Karate is an incredible tool that enables you to combine API testing, Performance testing, UI testing and Mocking - all within a single framework.
In this video, we'll have a hands on demo of setting up a Karate test automation project, then use the simple human readable
Karate syntax to write some API tests against a web application.
▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⏱ Timecodes ⏱ ▬▬▬▬▬▬
(00:00:00) Intro
(00:00:49) Karate Overview
(00:02:55) Features of Karate
(00:07:41) Prerequisites To Follow Demo
(00:08:34) Application Under Test
(00:10:15) Setup Karate Project
(00:11:30) Install Karate Visual Studio Code Plugin
(00:12:30) Write First Karate Tests
(00:17:13) Karate Test Execution And Reporting
(00:19:03) Outro