You are not able to tell the differnce between Darius the Second and Darius the Third...
Ответитьwhy stop at 1000 years? We should never have come down from the trees
ОтветитьI like Grimm
ОтветитьAdam and Eve eating the Apple
ОтветитьNever forget the volcano 🌋 explosion of Pomepeii (79CE) which killed almost all citizens in it.
ОтветитьAh, the great mystery of the ages: Did the Romans speak English with a British accent ha ha! 😆
ОтветитьSomeone can’t count 🙄
ОтветитьI think most Native Americans would agree that repelling instead of inclusion with the Norse tribes and later the Europeans would be their vote to include on this list.
ОтветитьPermitting Trump to run for president will be number one.
ОтветитьApparently, the Library of Alexandria may not have had much in it when it was destroyed. Most of what had been in it was already copied by the Romans and Greeks.
Of course, who knows?
I didn't know 1204 was over 1000 years ago!!! seems like it's only been 821 years...
ОтветитьThe Children's Crusade, another fine example of how tough kids were in the past, not like the pathetic, "shoe wearing" weaklings that we have today.
Ответить"Duh RYE us"... GADS can you not even listen to your own clips on how to pronounce it? Did you never know anyone named Darius? DARE-ee-us, for chrissakes!
Ответитьchecks calendar hmm... not 2212.
ОтветитьWhy do you call it "World's", why don't you call it "The Western World's"?
That'd be better, wouldn't it? Unless . . .
Sorry but the Rubicon one is just wrong. Caesar was like the third man to take over the power by force. Fourth, if you count that the whole reason he crossed the Rubicon was that his rival Pompeius had already taken control of Rome and Caesar had reason to fear for his life if he submits. So Caesar taking power was not really a big deal, we only have the word of his enemies he even intended to do something to break the republic. All that really happened was that the Roman Republic continued the slow decline of its institutions started long before over the next few centuries. There was not that much difference between the power of Sulla before Caesar and Augustus after him.
Sure Augustus had extra titles and consolidated his power more (providing much better safety and stability in return) but only real difference was that after him the power was "inherited" by Tiberius. And that was probably mostly because Augustus was in power so long that anyone who wanted a return to the old system died of old age. And people had more or less given up on the republic because of the purges and assassinations and hoped concentrating power by default would stop the infighting. And to be fair it did not really make things worse.
The division between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire is mostly fiction made to simplify teaching history. Rome was an empire long before Caesar. And kept lots of its republican heritage for centuries after. For centuries the emperor was the one the legions supported, which sounds very undemocratic to us but in ancient republics the reason free men had a say in affairs of state (not women or slaves) was because they provided the manpower for the armies. So there was no break in legitimization of power coming from the people until much later. And the concept of power coming from the people for the benefit of the people is what republic means. Contrary to popular belief a republic and a democracy are two different things.
Pharoah saying, no, over and over again.
ОтветитьElecting Trump again...
ОтветитьThe real mistake, if that is the right word, by Publius Quinctilius Varus was his corrupt and oppressive treatment of the German tribes under his governorship, which needlessly antagonised Rome's erstwhile ally Arminius, King of the Cheruscii. Unfortunately for Varus and his army, Arminius was a very gifted commander and organiser who had also learned enough about the Roman mode of warfare during his education in Rome to be able to devise a battle plan that negated the Romans' usual advantages.
ОтветитьSeeing Philomena Cunk as an "expert" on the crusades is trippy 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ответить#1 theres a song about it called kaisarion
ОтветитьShout out to Grimm ❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьHow about the policies of US Presidents Reagan running up the defects was a ticking time bomb. George W Bush, Jimmy carter Hostage rescue, And cutting off bribe money to Iran's clerics. Trump policies etc.
Ответить300 is good but sequel not.
ОтветитьFunny how you said "One man's ambition can reshape an entire civilation". It's pretty much how the United State's empire is currently falling, figuratively, the same way as the roman empire.
ОтветитьTroy Kidnapping Helen was something that could be considered a Bad Decision.
ОтветитьWhat is this ass editing, why are there just random movie clips that tells you absolutely nothing about the topic.
ОтветитьTender Roni McDonald.
ОтветитьJust think……In another 1000 years the live action Snow White will be on this list.
Giggity Giggity all right
Yay, Rebecca's back!!
ОтветитьIt's a good compilation.
ОтветитьThe Hamelin legend of the Pied Piper is said to be based on the Children's Crusade...
ОтветитьI’ve got 2 huge modern history mistakes not on your list. Nazi Germans invasion of Russia, that mistake saved us from a much darker future. And china’s “Great Leap Forward”
ОтветитьAnother historical mistake, according to some scholars, is the development of agriculture. Apparently it has lead to population expansion, spreading of disease, as well as famine.
ОтветитьWatching this video while watching Grimm. LOVE Grimm
ОтветитьWorst decision is to have Mel Gibson on a historical movie.
Ответить"Don't Anger Genghis Khan"? Well... Considering that his army that got sent after Kertanegara offended him is got tricked by Raden Wijaya who able to found the Majapahit Empire because of it? I don't think it's that bad😅
ОтветитьFor some reason I keep forgetting other bits of history like ancient China, ancient Rome, etc are bits of reality that actually existed. When you said "bad decisions that occurred 1,000 years ago" I was picturing stealing food from saber toothed machairodont cats during the pleistocene!
ОтветитьThey chose poorly. 🎉
ОтветитьGarbage, done on a shoestring budget. Other, serious historically-oriented outfits would not use ill-fitting video segments.
ОтветитьWhat’s with Philomena Cunk in the beginning?
ОтветитьHello good afternoon ❤❤❤
ОтветитьFahrenheit 451 and 1984 are books that should be required reading. They are cautionary tales of how free will ends. Get your copies before the power hungry grifters ban them.