Source Audio Collider Delay Reverb - My Favorite Sounds (10 Presets)

Source Audio Collider Delay Reverb - My Favorite Sounds (10 Presets)

Do Noise

4 года назад

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@PedalExperiments - 27.09.2020 07:29

Those all sound huge!
Great job, dude. 🙂👍

@brakkepie - 27.09.2020 16:05

Any chance of a Collider vs Zoom shootout? I went for the zoom (after finding your lofi patches) but I had been eyeing the Collider before that...

@jayl5941 - 01.10.2020 20:24

Nice video! The driven rotary is awesome! I'm assuming it won't sound that good though if I don't have it set up in stereo?

@bensinger6031 - 28.10.2020 19:35

Your presets are excellent, thanks for sharing them

@chrisfit - 22.11.2020 13:57

Just got a Nemesis and a Hardwire RV-7 but I think I’m going to sell both and get this one instead.

@bertagriese8282 - 29.11.2020 09:58

Unuseable crap presets

@ToxygenRecAll - 28.12.2020 22:34

It can do 100% wet reverb for drones right? You are not using any volume pedals here? Great sounds!

@CentaurusRelax314 - 15.01.2021 11:01

I'm listening to this as i'm surfing other web pages, but it seems like there have been a few instances where i turned back to this video to see what setting you were on, and it turns out the pedal was bypassed, and i just liked your clean little noodlings.... I just bought this Collider—maybe i should return it and just learn to play like you. // Did you mention which amp and guitar you're using? Quite lovely.

@lucau7486 - 23.01.2021 19:00

i got both NEmesis and Ventris from Source Audio..great pedals.. but this one is a real mix from them, really interesting

@orphanfrequencyyeah1742 - 12.02.2021 17:48

Really appreciate you going further into the endless options of the SA-pedals than most other reviewers. (I don't own a collider, since I have a ventris and nemesis there's no need I think.)
Any chance you'll be reviewing the upcoming SA-Ultrawave pedal? Can't wait to hear what you'll get out of that one.

@Mesa3077Boogie - 17.02.2021 07:55

Sick tones bro. Straight covid

@Mesa3077Boogie - 17.02.2021 07:56

I got the nemesis and ventris. Happy with both except the expression programming is a pita

@javiercabrera3517 - 20.03.2021 00:17

Hello, What was your signal chain for the videos ? Thank you very much

@mikael.cherin - 25.03.2021 12:18

Beautifull demo... Im having a real hard time chosing between this and the Walrus Slo/fathom/arp combo. Its either Collider or the three Walrus pedals to use with my HX stomp (for a bedroom player/home recording guy). Heeeelp

@BMitchell - 27.03.2021 17:56

Awesome demo. Wonderful pedal. What milliseconds do you have your switch set at for your delay? Mine doesn't switch on that fast. Thanks and keep up the great videos.

@LemonMeIon - 08.04.2021 17:23

Thanks for sharing your creativity and showing us the capability for some unique sounds! How were you able to access the flanger modulated option on the desktop app? Is there a hidden menu I’m missing?

@BandyBorehole - 16.04.2021 00:14

Is there a way to change between presets with your foot? Everyone cuts that bit out! You don't have to press the select button with your finger, do you?

@signaltouch7413 - 09.05.2021 05:54

buying now !

@paranoidandroid3269 - 14.05.2021 22:49

Hi. Great tunes. Do you thing its possible to make collider sound like Warlus Slo in Dream mode?

@alexmax9832 - 29.06.2021 23:44

Great presets my friend. I was peeking into the NEURO app, and I saw that the possible settings, when going into EDIT to create a preset, are very different between Ventris Dual Reverb and COLLIDER. Regardless of the delay, obviously absent, many parameters in the Collider section are missing in the Reverb settings. In the Ventris Dual Reverb there are many more editing possibilities. Have you noticed too? Strange though, it should be the exact same algorithm.

@patrickhorn2355 - 30.07.2021 07:24

fantastic demo as usual!

@oliverhedoesit - 12.08.2021 08:25

Do you think you could achieve a lot of these tones with an Hx stomp? Wondering if I should get a collider too!

@emilianoibarra3537 - 09.12.2021 21:45

if you connect it to you laptop can you create digital delay, ping pong, spring, plate and shimmer presets?

@moose5206 - 26.01.2022 10:34

Really really enjoy this straight forward demo. Thank you for creating!

@aleksmayer5907 - 16.02.2022 20:37

Is it true that the Collider's preset switching takes between 200 ms and 1 second (when using Midi / Effects Switcher)? I would need something like the collider for my live pedalboard, but waiting a second for the sound to appear is not okay at all. Do you have any experience with that?

@RossellaDeFalcoSoleyCelticHarp - 20.02.2022 16:27

Hello!! Thanks again...this is one of the best channels I found from a harpist perspective!! Question: do you know if there is any way to get one sound on the left and another sound don't the right in stereo mode? Might sound weird but it makes sense with an electric harp ^^

@jframjams - 21.07.2022 18:20

Dang this is so so nice, man. Mine comes in tomorrow. I’ve had the Nemesis for a while and it’s my favorite delay pedal. Excited to really explore more possibilities with the Collider.

@Ivan_Ku. - 07.08.2022 20:26

Oh, some Steven Wilson on warbly duo

@salbe_music4304 - 18.09.2022 20:48

Nice video!! Are this settings available on the app?? Is it possible to put the fx in parallel without using stereo?? Thank you

@veguillar1 - 28.11.2022 08:47

when doing these presets, are the knobs supposed to be positioned the same for both delay and reverb?

@howardanderson3061 - 07.01.2023 14:03

Love your work, thank you. I’ve come a little late to Source Audio, I needed a new delay and discovered the Nemesis. I then found the Ventris and then the Collider. I’m going with the Ventris and the Collider will cover my time and space needs.
Thanks again for the guidance and the clarity.

@michaelgern9998 - 26.02.2023 20:48

Awesome presets thank you so much for sharing! Just tried the Can in a Dome and A Long Time through my rig, they sound fantastic in the room!!!

@boonatuna - 23.03.2023 07:00

cool concept, does this sound digital or effect tone a lot to anyone who owns it?

@flashpadxxx - 31.10.2023 17:06

This has to stop! I spend the last 2 Month researching Delay and Reverb pedals ..
I want my life back lol

@LewWelchThePoet - 02.01.2024 05:36


@brad6919 - 18.02.2024 20:12

Beautiful sounds! Thanks for sharing your presets. I love this pedal but how do you deal with the noise (slight white noise) when recording?

@seansabu310 - 03.04.2024 21:38

Can this oscillate like the ventris? I cant decide which one to get

@wjdavey3 - 07.09.2024 07:38


@danielcolfer4671 - 14.03.2025 07:06

Love the collider on my prophet 10 and on-x8. When I don’t want to bring my pedal board full of strymon effects I’ll bring this one pedal or my specular tempest. For the money it’s great. Reverb and delay in one box…yes.
