APB: Reloaded - Bugging Out - 19/10/2019 [Strong Language]

APB: Reloaded - Bugging Out - 19/10/2019 [Strong Language]

Outbreak Gaming

55 лет назад

47 Просмотров

Hey guys! We played some more APB: Reloaded during the weekend and have been getting super back into it recently, we're even getting more players join the clan now so it's been good to be more active on APB just to be able to play a few games with them. It's been really nice. Like the good old days. :)

This was a fun match that ended up being pretty close and I feel we played really well in this one. Not only that I've been trying out and practicing with a weapon I don't normally play with, the Agrotech ACES Rifle. It's pretty great! I like it because it feels like an SMG but I'm leveling up the Rifle role when I'm using it. Good stuff! :D

I'm streaming other games too at the moment but I'm mostly playing APB at weekends so if you would like to join our clan, hang out with us during a few casual matches join our discord and ask for an invite! :D

Of course you can also visit our Twitch channel where I stream most nights, follow us over there if you don't want to miss when we go live. All our links can be found below. :)

Join the community!
Homepage: https://outbreakgaming.co.uk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OutbreakGaming
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/0utbreakgaming
Discord: https://outbreakgaming.co.uk/discord

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