came out of the bottom of a swamp, I have the same one and it's like new. it's 382 cc.

@robcole332 - 06.08.2024 02:17

Brother, take care of yourself.

@wardraven8755 - 06.08.2024 02:22

Nice video. But please take the time you need to get better we can wait. Your health is more important.

@WherestheKaboom-g2p - 06.08.2024 02:48

Got to be careful with those short oil filters. If it isn't correct. You could bottom it out. Causing the engine to starve for oil. I advise not using them.

@robertmailhos8159 - 06.08.2024 03:07

Ear infection 😢😮

@jackhuddleston6830 - 06.08.2024 03:09

Sorry you’re not feeling well. That sure is a dirty mower. Some people just don’t care about their equipment. Hope you get your meds. That is really neat how you lower your lift and raise the mower to get under the mower.

@Lovinflyindrones2022 - 06.08.2024 03:17

I've never worked on a powermore engine how do u know it's a powermore engine does it have the name on it???? I think I might have worked on one back when I first started working on mowers etc. Probably a stupid ???? But I just don't know mate Tom D

@Lovinflyindrones2022 - 06.08.2024 03:19

Another Great video by Tom Doby productions. THANKS Mr Tom

@Lovinflyindrones2022 - 06.08.2024 03:28

You're like me , a little cold or ear ache won't stop us We just work through it mate Tom D. Thanks for all the time ,Effort, and hard work u do to make these videos. I've learnt so much from watching you. I like how you give little things to do and not to do. The first thing I do now before I work on something is check the earl (oil)) because of you mate Tom D 😅😅😅😅😅😂😂

@fernherrera29 - 06.08.2024 04:36

Love your videos Tom !!!!! Keep them coming!

@Fatboy.25 - 06.08.2024 06:13

Great job ! Hope your earache goes away. Keep an eye on your blood pressure.

@Big_Johns - 06.08.2024 15:32

The condition that mowers in makes me wonder what his personal vehicle must look like.
Looks like he'd been mowing rocks instead of grass.
Good job and get to feeling better bud. 👍

@rulif2092 - 06.08.2024 15:37

Doesn't people clean their lawnmowers? And leaving them outside is a way to alot of problems....

@louroberts5567 - 06.08.2024 18:52

Toooom Doooobyyyy! Ugh! Ear infections suck! Had double ear infections when I was 25. Had no pain. The only way I knew was when I woke up one morning, went to get up and fell flat on my face. My girl friend (my wife now) and her dad took me to urgent care. The infections were so bad, I wound up with vertigo for the rest of my life. Yeah. That sucks too! I hope you don't get it! Take your meds until they're done!! Feel better, Brother. Thanks for another great video! God bless.

@LuisCarlos-h7b - 10.08.2024 02:54

Our mower😂

@DesertMariner2007 - 01.09.2024 22:08

sure wish you could send me a picture of the choke rod and springs and how they attach lol I forgot to take some pics of disassembly a month ago .

@mitch1847 - 15.01.2025 03:12

I just bought a CC30H. Do you ever recommend removing the deck and greasing the pulleys, or is that a waste of time?
