3D Printing with Servos (Video from 2021) - ClearPath Demo

3D Printing with Servos (Video from 2021) - ClearPath Demo


2 года назад

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@dieselphiend - 05.01.2025 07:49

What is the idea behind the flex couplers? I would think the belts would suffice.

@MalPlan01 - 18.10.2024 20:42

What dimensional accuracy and tolerances can you print with those servos on your setup?

@johnkevin7003 - 11.10.2024 14:29

Can I connect my Octopus pro to Mitsubishi MR-J4-10A?
Is the AB motor shaft coupling effective or necessary. I was thinking putting them on to reduce the resonance, Will installing a coupling affect accuracy

@Ed_Aylward - 13.09.2024 17:24

MirageC this is awesome! Please, please teach me how to do that!!!

@3DPotterTech - 23.07.2024 21:47

In this exact setup, you actually do not need the breakout board for the Duet 2 to boost the signal to 5v. The duet expansion slot does output 3.3v on its own, which the Clearpath motors do accept even though it is out of spec for the ClearPath motor, which is 5v-24v. It does work with the direct 3.3v connection. However, you still need some form of a breakout connector, as the Duet 2 expansion slot pins are very close together. The proper connecter is a 50 way IDC cable. You can then take the other end of the cable, cut and strip the wires, and plug them directly into the ClearPath motors. You can also run the Clearpath motors at 24v and get the same amount of power, but less RPM, so you can run them off of your printer power supply.

@hankb7725 - 27.06.2024 00:19

why do people have that heavy ass metal bar for the XY gantry?

@jparniawski - 17.05.2024 01:12

I have most of the parts to do this sitting at my desk at work 🙄 I should order the rest and put them together finally...this is probably one of the best servo printer videos I have seen yet. The rest are usually show-off shorts.

@Runner50783 - 11.05.2024 19:33

I've been using Clearpaths on my laser cutter for years, to get the most out of them you have to perform manual tuning. The autotuning is fine but not perfect.

@kevinsanchez4272 - 22.04.2024 18:45

I think the artifact that are still visible are from the belts and small pully bearings, facets from the STL (even with arc welder enabled) and the molted plastic consistency.

@HeartOfGermany - 01.03.2024 08:16

It looks amazing, but is printing at this speed even a good idea for getting a quality part? I would think that the layer adheasion would suck a lot.

@seeleyDE - 28.01.2024 15:59

Awesome video. Did you tune all servos at the same time, or did you tune each one seperatly? I got a relatively strong wobble on x and y motion and currently try to figure out the problem.

@K9Megahertz - 11.12.2023 00:55

I used ClearPath steppers in my CNC build. Love em. Been wanting to know how well they'd work in a 3d printer and if they would indeed be silent. Future project I guess. =)

@edaylward7495 - 06.11.2023 21:58

Would it be possible to run 120v AC winch motors off an Octopus Max EZ board using DC to AC relays? Or some other way?

@platin2148 - 03.11.2023 20:31

Seems like it’s actually pretty hard to buy them in mainland Europe (the clearpaths i mean) so had to take leadshine 750W AC Servos. But hereto say i‘m doing a bit more than 3d printing.

@fabiansalzgeber9888 - 16.09.2023 23:01

Hello, I'm currently experimenting with the clearpath motors. Have you got the engines running regarding the M569 T parameters and tuning? I would be very grateful for an exchange.

@jbergene - 27.07.2023 22:24

You say that the high resolution models create artifacts on flat surface.

I have these motors (2310s) and the same PSU. and they create waves. I feel I have tested everything. Your prints looks much better.

Can you share you duet Timings? (Taa:bb:cc:dd)?

I'm still using them because those wavy patterns still annoy me less then that super load NEMA mtoror chirping

@occasionalriders1885 - 31.05.2023 00:37

Do u know id it Is possible to use those seevi with klipper and raspberry?
I'm also curious about the artifacts you indicate in the video description, what kind of artifacts?

@sAINT898 - 25.05.2023 09:56

Print quality better with servos?

@calhounklare9228 - 21.05.2023 07:00

'Promo SM' 👉

@joshuafoster8976 - 13.05.2023 14:21

Ive always wondered rather than a faster and faster head .... Split the build chamber into 4 and have 4 independent hot ends that overlap. Yeah the control could be more difficult to avoid collisions byt surely that would be faster right??

@kevin_delaney - 09.05.2023 04:19

How is the vibration? 👀

@bobwanmorgan9906 - 14.04.2023 21:50

So what top speed and average speed were these examples printing? What cubic mm/sec was the hot end at? Amazing work, thanks for sharing

@ToWi1989 - 28.03.2023 15:53

So quiet compared to steppers!!! Too bad these things are CRAZY expensive compared to steppers.

@philipps3ddruck - 25.03.2023 23:16

Very nice! Is it possible that you share your settings for the printer.cfg and the controller for the motors too?

@travistucker7317 - 03.03.2023 07:45


@Z-add - 02.03.2023 10:22

Teknic doesn't make 3d printer specific servos. These are all for cnc machines that requires lot of torque.

@BigfootPrinting - 01.03.2023 21:29

Is this something you plan to revisit now that hot ends keep up?

@shaneoverbaugh2824 - 01.03.2023 20:10

So awesome! Such great info

@dooauta3647 - 01.03.2023 15:34

HE-VO HE-VO HE-VORT!!! best project, best community! I love my Hevort!!! <3

@MilosevicOgnjan - 01.03.2023 13:14

As always, an awesome video, thank you for pushing the boundaries and sharing it with the community. Could you share your initial impressions about using the servos - mainly if you think it's worth it in terms of money/hassle? I've always wondered why there aren't almost any companies using servos in 3d printers. I have a set of hybrid servo-steppers that I bought for my mpcnc build, but always wanted to try proper servo's on my large format 3d printer.

@diekellerwerft - 01.03.2023 11:50

Since 5 Years i'm Waiting for these Servos to be used in 3D Printers. With an very good Heater it must be a Thunderstorm SpeedBenchy Run...

@likevvii - 01.03.2023 11:12

I am using clearpath servos and they have a smoothing function that causes a tiny delay. If I use clearpath on one axis and stepper on the other, my small circles turn oval.

This causes an issue for extrusion because the servos are slower than the extruder stepper causing stringing due to early/late retraction.

I am wondering if there is a way to set a persistent fixed delay for the extruder so help sync the servo with the extruder stepper. Still not the best solution as the extruder will be slower during straight lines as the servo catches up.

I wish someone makes 3D printer controller that don't use STEP/DIR and have actual path planning.

@MalvixStudio - 01.03.2023 10:40

When you mention print artifacts on flat surfaces, are you referring to something similar to VFAs on stepper motors? Would you still recommend these over something like the LDO 2405?

@mistr_clean7557 - 01.03.2023 10:06

even if your board doesnt output 5v signal say 3v like the octopus board im using with servos you can run your step/dir signals to the - port and run a constant 5v supply from a 5v header to the + step/dir say on a jmc or stepperonline motor. not sure about the clearpath also can't forget about adding the pulse width line into your klipper config to prevent any weird issues that resemble missed steps

@stefanguiton - 01.03.2023 09:53

Awesome! What top speeds did you manage to reach with the servos?
