Georgian Crossroads - Putting It All Together

Georgian Crossroads - Putting It All Together

Georgian Crossroads And Beyond

54 года назад

228 Просмотров

Gamarjoba! გამარჯობა ქართველებო! Georgian Crossroads is one of several channels and sites that I maintain for ideas and journeys. In this video I put my various ventures together to give you some idea of what I'm actually up to. I give you an update on my Gravity From Above puppetry project. I give you some ideas of the topics that I'll be covering over at The Anadromist channel and much more. And of course I let you in on my new Georgian Crossroads channel. If you are a subscriber or a just visiting this channel this might open up a few interesting doors for you. And some of you may simply be wondering who I am. Well wonder no more.

For more on Georgian music and dance check out The Anadromous Life channel which I created several years ago. You'll see videos of great dancing and singing!

And for more discussions try my Anadromist channel:

AND SUBSCRIBE TO BOTH NOW!!! It will really help us grow. And share this video.


The Anadromous Life Essay site:
The Gravity From Above site:

And you can support this channel through PayPal. Thanks!

More coming soon! Droebit.


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