The wedding may have been well made, but what about the girl? If I was in her shoes and brought to tears during her engagement celebration, I would conclude that he really cares about the show and nothing about me, and I would cancel the wedding. All that money could have been used to give them a good start in life.I just wanted to hug her and reassure her that she is a worthwhile person. A girl like her deserves better. But this is the American ethic, that people never matter.
Ответить2025 and still loving this!
ОтветитьHope these guys are still married.
ОтветитьAmerican tv bs xD
ОтветитьStill gives me chills after 15years
ОтветитьThis is the very best fuckin proposal I’ve ever seen
ОтветитьWill they still be together or have they already divorced? 🤔
ОтветитьI remember watching this in my college dorm room when this aired on tv and I cried. I still cry.
ОтветитьAre they still together ?
Ответить2025 anyone ???
ОтветитьYears later I'm still crying to this. I can't imagine how it would be like if this ever happen to me irl
Ответить❤ C'est la plus belle mariée que j'ai jamais vu de ma vie. Waouh. J'espère être à moitié aussi jolie le jour de mon mariage. Très beau couple. Magnifique mariage. Dieu vous garde pour toujours. ❤
ОтветитьJan 2025, still watching
ОтветитьStill watching this in 2025 ❤
Ответить2025 Anyone? 😂
Ответить2025 🎉🎉
ОтветитьI hope they’re still married ❤
Ответить2024 anyone?
ОтветитьShe deserved this kind of proposal❤❤❤that woman is so kind and has a lot of patience❤❤❤
ОтветитьI have looked for over 30 ears for a love like this and sadly it dont seem to exist anymore ...the world has changed so much women dont want a happy ever after anymore
Ответить15 years later still the biggest Mariage Proposal in History !
ОтветитьAnyone 2025??? Daaa🤷
ОтветитьPrepárense : 2028?
ОтветитьYes , still watching it whenever I want to feel better ❤
Ответить2014 me- Awwww .. such a cute way to propose❤🎉🎉😍
2024 me- how did nikki not see the camera?
Fake she knew all you have to do is watch her emotions in the beginning. It's still a good story though
Ответить13 Jahre schon und keiner konnte es toppen! Jedes Jahr muss ich es mir mindestens einmal anschauen :-)
Ответитьguy: Howie, I wanna give my girl the greatest proposal of all time.
Howie: Hold my beer...
Am I the only one who instead of crying feels super uncomfortable watching this video?
ОтветитьI hope they are still together and I believe they will be!
ОтветитьWhat a dickhead, for needlessly upsetting his girlfriend like that. Not funny at all !
ОтветитьThe time and effort to do this with her knowing it superb they deserve all the happiness in the world. 😅
ОтветитьOmg❤that îs the best proposal and best wedding ever❤🎉
ОтветитьPriceless way to go
ОтветитьAnyone tell me they still married? Its 2024 now?
Ответить2024 anyone .. ?
ОтветитьMag sein, dass es schön war. Aber er hat iht alles genommen, was die Hochzeitsvorbereitung angeht. Sie durfte nicht diesen AHA Moment erleben, wenn man DAS Hochzeitskleid findet und alles was damit zusammen hängt. Das nennt sich gefangen und keine Wahl haben. Sie durfte nicht die Braut sein, nicht wirklich. Schade.
Ответитьomg im in tears of joy watching this video 2024
ОтветитьGuys it's 2024 and I came here to ask if they're still together??
ОтветитьI just love this. What an awesome couple - big hugs for years to come
ОтветитьHope and wish their love endured
ОтветитьWho's in 2024 ...this is the best mob wedding ever I've ever seen so far ....and I'll never forget it...I hope you grow old together ❤