UPDATE: Jared Turner - Virtual International Grand Convention 2020 | Young Living Europe

UPDATE: Jared Turner - Virtual International Grand Convention 2020 | Young Living Europe

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Announcing our 2020 VIGC theme

If you’re like us, the upcoming Virtual International Grand Convention can’t come soon enough! While we won’t be gathering in person, we’re excited to unveil the convention’s theme, which emphasises our connection around the globe! Tune in, get all the details from President and COO Jared Turner and register for all the education, excitement and connection that the convention has to offer!

Sign up! = https://yloils.eu/2020-vigc

For more glimpses into the fun, excitement, and connection that being a Young Living member brings, subscribe to see more videos like this!

Want more? Follow us on our social media to get great DIY projects, tips on using our essential oils, and the next events that you can be a part of!

Blog: https://www.youngliving.com/blog/eu/en
Facebook: https://facebook.com/younglivingeurope
Instagram: https://instagram.com/younglivingeurope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/yleoeurope
Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/younglivingeuro



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@markusidl2521 - 06.05.2020 22:31

we are here & there part of this great RevOILution!

@susannli1725 - 06.05.2020 23:46

I am looking forward to the GC

@NickyCeulemans - 07.05.2020 18:41

So proud to be part of Young Living
