The Moment of Truth: Testing My Ability (Learning Portuguese part 2)

The Moment of Truth: Testing My Ability (Learning Portuguese part 2)

Nathaniel Drew

4 года назад

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@jofranco - 11.05.2020 18:22

He’s a superhuman, VOCÊ ARREBENTOU! Can’t wait for all the multilingual conversations we’re about to have

@CurumoTheGreat - 07.03.2025 00:01

I've watched both parts and here are my conclusions:
This approach is a refreshing middle finger to traditional classroom language learning! The focus on high-frequency vocabulary, immersion through media, and immediate real-world application aligns with SLA principles like the Pareto Principle (20% effort for 80% results) and Krashen’s “comprehensible input.” Your emphasis on motivation (tying learning to personal/cultural goals) and embracing mistakes as part of the process is spot-on—it’s a mindset shift many learners need.

That said, the method’s dismissal of grammar and structured feedback risks leaving gaps in accuracy (e.g., confusing pão and pau in Portuguese). While “7 days” is clickbaity, your transparency about the marathon vs. sprint mentality saves it—language learning is a lifelong journey. For total beginners, pairing your method with tools like Anki or a grammar cheat sheet could balance fluency and correctness.

Overall, this is a solid blueprint for survival-level communication and cultural connection. It’s not a replacement for deeper study, but it’s a hell of a jumpstart. Well done for making language learning feel accessible and human! 🌍✨

(P.S. The “no money needed” angle is clutch—democratizing language learning is a win.)

@entregueagora - 08.01.2025 21:35


@entregueagora - 08.01.2025 21:33


@ActuatedGear - 04.01.2025 14:28

Why would Americans need to bother learning to speak the languages of lesser nations? Poor things think they're people.

I'm kidding! Put down the pitchforks.

@nataliakashitsyna294 - 17.12.2024 08:58

That's all really great, but don't forget that the guy had already been able to speak Spanish when he started learning Portuguese. I've had the same experience and I can say it was really easy to learn Portuguese after Spanish. Great method though. Going to try it with Italian.

@huntergarland3234 - 16.12.2024 09:37

My Brazilian friend once said “fight with your naked hands” instead of “fight with your bare hands” which we laugh at to this day, and I once accidentally said “calcinhas” thinking that meant “shorts” in which I was very wrong, because “calcinhas” means “panties”

So you definitely will make mistakes, but if you’re learning Portuguese, it’s fine, Brazilians are so nice you got nothing to worry about

@luanrg - 15.11.2024 20:29

Great!!! Congrats 🎉🇧🇷

@vibesbywatertv - 18.10.2024 16:16

Sick man, super inspiring

@Openyourmindbruh - 08.10.2024 15:41

She was cool

@giovannacelebrini5232 - 10.09.2024 17:18

Cara, seu português tá incrível, parabéns MESMOO

@giovannacelebrini5232 - 10.09.2024 17:16

Bravissimo! Io sono italo brasiliana e ho cominciato ad imparare l'italiano due mese fa. Quindi è certo che sbaglio, ma mi sto godendo il processo! La mia difficultà più grande è trovare qualcuno con cui parlare

@TicTacYo100 - 02.08.2024 20:09

I'm glad you put the disclaimer at the beginning.

@renatopereira3142 - 14.07.2024 23:33

Fantástico esse vídeo! Parabéns ao Nathaniel por esse grande esforço e progresso tão rápido. Com relação à jovem com quem ele conversa, ela fala português PERFEITAMENTE. Não existe um jeito "único" ou exclusivamente "correto" de se falar português da forma como talvez ela ache. O português dela é totalmente natural e perfeitamente brasileiro. Até mesmo as gírias que ela usa e que o Nathaniel aprendeu também. Enfim, uma excelente conversa entre os dois. Parabéns a vocês!😊👏
(PS: Sou brasileiro de origem, mas moro no Canadá há 15 anos. Além do português, eu falo inglês, espanhol, um pouco de francês e um pouco de italiano. Aprendi novas línguas ao longo da minha vida conhecendo novas pessoas e sendo um apaixonado por história, gramática, novas culturas e viagens pelo mundo afora. Voltar a estudar francês recentemente e meu objetivo agora é poder falar fluentemente essa língua num futuro bem próximo.)

@brenno344 - 11.04.2024 01:00

Agora vai à Portugal! Muito boa sorte ;)

@mashmatusova - 20.03.2024 01:27

absolutely fantastic results!

@berkdalkiran1036 - 03.03.2024 16:15

Bro theres no fucking way this video makes me so mad i have been practicing portuguese since 2 months now, and youre getting upset at “pela primera vez” bro come on im about to cry because im still nowhere near this and ive bought your course

@rustycloves6090 - 24.02.2024 00:26

Nope, sorry don't believe you became that fluent in only 7 days.

@jb8884 - 11.02.2024 01:56

Randomly came across your 2 Portuguese learning vids, really enjoyed seeing these! I just did kind of the same process with European Portuguese. OK, took me more like a year than a week to get to a similar level but loved the process. I loved seeing how you had such a profound first conversation. Really interesting questions around identity, and I totally agree with how special it is to learn other languages and how it changes your life experience. Looking forward to seeing more from your channel now, great stuff!

@bserene6328 - 05.02.2024 04:19

Parabens Nathaniel!

@angelperez8085 - 21.01.2024 01:51

What the hell, I remember watched a video where it's tell is uselful to watch videos in different velocities. And I tried with this and the part one. And then I repeated the videos with normal velocity and my mind customed to high velocity that why I am improving my listening skill. English and Portuguese are foreign languages for me. And with these videos I'm looking forward to learn more about languages and the capacity of our brains to learn it. I'm sorry if I made mistake jiji

@dorothyjordan4355 - 20.01.2024 21:02

Nathaniel drewl, você me ganhou como amigo.

@thomasvandenbelt4097 - 11.01.2024 02:58

So much insecurity and "I hope I said that right" , disclaimers to "not feel down on yourself". Bro, you're doing super great, no need to exaggerate the humility so much

@jfdbcpv1983 - 02.12.2023 14:56

ok wow, i'm Portuguese and i'm really, truly impressed. you should be proud of yourself man, this is really an outlandish feat considering your 7 days of learning. wow

@josuelnascimento1040 - 21.11.2023 02:12

You are incredible!
i`m gratefully for you share all process to learn and speak in português, i`m Brazilian and learning english, your process help me a lot, thank so much for this contend.

@eze2522 - 28.10.2023 10:45

Português incrível o seu. Parabéns!

@junio.coelho - 20.10.2023 20:44

Não é por nada não, mas ninguém consegue concatenar palavras desta forma e o pior, compreender o q ela fala, em 7 dias, hahaha. Só cai nessa quem nunca praticou um idioma novo antes.

@gamingwithpurg3anarchy157 - 17.09.2023 04:58

Being American I have the buff of surprising people by speaking foreign languages.. I can't necessarily right now.. however I'm learning Portuguese and I don't plan to stop.. after Portuguese will be Italian. After that probably Spanish because my Portuguese will be at s level that I won't confuse the two AS MUCH 😂
Quase dois anos e ainda nunca falei ao telefone com ninguém. Espero que posso visitar o Brasil algum dia, talvez moro lá.. isso é só um sonho. Mas quando tenho um melhor vocabulário e claro grana.. tô vindo pra o Brasil 😝
Muito amor para os brasileiros ❤️

@ivanmartyniuk9531 - 14.09.2023 00:07

Wtf? You applied and eventually became a Portuguese citizen but learned brazilian Portuguese and not the European one?!

@sunasunagirl - 29.08.2023 23:51

It was amazing man! You really learned so fast! I'm Brazilian and I'm learning english arround 2 years and it's been so hard to me! Congrats!

@PandemoniumPirateRadio - 29.08.2023 22:28

My mother launguage is so limited to me, I never had a close affinity for it.
My English is way more developed in terms of vocabulary and influences.
So to me I don't barely feel like myself speaking my mother language because it's so limited.
It's not as developed as English and doesn't at all have the same quantity of words and expressions.
It's so crazy. And the culture here is bad to me as well, so I don't even want to engage in the common use because it's not intelligent or creative at all.

@williansouza8724 - 19.08.2023 16:16

em uma semana, você tá falando como imigrantes que já estão aqui há anos! incrível!

@HeloisaVidigal - 18.08.2023 16:33

Sensacional !

@Monari22 - 05.08.2023 21:10

Hey Drew, I am also Brazilian and i can for sure confirm, you killed it! In seven days being able to handle a conversation in Portuguese as you did uow well done! Parabéns 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

@Jaymoney067 - 31.07.2023 06:47

She is speaking so fast lol, his listening skills are sharp!

@LingopieTV - 30.07.2023 21:32

Mandou benzaço!!! Great accent by the way!

@lCEPHOENlX - 27.07.2023 18:03

As a portuguese speaker (from Portugal) I personally find his accent terrible and I honestly think that’s no good Portuguese. But for one week… it’s impressing

@dr.sulivandiasborgesvianna4336 - 23.07.2023 23:22

Ok, ok….That was unbelievable! I am a polyglot myself (5 languages fluent and 3-4 languages on top having “ok” levels of communication), and Brazilian Portuguese is my mother tong. I have never seen any other polyglot I know to get to such a level in 1 week. This is really not normal. Your methodology has to be made public, for the good of humanity (the detailed methodology, I mean). I use to do something similar to that too, but some languages as I find do not follow the same structures like the Latin languages or indo-Germanic languages do, so it is hard to have a “one size fits all”. A sort of “copy and paste solution for learning languages”. But if you did find it, I would love to see it myself (like, can you do it with Chinese? Korean? African languages?). Some languages do not even have prepositions or the persons to conjugate verbs…amazing job man, I am your fan, really

@j..w443 - 23.07.2023 20:06

I’m 50 years old, British 🇬🇧 and have only spoken the English language in my life so far! Typical British person I hear you say! 😂 After recently taking a vacation to Greece 🇬🇷 again a few weeks ago, a country I am rapidly falling in love with, I have decided to learn to speak and read the modern Greek language. I’m embarrassed to have had to speak to Greek locals in in English! That has motivated me to start learning how to speak to Greeks in their own mother tongue. 😊I am hoping this will open up future life opportunities for me in 🇬🇷! 🤞🙏

@eletricbubble1244 - 14.07.2023 18:49

Em uma semana, Nathaniel. Tá de parabéns, meu filho. Estou muito orgulhosa

@JoseLara-dg4zk - 07.07.2023 14:45

By the halfway point of this video, my eyes overflowed with happy tears. Partly because Brazilian Portuguese is such a beautiful language to hear. And on top of that: this video and Part 1 encapsulate my own experiences in communicating in Ukrainian language over the year and a half since I moved to the nation.
Thank you, Nathaniel Drew, for sharing your language acquisition journey!

@douglaspate9314 - 22.06.2023 00:11

Awesome! I too learnt Portuguese in 7 days, Catalan in 14 (to be able to run a Monday morning business meeting of my company in Barcelona) and Danish from 10:30 in the morning to 7 in the evening to be able to converse with my future (now ex) parents-in-law. It is true. We polyglots (I speak 10 languages for my business) have techniques and ways to hit our fluent specific goals. And my brother learnt Japanese in 3 weeks from German (we are English native speakers) to fluent specifically serve in the restaurant we was working in.

At the start of April this year I visited Lisbon. First time going there speaking Portuguese. I adapted my accent from Brasilian to "Lisbonese" and after 5 days I was asked "...and how long have you lived in Lisbon?" The answer "5 days, I am here on holiday" was met with a blank stare.

@yinconscious - 02.06.2023 06:24

muito bueno

@MATHEW94061 - 30.05.2023 12:58

Trabalhou duro e conseguiu aprender bastante. Imagino que cortou bastante coisa fora do video e provavelmente se embaralhou um pouco mais do que foi mostrado. Independente disso, acho que fez um trabalho extraordinário. A verdade que aprender uma língua dessa maneira requer muita “paixão” e dedicação e não é para todo mundo

@jameshunt2905 - 28.05.2023 10:44

Beautifully presented.... 7 days immersion of your own design...... this really good! And you proved your point in testing with a more advanced speaker. I’m hoping you feel really good about this endeavor.

@stranger5366 - 18.05.2023 06:54

FALOU BEM PRA CARALHOO IRMÃO!!! Que alegria ver um norte-americano falando Português kkkkkk Ainda mais falando bem. You did broh. You did it!

@mikegolf5393 - 29.04.2023 07:26

This conversation is bringing up emotions I haven’t felt before.

I have felt similiar way being the son of a Portuguese immigrants.

Out of fear I avoided learning, only picking up words here and there during my trips.

This conversation has brought up a shared courage from you guys to learn and embrace being a mix of identity, not being 100% Canadian or 100% Portuguese.

But I’d be happy to be both!

Thank you for this video!

@christiang8758 - 13.04.2023 17:32

It’s so weird bc I don’t speak a word of Portuguese but I can speak Spanish and I can actually somewhat follow along with their conversation. Brazilian Portuguese almost sounds like some bizarre thick accent of Spanish with a bunch of different vocabulary words. I’m not at all saying it’s not a different language than Spanish bc it definitely is its own entity, I’m just saying i can definitely see how this language is the closest cousin to Spanish bc I can understand a lot
