The movie "Postcard from Earth" shown inside of the Sphere starts about one hour after the ticketed time. The extra time is meant for customers to enjoy the cutting-edge technologies showcased in the atrium.
The robots interact with audiences with remarkable realistic facial expressions. The holograms are impressive.
As for "Postcard from Earth," it has to be seen, heard, and experienced in person to truly appreciate its awesomeness. While the exterior of the Sphere appears rather low in resolution, the screen inside is of remarkable fine resolution. The immersive sound system, the gigantic spherical screen, and seat haptics make the natural scenes in "Postcard from Earth" feel real and awe-inspiring.
The Sphere definitely lives up the hype and is a wonder to behold!
There is one disturbing fact, ALL straight vertical structures appear bent over due to the spherical shape of the screen. Hopefully, this defect can be fixed somehow.
The venue does not allow taking photographs or videos of the show. In fact, no video, photo, or recording can possibly capture or justify the magnificence of the presentation.
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