Argus Monitor, The Best Pet Lizard? + Training a Monitor Lizard With Joseph Carter the Mink Man

Argus Monitor, The Best Pet Lizard? + Training a Monitor Lizard With Joseph Carter the Mink Man

Clint's Reptiles

4 года назад

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@dennisatkins9837 - 04.05.2022 00:37


@MSRLR - 21.06.2022 10:07

When i hear target training i think of shooting guns

@mattgosling2657 - 09.07.2022 20:49

I was kind of disappointed when Joseph decided to let Clint take raptor from him cos I was really looking forward to see how he was gonna get on when he'd grown a little bit bigger and Joseph started taking him out hunting for rats at the same farms where he takes his mink and dogs. When he was learning on mice he didn't even stop catching and killing them even after he'd got a full tummy so he only needed to grow a bit bigger before he was gonna move on to rats. Shame cos it turned out that raptor was a girl and wasn't gonna get quite big enough to be able to kill lots of rats the way mink do. Definitely disappointing but atleast raptor will have a good life living with Clint, only he won't be going out on rat hunting trips. 😢

@stax6092 - 08.08.2022 05:37


@wasteddude9387 - 23.08.2022 15:33

Hey, I guessed 3.5 on the nose. Am I tuned in or what? Yeah, boi! Bad, babe! Right here. That's right. I got it. The real thing. Over here. Check it out. I am the gold standard.

@LukeMcGuireoides - 08.09.2022 05:39

Great episode. I LOVE this channel

@77tegu - 19.10.2022 09:10

Raptor is so cute, and the Mink guy is actually an impressive individual, he’s refreshingly understated and gives his knowledge in a clear and engaging manner. So kudos for a great guest and inspired by raptor’s cheeky grin perhaps you could do a cutest reptile feature.

@Targaryendraco-is-based - 03.12.2022 16:03

Clint, could you please send me a link to the stuff people mix to get really good burrowing sand for their arguses? The mink man actually used it with raptor.

@brianpartlow5530 - 16.12.2022 18:55

Zoos use target training to keep from being eaten by komodos. Monitors are super smart! They play with problem solving dog toys. They can count, pick colors.

@geckotheben447 - 20.12.2022 22:04

This video reminded me of an old concept I had of training monitor lizards to act like drug dogs, they have pretty good smelling, live a lot longer, depending on the type of monitor you can get a lot of different advantages

@Acethegeneral3k - 02.01.2023 05:48

Just to remind guys not it’s my business but he’s using a bird prey cause he’s not using example with lizard no offenses

@Th0tpocket505 - 06.01.2023 03:59

The cuts you do then when you have a different animal almost makes me pee on myself every time I see it super funny 😂😂

@finlaymorgan1405 - 10.01.2023 23:19

Train ability is a great category and should be in every video

@brianpartlow5530 - 13.01.2023 08:34

I am surprised law enforcement hasn't used monitors to sniff out drugs and bombs. Their sence of smell is probably the best in the world. They are food driven like dogs. They can learn to come when they hear their name.

@moonmoonjay3506 - 17.01.2023 09:37

Can u do a peach monitor

@Allinguts - 01.02.2023 00:34

I have a friend that has a Argus and the enclosure takes most of his living room.

@briarrose7016 - 04.04.2023 20:02

These are AMAZING lizards and I would love to own one so badly. It just doesn't seem fair to take them out of their environment for how active they are compared to other monitor lizards. To say they love food like cookie monster loves cookies is pretty accurate, but also true for my eclectus parrot lol. I target trained him to be potty trained, play fetch, roll over, high five, play basketball, etc. But he never gets full, he won't do any tricks without a treat involved, and no matter how much food he just had, he always wants what you have. Having a monitor lizard would probably be pretty like that only scarier :P.

@janedoe885 - 09.04.2023 02:13

I know this is old, but fwiw Clint very curious how Raptor's doing these days! Have you kept up training with her? Does she still get to hunt at all?

@cartersipes5971 - 05.06.2023 02:39


@613-shadow9 - 08.06.2023 08:32

so you can't train a cat because they are not motivated

@DogLover0294 - 11.06.2023 20:06

I really want a lizard like raptor but the Argus is to big and ackie to small any recommended?

@tristankropp6690 - 27.06.2023 19:48

Is there any specific breeder you would recommend for a Argus monitor?

@michaelhband - 06.08.2023 17:44


@willm4187 - 14.08.2023 04:59

you say that the size of the monitor in the video is the perfect size, are there any that get that big permanently?

@kylemendoza8860 - 31.08.2023 09:05

What do monitors eat? Most truthful answer. Anything that moves that they can catch.

@Gs-kl6rd - 19.10.2023 06:24

I’d love to watch more monitor videos please

@michaelkillerrominesdragon5080 - 24.10.2023 17:05

Yeah you never should do a video on a turkey training

@pelewads - 29.10.2023 07:43

How interesting, that he compares a lizard to a bird. LOL
It's been a couple of years since you made this video. A follow-up would be incredible.

@Opr8rScorch - 19.12.2023 19:34

I can tell by the close up shots that he is a good boi

@dermosquitor9984 - 18.02.2024 15:40

Clint i know this is a very unscientifical question, but i am writing a fantasy novel. Do you think one could train a dromaeosaurid like this? 😂

@DubsteadyMusic - 28.02.2024 01:05

Just got mine in today :). He/She is a shrimp and feisty but is absolutely gorgeous and i cant wait to see it grow and train it. Got a heavy duty bullseye sticker in the mail so i can target train them similar to what clint shows in his video with Gus Gus

@Blue_Lugia - 17.03.2024 06:47

My quetion though is, why is Joseph training his animals for hunting?
Is it nessecary to hunt this animals or is he doing it for sport?
In that case, he's not a person i will support.

@NOBLEFILMS1987 - 18.03.2024 02:39

That Is A Dinosaur! That Is A VelociRaptor!

@RasSunfiiyah - 28.03.2024 09:32

Are there any monitors that stay about that size

@charlotteyoung4014 - 31.03.2024 12:22

Yes please make a target training video ❤😊

@blueboltshrimp - 18.04.2024 20:49

oh absolutely the motivation thing,,,, my most food-motivated foster rabbit has been the easiest to teach tricks, while I have barely bothered with my current foster, who is the least food-motivated I've had so far. Eats a bite or two and then goes back to hanging out in a box

@neoconnor4395 - 23.05.2024 04:25

Friendly reminder: when lizards get burned its not because they're stupid, humans burn themselves too 😅

@cmcmillan22 - 30.07.2024 23:24

When you say they eat a lot, I think you understated that lol. Argus can choke more food down pound for pound than any animal I’ve ever seen

@monkeyseemonkeydo1794 - 10.08.2024 18:01

uvb is not an necessity if its fed whole prey items like quails, mice or rats. Vitamin D3 will be sufficient in those food items.

@cherylj7460 - 10.09.2024 17:20

Fascinating! The training by mink man! Can’t wait to check it out!

@rachaels8leggedwonders448 - 13.09.2024 02:34

I miss knowing that raptor is around. 😢He was so amazing!

@Kami84 - 01.10.2024 07:23

The head looks very much like a raptor dinosaur

@KatieDe_G - 05.10.2024 19:24

Did he sell raptor to callmethelamp?

@melomakarona - 09.11.2024 22:59

My girlfriend said: does he fart? 😂

@N.E.ThingAnimals - 18.12.2024 04:15


@bkjeong4302 - 31.12.2024 19:50

I know a guy online who keeps a breeding group of adults in a part-indoor, part-outdoor custom-built enclosure; they're killed and eaten some outdoor cats the neighbors allowed to get into their enclosure. He also has a big male named Wrath, which killed one of the several females housed with him for breeding and is generally especially aggressive and has been pulled off breeding projects.

This would probably be the monitor I'd want if I ever got enough room to keep anything bigger than an ackie. Not as impossible to find as a CB tree monitor, and I like the smaller, sleeker look on these over the big African monitors (and I doubt I'd ever have room for a black-throated monitor)

@b3an386 - 17.02.2025 18:53

Watched this prior to getting an Argus monitor. Got one anyways. He's literally just a hairless cat.
