There are tons of great fish out there, but not all of them get their well-deserved chance in the spotlight. That's why I've compiled a list of the Top Ten Most UNDERRATED Community Aquarium Fish. These fish more often than not are not given the proper chance to shine in aquariums. Whether it be due to lack of access online or availability, their "feeder" role, and/or any other factor that may lead them to not be as common or well received that other fish.
0:00 -Intro
1:04 -#10
2:59 -#9
4:16 -#8
5:34 -#7
6:34 -#6
7:45 -#5
8:58 -#4
10:33 -#3
11:55 -#2
13:31 -#1
15:28 -Outro
I also do want to make a quick mention that I used a wrong clip during my white cloud mountain minnow segment. It was only for a couple of seconds, but I just wanted to mention that. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this video also, be sure to let me know if you'd like to see a part 2 :)
#Underrated #underrated #aquarium_fish #aquarium #fish_tank #top_ten #top_ten_list #Hillstream_Loach #Boreno_sucker_loach #aquairum_snails #top_ten_fish #top_10 #top_10_underrated #guppies #feeder_guppies