my best doll find to date!  #americangirldoll #dolls #thrifting #haul #shorts #americangirl

my best doll find to date! #americangirldoll #dolls #thrifting #haul #shorts #americangirl


1 месяц назад

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@missmelia.rosario7560 - 28.01.2025 22:31

And I agree with you. ❤ about 80% of my collection is secondhand and not for nothing if you really look and you dig through the bins and you wake up early and go to the flea markets, you can find amazing amazing deals, and a lot of secondhand stuff is only secondhand because the person didn’t like it And it’s new if not barely used. It’s not necessarily secondhand because it’s broken or old or dirty.

@missmelia.rosario7560 - 28.01.2025 22:29

This is absolutely freaking adorable I’m gonna go look it up right now. Thank you for sharing.❤

@SunnydayBlooms - 23.01.2025 04:29

That is an adorable set! Love the kitchen and food!😊

@Chaotic_Pixie - 22.01.2025 06:29

The way I would have died to be able to enjoy a collection like yours when I was like, 8. Never did get an American Girl doll. They were just too pricy. I do keep my eyes out for second hand ones that need rescuing because their kiddos grew up and they ended up discarded.

@EmmalynTschirhart - 22.01.2025 03:49

I didn't see the likes, and i thought this would have 10k+ likes, lol! Its soo good
