How I'm learning Japanese by myself! No textbooks, no classes

How I'm learning Japanese by myself! No textbooks, no classes

Cheery Blossom

4 года назад

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@louisvuittondonvg9040 - 19.08.2020 12:05

Thank you for the recommendations, seriously incredibly helpful you’ve motivated me more

@Dadiddy97 - 27.08.2020 02:24

I love watching how I’m learning Japanese/Korean videos to see how other people do it and to find new ressources. I love that you mentioned different ressources and most importantly free ressources! Great video!

@kellykwong2129 - 31.08.2020 16:24

Great video and packed with useful resources! I am also learning Japanese and currently at around N3/intermediate level. As for pronunciation, I would recommend OJAD. It is a website that basically gives the intonation/accent of words in Japanese. The only down side is that it is computer generated and there might be seldom mistakes with some words. I have been working on my pronunciation really hard and I would recommend going back to the very first step, knowing how to pronounce the words. I know this sounds bit ridiculous but I went all the way back checking with my Japanese friends (+audios) in how they pronounce words so it sounds more like a native! It actually works and did help me to become more aware of my weak points and mistakes so I can correct it myself.
I wish I have watched this video when I first started learning Japanese as I was quite stuck back then :(
Sorry for such a long boring comment. I hope this is helpful and good luck with your Japanese studies. 一緒に頑張っていきましょう!

@乐酱の日常 - 31.08.2020 22:31

I’m Japanese.頑張ってください☺️💪💪

@pleanenglishathome3934 - 05.09.2020 12:03

Good. May I know your study table?

@amandasmit9328 - 15.09.2020 10:13

Thank you... Also watch Light Smit you tube video's. Also a Japanese learning program. He also learn by himself. Have a great day 💙

@kakarapadmaraju9493 - 21.09.2020 12:17

You are very lucky to live in japan😊. I love japan

@neversleep4334 - 24.09.2020 01:26

I have the same problem not knowing what the word is if I only hear it and don't get the visual trigger from seeing the card XD I think it's quite common starting out and I recently started to try and work around this. My usual routine is to do 20 new words + the reviews of my core deck followed by some custom study once I finished that. I set up a custom study deck where I go to study by card state or tag, then I click All review cards in random order and set it to 100-200 cards. This is my listening practice where I'll just have the Anki screen just out of my view where I can listen and then look to see If I knew it or not once I flip it over. Since this is a custom deck I don't worry about clicking good or again I'll just quickly go through it with spacebar and It's definitely been helping. Nice video and good resources!

@paulwalther5237 - 27.09.2020 08:47

I spent years using the Japanese Core deck on Anki and thought it was a wonderful resource. It was much better than any cards I made just mining sentences on my own.

@electronsauce - 18.10.2020 01:58

omg, your hand writing is so nice!

You can understand Cure Dolly at 2x speed? Lol, I can barely understand her at 1x speed.

Check out the Chrome plugin "Learning language with Netflix".

Love the video!

@hajarlahnich627 - 20.10.2020 21:50

you must know that this is the greatest video on learning japanese tools i have ever watched

@foodlover195_ - 27.10.2020 11:26

Hey awesome video. Constructive critism: Try using manual focus for the head/face video because you're not moving it will stay in focus the entire time :)

@mariaclara-oi7lb - 11.11.2020 01:48

im brasilian and japanese is the third language that im learning and for sure the most impotant thing abt learning a new language is enjoying the process instead of focus on the final results. it will make you feel unmotivated, so just keep going and dont give up<33

@whohim6370 - 23.11.2020 08:54

i been watching so many videos of people talking about this subject and you are the only one sharing actually really helpful info of where to look instead of stalling, showing x book from amazon or going into random rants, really thank you

@aa-hc9fu - 25.11.2020 22:58

im now procastinating abt learning japanese uwu

@misa2598 - 29.11.2020 16:31

I was having a hard time finding some good resources for studying japanese.
I'm still young so I mostly cant afford buying my own textbooks.
All of the explanations was Explained perfectly ! !
and your pleasant smile at the end of the vid keeps me motivated lol.

@JYBuns - 08.12.2020 01:57

imma bout to study now!!!!

@かりんとう-q4v - 16.12.2020 13:11


@bryleuu7918 - 16.12.2020 19:49

my only problem is i'm ✨procrastinating✨ i can say that if i dont procastinate the past 8 month, i'm sure that i can take the jlptn 5 if therr's an exam here in my country. Sounds unbelievable but yeah im a fast learner also so its kinda easy for me to study japanese. But its a whole another talking when it comes to kanji and some grammar points

@suzanneweathers7045 - 21.12.2020 15:48

Very helpful video. Thank you

@samsamsamsamsim - 21.12.2020 17:32

The best self-teaching Japanese resources I've found till date. Thank you :)

@ObjectingRevolver - 25.12.2020 00:18

While i've been aware of some of the sources, some are still new to me. Thank you so much for this comprehensive list!

@samsamsamsamsim - 26.12.2020 23:37

Hi, how long did it take you to finish the 2000 deck?

@yuisakamaki7151 - 01.01.2021 10:17

Thank you so much!❤️

@erturtemirbaev5207 - 01.01.2021 23:34

Happy new year

@erturtemirbaev5207 - 01.01.2021 23:34

Best wishes from Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬

@araw993 - 02.01.2021 19:45

Thank you for your generosity. 😌 You should try KawaiiNihongo! I was able to speak basic sentences in 3 days! And it's completely free! There's stuff you have to pay for. But not the courses they have for you. You pay for the cute template edits and I believe other cute animations. I don't even bother with that since I'm more focused on learning the language. It has a similar format like Duolingo, but better 😌

@topotondo828 - 03.01.2021 10:26

Thank you for the resources - I am going to need them as I focus more on self-study. I started learning a little bit of Japanese, not seriously, on my own in September. Last month I decided to try out iTalki to work with a tutor, and after three lessons, the tutor messaged me saying she wouldn't accept my request for another lesson because my learning style was "too different" from her teaching style, and that she doesn't like answering "random questions". Honestly, this left me feeling really down about myself and discouraged. I am naturally a very inquisitive person and I learn best when my curiosity can be piqued, leading me to explore more about the language - not necessarily in a linear fashion. Her reaction made me feel like I was wrong for studying Japanese the way I was, and that maybe I was "unteachable", or annoying or that I had even offended her. But I should remember that, doing things my way, I managed to get to a C1 level in Italian in just a couple years. :) I am trying to get excited about Japanese again after this experience... However, I don't think I will try another iTalki session any time soon... maybe not until I finish Genki 1, and then go for a convo partner on the site instead of the certified teachers.

@mmdusa - 05.01.2021 03:04

She mumbles so badly!! I lost count on how many times she says the word "like". I think she should master English grammar first. Then work on her Japanese.

@kooken58 - 07.01.2021 19:57

For some reason there is no Japanese subtitles available for me on Netflix, it's really aggravating.

@Joe-hd9cx - 10.01.2021 19:26

Thanks for all the useful info ! You really did your homework !

@nothisispatrick6832 - 13.01.2021 07:07

Thanks for the video but your cuts are terribly obnoxious :/

@namanjoshi1101 - 15.01.2021 07:06

I want to learn Japanese so that I can watch anime without subtitles 😂

@gabrielluigi7796 - 15.01.2021 10:09

There are several tips for how to learn Japanese
Decide precisely why you want to learn it
Try to use japanese everyday
Decide what process works for you best.
(I read about these and more on Fergs magic blueprint website )

@editmaya7017 - 17.01.2021 13:55


@ispeakem5754 - 20.01.2021 02:26

Do you really have fast and strong improvements with your method ?Nice video tho.

@nicoledelaluz9078 - 23.01.2021 00:05

Thank you 😄 Great video 👍

@madilynneopheliajustice5071 - 24.01.2021 04:09

all i do is i use duolingo and watch japanesepod101 and i write notes

@jetherpototan9136 - 26.01.2021 14:41

I download pdf's a book for hiragana and katakana, I used the app, learn japanese, write Japanese lingoodeer....

@Jam-iv6xz - 03.02.2021 21:10

It's crazy how this has 23k views but you only have 300+ subs. Thanks for the video!

@samashleyfaller9498 - 19.02.2021 01:32

Thank you so much this really gave me motivation to start learning

@jazzadieu - 24.02.2021 16:13

Genki textbooks are cheaper than that app that needed a subscription damn

@ashitayaranaikamo - 08.03.2021 09:07

what level are you now?

@sashapidko8001 - 04.04.2021 13:57

Everyone: watching the video and listening

Me: counting how many times she says like

@DevilsHunters - 20.07.2021 05:56

Finally a video with good Japanese resources i think it's the only video out there lol. Thanks
