WHAT DO YOU REALLY NEED TO BRING CAMPING? Camping Gear Essentials - Tips & Tricks

WHAT DO YOU REALLY NEED TO BRING CAMPING? Camping Gear Essentials - Tips & Tricks

Where We Wild

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@thatsnotparanormal6265 - 03.02.2025 03:20

Uhm, maybe let Jamie talk. You can be the one who says "Ya."

@johndefalque5061 - 01.02.2025 20:30

I have an espresso percolator and that makes grest coffee on the little gas stove.

@yellowdog762jb - 15.01.2025 06:14

First aid kit item: Liquid Skin.

I've started using a couple of cordless, rechargeable lamps. I buy the ones with a red and green light option so they don't attract bugs. I have liquid fuel and propane lanterns, but the red/green lamps are game changers. I did find some amber tinted porpane lantern globes that are not supposed to attract bugs too much, I just haven't used them yet.

I love my french press!!!

I use a simmer pad when cooking on my propane stove. It spreads the flame out, so you don't have a 3 in super hot spot in the middle of your pan.

Thermo-cell bug repellant. Awesome product.

I have the same fan that you showed. It's a good one. I have a couple of others that fold flat, but become A frame shaped when deployed. Each side is about 1ft square. They have a solar panel on one side. In good light, they will run full speed and stay fully charged. They also have a light, serve as a battery back up in a pinch, and they are water proof. I also use them in my off grid hunting cabin when I'm running a propane heater to circulate the air and to stop all the hot air from collecting at the ceiling.

@brandonhoffman4712 - 12.01.2025 12:22

No french press. Pour over is the way. It can also work for backpacking.

@danemmerich6775 - 08.01.2025 01:22

If I have room…..I am bring my Blackstone Griddle!! You can cook anything and everything on it!!

@77goanywhere - 05.12.2024 08:29

The most important thing with camping is PREPARATION. Decide WHERE, WHEN and WHAT TYPE of camping you want to do, before you consider the gear you need, then RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH! Don't buy expensive gear until you know exactly why you need it, and WATCH THE WEATHER leading up to the trip, and be prepared to alter or cancel a trip if necessary.

@raguellagrande7344 - 30.11.2024 00:36

Tip re: light attracting bugs...
Use s red bulb to do your tasks if firelight isn't feasible.
I've found best results using a red light off my tailgate while a blue/white lantern is hung up a number of paces away from from the work area.

@omarvasquez3855 - 23.11.2024 14:16

Firstly, not a hater, I love the video, but you guys wouldn't survive camping in Australia.

@RC_Trailblazers - 08.11.2024 00:53

You are incorrect about the temperature of the sleeping bags. A 20 degree bag will keep you alive at 20 degrees. You'll be cold very cold but it'll keep you alive. A lot of people have the misconception that the temperature on the bag is rated at warmth. It's rated at survival at said temperature.

@stephenasmith99999 - 24.10.2024 00:05

She’s thicc

@jeffweston9743 - 19.10.2024 19:30

I haven't finished the video but in addition to regular garbage bags I would recommend packing a few contractor bag's. Especially if you have a ... potty station.

The frozen water bottle idea is completely genius!!!

Also for bugs if you can deal with and especially 30 minutes before bed set out red lights they don't attract bugs as much due to the different wave length.

@rachelharriott5101 - 10.10.2024 22:51

Great video

@mattwhite8579 - 05.10.2024 16:55

For fires-
Believe it or not you can use swimming pool shock with at least 56% calcium hypochlorite and DOT3 brake fluid as a fire starter.
It’s a volatile chemical reaction that makes a matchless flame. Flammable but NOT explosive.

@jamesmcquay1805 - 01.10.2024 23:56

You know, i never have seen the camping video on how to utilize the environment for bathroom purposes!

@nathanday2595 - 29.09.2024 07:16

Cute couple. Great vid.

@killerkrab42 - 19.09.2024 21:31

A note on the sleeping bags as I just got to that part in the video. The rating on those is to keep you alive, not for comfort. If you have a 0 degree sleeping bag, that means you likely won't freeze to death if it gets to 0 degrees. Comfort ratings tend to be 10-20 degrees higher than the bag is rated for.

@adamzbozien9652 - 18.09.2024 16:25

Ommmmmmm great job on this bye the way the first word is from yoda

@Flies_the_limit - 15.09.2024 09:27

Sleeping bag
Cooking tools
Lighter or ferro
300 yards of paracord
25 carabiners
14 forms of light preferably battery powered
8 diff types of batteries even tho u only need AA
Air mattress
4 different 12v adapters
A bag of dehydrated water
2 chainsaws
Gas generator as well as a solar generator
Solar panels
Deep cell batteries
More ammo than you actually own so you'll have to borrow some from a friend
X2 $900 coolers packed to the absolute max with food for your over nighter
20x20 canopy
1 cord of seasoned wood, preferably fruit wood for the BBQ
Lighter fluid
A box of 14" long matches incase you forgot the box of Lighters
Melatonin and some seeds incase you get stuck for a couple days.

@davidshepley2253 - 09.09.2024 19:28

Doobie Brothers! Like y'all's videos

@thetruthseeker-hk2kq - 05.09.2024 03:47


@rebeccalandeg - 12.08.2024 13:22

Im one person and I have a 4person tent... I just wanted a big enough tent

@yolandawilson929 - 09.08.2024 05:11

Thank you

@straighta4777 - 01.08.2024 13:40

Actually, that bag rating is the survival rating, not the watch rating. If it’s a 0 degree bag, it’s only comfortable to 15-20 degrees. Always get something lower than you need for the temp

@ftkd1 - 29.07.2024 11:01

You didn't mention the location. It looks really nice! Please mention the location.

@kalebadams-c6k - 26.07.2024 19:26

Really good video

@Arcturus-0.05 - 17.07.2024 09:23

Turkish coffee, I think you call it cowboy coffee. Try that.

@PanudjuAdjie - 12.07.2024 04:19

thanks for sharing such a good info , well spoken , very informative for stater. have a good life guys

@Brezooka - 06.07.2024 18:32

The “let her talk” comments are so funny to me. My husband is the talker as well. If I have something to say then I’ll say but 90 percent of the time I’m the yeah yeah and head nodder as well. We all have different communication styles. I thought it was a great video for beginners. Thank you!

@Afrochild21 - 30.06.2024 22:04

You guys are awesome! Thank you. Camping with the kids for the first time and your videos are super super helpful!!!!!

@looleongchai - 29.06.2024 13:14

how about do the business?

@rollinwitzig7789 - 25.06.2024 15:34

Someone say
“Bear Necessities”

@singerjo5791 - 17.06.2024 22:15

We are going to a family reunion at a state park. My brother said they were going to hire movers to move the house for the weekend😝 (We are staying in cabins.)

@TheChefThatShoots - 12.06.2024 09:12

No weapon of some sort?

@aphotos2284 - 11.06.2024 21:58

Great video and just followed you guys, going to go through your videos

@Jeremyrobinson56 - 05.06.2024 10:42

Aeropress WAY better for camping than a bulky dirty French press

@hughseagraves7036 - 02.06.2024 18:57

Suggestion: French press yes, but, all stainless steel. You don't want that glass French press breaking when you need it.

@ljclauson - 28.05.2024 07:52

Great tip on what side the zipper on the s bag is for what side one sleeps on, thanks so much! Great videos.

@davidwalesby2426 - 15.05.2024 13:12

hey guys, you were talking about coffee, i use the Nescafe single pack coffee, they come in multiple good flavours and very compactable and easy to make.

@kimberlycooper5106 - 12.05.2024 01:23

Really good video Great camping tips. Thank you

@dewidavies7995 - 09.05.2024 04:06

Thanks 😊

@lizzaangelis3308 - 04.05.2024 06:02

For those who don’t know.
What tents call a person is the space for just under 6 foot by 20-22 inches wide. Recently with the addition of the 25” sleeping pads some tents have made it for 25 inches as opposed to 20-22…. And there is no extra room. So if you are car camping you can go nuts with the size. I have a hammock, a trekking pole single, a self standing single & double and a six person tent. Which do you think I take car camping???

@niconico4114 - 03.05.2024 03:27

use red light instead of white or yellow. no bugs.

@BIGGant - 01.05.2024 18:06

Tips for bringing eggs, crack them all into a plastic bottle. Then just pour out what you need.

@billbuschgen520 - 01.05.2024 00:28

Great information.

@tailgator1316 - 28.04.2024 05:44

bins are a waste of space. cardboard boxes and when you’re done u can start you’re camp fire

@growershelpinggrowers8132 - 25.04.2024 01:17

You guys rock...love your videos

@jimmyci8773 - 24.04.2024 06:43

Why is your hat crooked??? You have to feel that awkward thing on your skull!
Sorry, that's too distracting and I can't hear your advice. It's killing me. Down. Sorry

@tomballard4794 - 23.04.2024 09:08

I break things down to rooms
tents are your bedroom and sometime living room
Outside, living room
Kitchen ,what you need to cook and eat with.
Try not to use a single use item. Like that French press,just saying. I also freeze food and heat it up at camp.Just ho down the frozen food section and you'll get lots of ideas. You can freeze mashed potatoes but not boiled potatoes.
