Knockabout(1979) Eureka Blu-ray vs the DVD.

Knockabout(1979) Eureka Blu-ray vs the DVD.


2 года назад

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@TheSerpentsEye - 20.04.2022 06:31

Your enthusiasm is infectious. I mark out over these joints, too.

My Knockabout is coming in the mail. I'm mad excited. 😀

@pglagowski - 20.04.2022 07:20

I was very pleased with the transfer on this. The HKL was good, but getting the clarity of picture and audio was amazing.

Also, the music in the training sequence is just incredible.

@vikungfu - 20.04.2022 07:25

Full length commentary tracks when!?

@GaryReyes777 - 20.04.2022 07:50

👍🏻Should have mine any day 😄

@oldschoolkungfufilms2670 - 20.04.2022 13:02

I will be watching this film at a screening at a cinema in London this Friday 22nd of April can't wait.

@siamesegiant - 20.04.2022 14:58

I gotta get these ordered. I can't remember much about Dreadnaught either!

@fps3693 - 20.04.2022 15:56

Pause! The dude did a back flip off the second elbow!!!! Let’s gooo plus by the way love the fight scenes gorgeous love how you explain and you picture and picture on the sides bro

@fps3693 - 20.04.2022 15:58

Hold up them pictures holy shhhhh what a difference yeah I’m buying this thanks bro

@Urbankungfu61 - 20.04.2022 16:11

Another very informative review from a true Hong Kong film specialist! Eureka did an extraordinary job with this transfer which makes it an absolute thrill to rewatch these classics again! Great job Frankie! Peace my brother. ✌️🌟✌️🌟✌️

@PurityThruFire - 20.04.2022 17:07

Beardy and Yuen Biao are fantastic together in this one!

@NaikaVideo - 20.04.2022 20:01

It's still on my 'must watch' list and this transfer looks great. Good vid dude!

@MantisRapture - 20.04.2022 23:54

Always love seeing Beardy do his thing. Dude completely held his own against actual legends... especially in Legend of a Fighter!

@rubenvilla1675 - 21.04.2022 23:03

Great content man keep up the good work.

@willmatic5768 - 25.04.2022 01:48

Great video as always. Love the content and the vibes on that late night jazz tip. That extra picture detail surprised me!! You never know how much more framing exists so that new shot composition looks terrific; and the film already always looked stunning!
