Cora Disc Review | A Great Beginner Disc

Cora Disc Review | A Great Beginner Disc

Period Nirvana

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@MizzBooSongz - 13.04.2022 22:25

I’m not sure I put it in right, but I have to say thank you because I got it In. I am a pad person. Tried tampons ones and thought I was going to die trying it. Thought that for this too but you visual put in helped.

@MizzBooSongz - 13.04.2022 22:31

Omg, I thought I lost it. 😭😭😭😭 I’m stressed. And yes I checked while still watching.

@KiaBKB - 30.04.2022 07:29

So I wanted to come back and comment and I finally found my disc! Cora disc 10000%. I literally FEEL everything and when it comes to Menstrual cups, they hurt and the Nixit kept popping out. I used the online quiz and it recommended the saalt cup I went to the store and saw saalt had a disc. I went to back buy it after getting the cup, and came across the Cora disc and decided to try. BEST decision I’ve ever made ! No leaks! I’m wearing it now and I literally don’t feel a thing!

@zuuumbaaa - 08.05.2022 19:11

I had never used any cups or discs. I just got the Cora Disc and it keeps leaking!!! I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. At night it doesn’t leak, but during the day it does. I’ve watched videos of how to insert it, read a lot about it and I don’t get what the issue is. When I remove it it’s not even half full, so it’s not leaking because it’s too full.

It is also really, really hard to remove! Over the toilet it doesn’t work…I have to literally squat in the shower to be able to get it out…and it is still hard…it seems like it’s lost in there, really far up…Besides hooking my finger to get it out, I need to push and wait. Super annoying!!!!! What’s the problem? Is my cervix too high? Is the disc too small? I’m a person with a small frame (5’7 124 lb)

At this point I also ordered the Luma in 2 different sizes to try as well as the Hello Disc, but they haven’t arrived yet.

Help, please!!! I really want the disc to work 😢

@piesbutterfly - 11.05.2022 03:21

Can u use this if u wear nails 💅 Serious question

@amandaevatt3723 - 17.05.2022 01:53

I just wanted to chime in I have a very high cervix, tilted uterus and I have had twins and this disc does not stay in place well behind my pubic bone it slips out very easily and was difficult to fold and insert because of the thickness. I prefer the flex reusable so far but I do find it a bit harder to get out.

@sharabernier5556 - 19.05.2022 23:05

Can someone explain what the "auto dump" part includes? I have a guess but i just wanna know what exactly takes place

@tiffanybrantley2271 - 25.05.2022 18:07

Love your videos! Recently tried this and it’s awesome. I do find the removal to be a bit difficult as my finger doesn’t get a good grasp in the notch to pull. Took quite a while to get it out.

@abbystephens9766 - 05.06.2022 22:26

I am currently testing the nixit disc and it’s amazing ! I tried cups and they’re ok but the suction made my body sensitive. I am still mastering it, I am not quite there yet but I know with practice I will get there.

@honeybear373 - 25.06.2022 21:29

I am not have good luck with cups due to the stem. My front vaginal wall near the opening is very sensitive and I can always feel the stem for whatever reason. I want something that fits up further without a dang stem or string sticking out or pointing down

@eliseyeager7157 - 29.06.2022 17:58

I just ordered this from you shop 😊 I have never used a cup or disc before but your videos have by far been the most informational and helpful. So thank you for that so much!!! I’m excited to start using these and I really do think the disc is going to be my best option.

@Emjay8321 - 12.07.2022 19:28

Okay, stop with the “inclusive” jargon. There’s so much to worry about these days you’ll lose your mind trying to tip toe. This is literally a product for the female body, for women. Period.

@lightsoutdrillinstructor237 - 20.07.2022 03:35

When “inclusive language” takes higher priority than the actual form or function of a product, it’s really hard to take you seriously.

@rachelwilliams1822 - 27.07.2022 22:12

I just got my first Cora disc today! This really helped me decide that it was a good idea. I found it easy to put in (at least I think I put it in right) and I’m exited to see how I like it throughout my cycle!

@fleurdelis6923 - 30.07.2022 16:59

This video was so helpful that my second time inserting the disk was a breeze. I had a hard time inserting the first time that I got pinched badly :-/. I thought since wearing a cup for years I could get this easily the first time...I was wrong lol.
Thank you for the video <3

@Happyliving757 - 01.08.2022 03:10

So which is ur favorite disc?!?

@EvolvingMama_ - 06.08.2022 15:37

I’m trying so hard to get with cups but they’re just so damn messy 🥴😭 not to mention risk of infection 😣

@grimlocks844 - 03.09.2022 00:30

So I bought this disc for my last period and it was amazing, the second period around I’m getting a bit frustrated. It seems like I can’t put it in correctly and it keeps leaking.

@19madeline427 - 04.09.2022 03:56

I was with you until you started the inclusive b.s.... men do NOT have periods. I don't care who identifies as what - to each their own- but get over female terms regarding female related issues. 🤦🏻‍♀️

@sueblack5794 - 11.09.2022 00:29

I love discs but Cora was terrible in my experience. I swear it has a bit of suction to it and sucked right up into my cervix. I had a very hard time pulling it out and so much so that I ended up with a lot of swelling over my pubic bone and walls. That has never happened before. It was way too small if you have a high cervix beware. Worst experience I've ever had with a cup or a menstrual disc.

@tbryant3685 - 11.09.2022 21:16

I wanted to love the Cora but my body doesnt. My insides filled in the empty space and was super uncomfortable to remove because of it:(

@michiganmama562 - 13.09.2022 01:19

I love my disc(s) so darn much. But the first 3 days of my period, when my cervix is super low, are really tough with my disc! During removal it goes right over my cervix, and it hurts like hell! I’ve tried everything to try to avoid this, but I’ve come up with nothing. Is this a common problem? Is there anything I can do to get under it while removing? I’ve never heard anyone else mention this issue, but it certainly is an issue for me! Help!

@sylvia.adastra9475 - 14.09.2022 06:45

☺️ I agree w the review-It is a firm disk but it was also my first time using it and It didn’t bother me at all. The whole process felt rather intuitive w the finger hook. No leaks and I emptied into the toilet. The mess is just what it is.

@Apl_tree - 18.09.2022 02:33

I was using a cup for like 2 years and it just stopped working for me it would leak all the time and I couldn’t workout with it. I recently got the cora disk and I just cannot seem to get it to work 😢 I can’t get it to sit right it’s always in auto dump mode. I know it works because I still pull it out and it catches blood but I HAVE to wear a pad with it. Any advice would be helpful:(

@aprilfloyd3492 - 15.10.2022 07:33

Thank you so much for this video. I just got mine and felt like I was doing it wrong so your video super helped.

@neviamartinez8471 - 15.11.2022 03:20

can someone please tell me what im doing wrong?? i can never get my disc to stay in. i have shoved it as high in as i can physically get it. is my pubic bone just too short?? PLEASE HELP!!
edit: I have tried the ziggy and the flex disc, neither i can get to stay in.

@cartercarter6312 - 10.12.2022 20:57

THE Cora disc slides out way too easily. It goes in fine, pops over the public bone only to pop out in a minute or two.

@KenadieWasHere - 27.01.2023 20:55

So I picked the Cora disc and I love it for the most part but I do have problems with it suctioning for some reason. Could this be because I have had kids? I notice that I am sore after I am done and I think it's because this cup is hard to remove do to it suctioning.

@notmychelle - 15.02.2023 03:59

I tried Cora disc one time and will not be using again. It was perfect until removal time. The disk rotated and without the notch it’s impossible to grab for a high cervix gal. I talked myself out of freaking out and just went to bed with it in, longer than 12hr, hoping it would shift overnight and I can grab the rim. Ended up okay but basically impossible for me to grab and remove. I would say if you can’t feel your cervix with your finger you might have trouble removing this. I’m eagerly anticipating my period starting so I can try my new Hello disc 😊

@jamie6506 - 18.02.2023 22:21

I love my cup (diva cup size 1), but on day one and sometimes two, the suction it creates causes an incredibly painful cramp. This is a relatively new development; I've been wearing the cup for a little over a year now and this has only happened for the last few periods. I think I might try a disc to see if that helps, so I'm using these reviews to see what might work best. Thank you for them!

@evelynkrull5268 - 20.02.2023 08:58

I just bought a cora because it was in my grocery store and I'm now watching this video for more info even though I know for a fact that it works for me.

I really liked the slightly thicker rim (although I dont have a reference point other than the diva cup which I didnt love) I liked how the ticker tim gave a solid thing to inject. I worried it'd be difficult to shove it in there with a softer rim.

@carolynjohnson4724 - 16.04.2023 20:00

Insertion super easy for me, I'm having the hardest time removing it because my cervix moved up higher while I was sleeping.... Will try again when I'm more relaxed and not stressing trying to get ready

@jordanhaleigh4598 - 21.04.2023 03:03

But…who would need a Cora disc besides women…

@TaleRavenTarot - 07.06.2023 22:04

I have a PhD and I'm 40. I've been menstruating the majority of my life, and I feel like I still have no idea what product to buy. You've done such an amazing job compiling all this info, but I feel confused about how to know what diameter, firmness, length etc I need. Maybe my body is just weird, but I hate that this is so hard to figure out. Very grateful for your content and your shop, though, which makes it 100x easier.

@paigelarson9279 - 08.06.2023 02:00

Just like washing spoons 😂😂

@ManifestingMoni - 17.06.2023 03:52

I must have done someone wrong… I couldn’t get mines out! I had to have my husband help me and even he had trouble. He ended up not using the lip latch and had to go over the brim to remove it 😭 it’s my first time ever using these kind of things. I’m a pad girl. But I hate the waste. The disc was super easy to get in but idk it went far back into me. My finger was too short to latch on to it. Did I do something wrong? Why would something like that happen?

@kylia2009 - 23.07.2023 07:49

I wanted to like this product so bad... but it is an absolute nightmare to remove!! I literally cannot get it out and have to go to urgent care to get help. There's literally blood everywhere.. DO NOT RECOMMEND!

@adriannavanoyen - 02.08.2023 03:29

Thank you for this review! I was using a Diva Cup before I had children, but was never super happy with using it, although I loved that it was reusable and only needed emptying a couple times a day. Fast forward almost 4 years with only a handul of periods due to pregnancy & breastfeeding and I want to find a new reusable option for menstruating that is IUD friendly, so I'm excited to try a disc with this period!

@ManifestingMoni - 09.08.2023 07:30

It’s one month later and I’ve tried again. This time I was able to pull it out. I had to dig. It was very uncomfortable. I had to use two fingers. The latch indentation did not work for me. I’m still new to this so I’ll keep trying. It also felt very uncomfortable inside of me this time around. I could feel it pushing on me.

@ericcaharvey - 12.08.2023 21:28

I was thinking about Caya Diaphragm as you were discussing the Cora features! I use Caya!

@manpreetkour5660 - 20.08.2023 22:49

Is it good for 14 year old girls as well ?

@calebblackwell4626 - 23.09.2023 22:37

Hi! Just wanted to say I REALLY appreciate the non-gendered language in this video. It was exceptionally helpful for me when buying this, while not making me feel dysphoric. Thanks!

@chichofarm - 01.11.2023 17:22

I used flex disposal discs and loved it! I use Cora tampon so I figured I would try the Cora disc and no matter what I do I can't pull it out with one finger and I sometimes find it very uncomfortable in there while trying to sit or do certain things. Maybe I need to try the other Cora disc, the blue one. I'm wondering if I should try a disc that's easier to pull out as well. Anyways, thanks for the helpful review 😊

@ilovespeaknow - 17.11.2023 05:38

I use their tampons for exercise and swimming and love them. I really want to try a disk since cups didnt work for me. I think i will try this!

@ready2cry - 24.12.2023 01:16

:/ i was an ardent Flex disposable user for years and had to buy a cora reusable disk in a pinch. i feel like i’m using it wrong? does anyone have tips on the difference between using a disposable disk and a reusable? it keeps leaking and i’m having trouble inserting.

@sashaphillips1283 - 02.05.2024 19:25

My period is going to be starting in a few days i JUST GOT a cora disk any tips on easier insertion?

@snookiefarris8510 - 23.05.2024 09:34

God bless you for teaching an old dog new tricks

@ashleykhader1296 - 11.07.2024 09:21

I’ve used menstrual cups in the past and had some leakage occasionally. I just got the Cora reusable and I’m having a lot of trouble inserting it where it doesn’t leak. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. It must be a me problem since so many people have such good results

@MykaForrest - 13.10.2024 23:27

The Cora was my first disc after 5 years of unsatisfactory cup usage. I love how it fits, but I occasionally struggle with removal. It gets tilted up so vertically that the notch doesn't help.

@CristaKyleWoodruff-qc6jw - 07.02.2025 21:21

If you have an iud and use the cup what happens? You mentioned suction… I have a disk so I came here to watch how to use it. But I might buy a cup now depending on what it does. I haven’t been able to feel my iud strings in over a year. Will it suck them through? Or maybe bring my whole iud out or down some? I want it out anyways. Thanks
