NVIDIA ACE | NVIDIA x Inworld AI - Pushing the Boundaries of Game Characters in Covert Protocol

NVIDIA ACE | NVIDIA x Inworld AI - Pushing the Boundaries of Game Characters in Covert Protocol


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@DrLeckda - 26.03.2024 19:36

Pretty uncanny characterwise. Nothing special tbh. Screw AI

@AurrenTV - 26.03.2024 23:48

Oh dear...

@mnoomle8645 - 26.03.2024 23:54


@Drstrange3000 - 26.03.2024 23:55

This whole race for quantity over quality and the never-ending need to consume content is tiring. What is more tiring is the people involved making it seem like EVERYONE wants this or wants endless content and Elder Scrolls like open world games and quests. The industry is creating solutions to problems they created. I wish more games were more focused, but it seems like the industry is moving in the other direction. The NPCs feel soulless and robotic.

@totally_normal_minecraft_yt - 27.03.2024 01:31

inworld saw mr bad idea's vid

@Fit2fifty - 28.03.2024 14:35

I can see a surge in Adventure games when this is perfected. Imagine a detective series.

@lockekappa500 - 31.03.2024 02:43

You guys are comparing this to perfectly curated and recorded NPC interactions from 300million dollar games. Of course this will fall short of those.

@MorsDengse - 31.03.2024 04:55

The best rendered NPC was the VP ...

@jondonnelly3 - 31.03.2024 05:27

westworld is getting closer

@Calvin-r93 - 02.04.2024 08:14

Elder Scrolls VI

@JonoFunk - 02.04.2024 19:35

The beginning steps. Gamers will be eating good in a few years!

@austinsampson6558 - 03.04.2024 07:27

Wow I can’t wait to go AFK in one of these games and cause an AI to have an existential crisis!

@nenoroalzafen30 - 03.04.2024 20:11

Remember when nvidia tried to innovate but always screwed the FPS

Remember now nvidia doing worse, less idea, less job

@lipuhasan8909 - 06.04.2024 10:05

This and nemesis system in an open world GTA like game would go so hard

@maxsmith111 - 08.04.2024 00:39

most humans are npcs so no difference

@kasenglui5879 - 09.04.2024 15:19

Can we use it in unreal engine 5?

@adislavchev - 13.04.2024 17:24

This looks so trash

@Tranchera - 19.04.2024 14:17

Obviously the technology/concept has merit, but this is a piss-poor tech demo (even without all the cut-aways and editing). It looks, sounds and feels stunted and unnatural.

@DegustoDelSol - 20.04.2024 22:18

made me sick to look! what a total FAIL! This is just unacceptable and doesn't even look nice, that is the best nVidia can do?
I think someones stock prices gonna drop when investors see this abomination!

@fkykas - 22.04.2024 14:17

That is very cool. But what I would like is for AI simulated experiences not just different speech with the same scripted outcome. Like more of a live gameworld whee anything can happen. Something like A-life from Stalker series could be improved amazingly using modern AI.

@anispinner - 24.04.2024 05:01

NVIDIA is pretty far behind the current AI's curve

@tr1p1ea - 24.04.2024 17:07

The corporate speak is strong in this video lol.

@CornPopWazABadDude - 25.04.2024 12:19

Come on, be honest... Who else thought Igor was AI?

@Me0wM1xx - 02.05.2024 10:32

Nvidia actually trying to build Westworld 🙈🙈🙈

@qownsqud3207 - 02.05.2024 22:29

Its actually sad how people are unable to see the potential lmao really shows how ignorant the daily people are wow

@pram5532 - 16.05.2024 05:57

Falls into Uncanny Valley for me. It's too creepy.

@apadana7456 - 01.06.2024 01:19

ai engine sound good

@fdshybgv46twgs5ssrjufhfg-pf7lf - 01.06.2024 13:22

Rough expressions, wrinkle slider 100% all the time

@einherz - 04.06.2024 06:53

why in cp2077 the all characters more natural than in this demo?
i'm one intel&nvida fan btw

@caiuspostumiusturrinus1024 - 06.06.2024 08:33

Dude I'm gonna be in this B&$# like the matrix

@DanielBellon108 - 08.06.2024 09:44

when is it going to be available on my phone to answer my phone calls?

@designandcoffee - 25.06.2024 16:14

I love it that the humans promoting this product are completely scripted.

@elsnacko7922 - 28.06.2024 23:19

If you guys dont understand how impactful this is let me break it down. They dont have to call in voice actors. The npcs are independent with a giant wide range of emotions and reactions. Built in. One day theyre happy. And depending on the circumstance. The complex independent ai can fluctuate, blend, and morph moment to moment gameplay. If one of the ai loses their dog, it will have a behaviour to where it will react accordingly. Aka simulate emotions of sadness and tone of voice will be sad. This is insane.

@scriptZ0731 - 20.07.2024 15:01

AI NPC that capable to chat with their kind, create random unlimited task or stories for players..
interact with them? i doubt, most gamer lazy to talk or type in game..

@ShannonJosephGlomb - 21.08.2024 10:48

I have an idea for a gaming platform that could be both fun and profitable. The concept is to allow gamers to pay $1 for 100 credits, which they can use to compete for the best score in retro-style games. These competitions could be held daily, weekly, or monthly, with the winner taking the prize pool after a small deduction—say, 5 credits out of each dollar as profit.

To make it even more interesting, the platform could have two zones: a bot-safe zone and a no-bot zone. This way, we could see what AI and human players come up with, like a 1-day Mario clone run competition. The winner would receive a substantial prize in credits, which could be redeemable, and this is where the platform could generate revenue. Additionally, the data from human speedruns would be invaluable for training and further development.

I think this platform could really capture the competitive spirit and creativity of the gaming and development community.

Revised by chat

@Ssecave - 30.08.2024 14:13

It could work on robot/non-human stuff but as soon as I see human npc with that, it falls flat. Good concept, will not be used for years. After all a lot of features from UE5 from years ago are still NOT used in games now.

@StephenCantu-o4z - 06.09.2024 22:45

Weissnat Estate

@BABz - 07.09.2024 18:24

sounds like a load of horse shit tbh

@Visceral3D - 20.09.2024 17:49

Facade 2 when?!

@FrankRichardson-v3s - 03.10.2024 22:02

Veum Stream

@MatthewPegues-x1o - 04.10.2024 17:10

Strosin Drive

@JoanBennett-s5e - 04.10.2024 19:33

Elenor Lights

@kingrenzlovalleykingvfx - 06.12.2024 21:01

NOTE: Inworld AI has shut its doors to indie devs and small teams, catering exclusively to massive, high-budget projects. Their tools and tutorials are now irrelevant for most creators, leaving no real solutions for those who believed in their vision.

@Gray-Today - 27.12.2024 17:01

Nvidia has a long list of experiments, but AMD is the one with usable tools. Video cards are the way out of rentware Hell.

@dakotah4866 - 07.01.2025 09:28

This is going to be fun

@ChristianCamarena - 14.01.2025 01:52

A game like LA noir where its mostly interrogation would benefit greatly from this technology. Being able to have a fluid conversation with a SLM built in engine would be awesome to play with

@Hacktivator - 27.01.2025 16:27

Can you imagine GTA VII with fully autonomous AI NPCs responding according to whatever you tell them?
Imagine you're going for a drink in a bar and you roast the bartender for how they made your drink till they snap and go for a punch. Wouldn't it be awesome to put the blame on them after they physically attack you and call 911 on them? :))

@v4led - 11.02.2025 14:30

Where can I play that? or test
