Trump humiliates Zelensky to save his doomed peace process

Trump humiliates Zelensky to save his doomed peace process

Anders Puck Nielsen

2 дня назад

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@BooleanDisorder - 03.03.2025 21:04

Trump humiliated only himself with this. Vance lapping up every bit after that.

@sinilkim4255 - 03.03.2025 21:09

I used to respect and think of Zelenskyy as a hero, but now I realized that he’s a small-time dictator that’s not very smart. The brave Ukrainians will pay the price and the Europeans will have to come up with more money to fund Zelenskyy’s war machine. Perhaps the Europeans will even have to buy weapons from USA….

@sinilkim4255 - 03.03.2025 21:12

Zelenskyy apparently called JD Vance “bitch” under his breath in Ukrainian language. What a jerk!

@mdj.6179 - 03.03.2025 21:20

It would have been better for Trump & Vance play good cop/bad cop...

@mdm17146 - 03.03.2025 21:31

Zalensky went in front to the press for the purpose of celebrating the the signing of the deal. Instead he chose that time to try to renegotiate additional security provisions and justify why he wanted them. There was an ambush planned, but it was the Ukrainians that planned it thinking that Trump would try to save his deal in front of the press. Re-watch the entire press conference and it is clear. Of course there is no plan for peace, at this time Trump is trying to get both sided to the table to make a plan themselves. Trump has a stepped approach. Step 1 is to get the two sides talking. The following steps are about finding common ground and them making a plan.

@tatjanagotz3590 - 03.03.2025 21:33

Lets hope europe stands up

@WilfKruggel-og1hi - 03.03.2025 21:35

This could be the taste of sour grapes lingering in my mouth but part of me wonders what happens if the world turned to China instead of the US for trade. What would happen if Ukraine negotiated with China or even Europe for access to its mineral wealth. Would the prospect of being shut out of the world economy, along with the commensurate loss of prestige sting Trump into behaving more reasonably?

My wife observed that the way Trump belittled Zelenskyy was identical to how he treated the contestants on the apprentice. He thinks he’s in a reality tv show!

@Ben83597 - 03.03.2025 21:35

Watch the full 50-minute signing ceremony from start to finish and form your own conclusion. Anders Puck’s analysis is full of speculation and conjecture. Remember his earlier take on Twitter becoming X? As soon as Musk acquired the platform and liberalized it, Anders vowed to leave and never use X again — another example of poor judgment and miscalculation.

@jacobtaylor7506 - 03.03.2025 22:03

Guys are cringe. Zelenski pulled out pictures just for the media and tried to guilt shame. Then, all throughout the interview, Zelenski was visibly throwing a tantrum. Rolling eyes, saying things under his breath and trying to educate them. Also, where does this guy get his ambush intel? He with some intelligence community?

@ianalyzeeverysecondiexist - 03.03.2025 22:08

Zelensky's goal wasn't just to sign the minerals deal. The most important thing for him was to appeal to the Americans for giving Ukraine much needed safety guarantees. Whether it was a mistake of him to say that even though the United States is an ocean away from Europe, they would also feel the war coming to them, I won't be the judge of. But in WW2, the United States also thought they were safe. Then December 7th 1941 became the day the Americans realised they weren't safe. "A date which will live in infamy" - Franklin D. Roosevelt.

@simonj.k.pedersen81 - 03.03.2025 22:08

There's no plan for a peace deal when you only have one side at the negotiation table. This is so ridiculous. Now EU is also taking about wanting a peace deal, with fucking who, Putin is not interested in peace, he wants Ukraine to surrender. He gave Trump a clear mission statement, give me Ukraine or I will get rid of you, he has do much dirt on Trump that he's just Putin's puppet. That is also why we see Trump trying to get a new person in charge of Ukraine, because then Russia can insert another puppet.

@davidberger7257 - 03.03.2025 22:16

Thx Anders! Do you that the Americans arming the Russians is an actual possibility? Once Trump realizes that withholding aid won't yield his desired outcome.

@boufns8 - 03.03.2025 22:22

"Zelenskyy blew a great deal by not signing it and losing his temper"

There I fixed your title for you.

@stevencharnock9271 - 03.03.2025 22:34

All smoke and mirrors, Trump claimed he would finish the war on day one. Well he couldn't because Russia wants Ukraine to roll over and have a puppet government. This was a planned attack watch Trump wink at the reporter just before he asks about Zelensky's clothes, then Vance jumps in with more lies. This is so trump can say he would have got peace but Zelensky blocked it. America has lost all credibility and trust with the FREE world.

@Raymond-n9k8r - 03.03.2025 22:53

I think that all the analysts are over-complicating a very simple explanation: Trump is a RUSSIAN ASSET since the 90s, when KGB saved him from one of his many many failed business adventures (=bankruptcies), it's as simple as that, he publicly aknowledged that Putin helped him win over Hilary Clinton, PUBLICLY! Mueller report, etc, etc, etc Have you been living in another planet for the last 10 years?

@larshansson9814 - 03.03.2025 22:56

Tomorrow Trump will annunciate something important. Probably next step according to Nielsen which is to stop support for Ukraine.

@AndreasSvenska - 03.03.2025 23:04

A very good analysis. It shows that Trump is way out of his depth. He is literally one of the worst negotiators that I’ve ever seen. As an American I am very much ashamed of our president and vice president.

@jonepomuk - 03.03.2025 23:46

I’m not getting notified about your new videos. I’m subscribed with bell and all, but it’s not shown in my feed nor am I getting notifications. What’s going on?

@cl8804 - 04.03.2025 00:00

it's not a peace process, you f fish-frog; it's a putin-appeasement process

@rudyardganuelas6254 - 04.03.2025 00:01

Oh Anders… my sweet, naive friend. You think if zelensky came in with a star spangled banner tuxedo and a maga top hat, and painted his face orange while prostrating himself at the feet of president elon’s assistant, that that would have changed the outcome?
Based on your experience, which of the two has been a savvy diplomat over the last few years?

@nicholaidajuan865 - 04.03.2025 00:05

Obvious trap is obvious

@awen777 - 04.03.2025 00:50

Everyone says Trump is a Nazi. I guess if he is against Zelensky he might not be?! $300 billion should mean we own Zelensky!

@casperhfl - 04.03.2025 01:27


@rob4214 - 04.03.2025 02:09

My fear is America get rid of Russian sanctions.

@lancehilt7536 - 04.03.2025 02:20

“When two countries go to war, you can be sure the US visited one of them.” -- Nelson Mandela

@twintwitch1 - 04.03.2025 02:31

The theater put on by Trump and Vance was an attempt to disguise Trump doing Putin’s bidding by providing this childish notion that Trump was insulted by Zealensky. More specifically it was designed to hide the obvious, Trump is a Russian agent and has been for a long time. Peace was never the objected. Putin’s Russia is on a war economy. Putin cannot shift Russia to a peace economy. It would put too many Russians out of work and would crush the Russian economy. The objective is to force Ukraine to give up so Putin can claim victory and move on to the invasion of another country.

@privacyfig - 04.03.2025 02:59

Biden lost this war when he didn't back up Ukrainian offensive after Bakhmut. That was the high watermark for the Ukrainian army, but Biden just shat on it. But sure, blame Trump now for trying to salvage a really bad situation Biden handed over to him.

@charleshermann5108 - 04.03.2025 03:39

The only Nobel Prize that Trump will get is the All Hell Piss Prize!

@JB-pq1wd - 04.03.2025 03:47

The Soviet Union agreed to let Germany reunite, but the deal was NATO would not expand Eastward. NATO expanded anyway and Russia was expected to simply accept it, and it was a terrible mistake. But don't take my word for it, look what George F. Kennan thought about it. There have been warning signs for quite a long time now that a significant portion of Americans are tired of carrying the burden for European defense. It looks like Europe will have to either step up or accept the Russian desire for influence over Ukraine. I don't think they'll be able to step up. For one thing not everyone in Europe wants to take orders from France or Germany.

@deniscunningham3059 - 04.03.2025 03:54

Zelenskyy went to the White House to sign the rare earth deal, and he did not, deciding instead to renegotiate the agreement. It was his third try at signing the deal. Trump may be foolish to believe he can broker peace, and peace will be impossible if Zelenskyy doesn't temporarily suspend his disbelief.
temporarily suspend his disbelief. Complicating

@macmcleod1188 - 04.03.2025 04:13

I'm an American and I didn't see zelensky being humiliated.

I saw a weak and desperate Trump throwing a tantrum.

I saw America destroying the value of 70 years of diplomacy by ambushing an invited guest.

And when I heard the Russian news media was there in a meeting where both the President and vice President were present, I knew the ambush was pre-planned because random people don't show up when both senior executive branch members are in the same place.

@tinabean713 - 04.03.2025 04:25

I think Trump had a concept of a plan
and that plan was a mix of appeasement (to Russia) and extortion (to Ukraine)

@bjrnf.3389 - 04.03.2025 04:39

"Donald trump is going to try applying pressure on EU stop helping Ukraine" Flawed logic, If Trump wanted Ukraine to lose he probably wouldn't use all he`s time trying to make a Peace deal.

@marialykke4845 - 04.03.2025 05:13

Hvad hvis P har orkestreret det show? Hvis det er hans dagsorden så vi reagerer og handler økonomisk og med fødder på Ukrainsk grund. Det vil eskalere et næste skridt fra P og der kan måske i bagklogskabens lys være en plan fra P om grønt lys til at gøre andet. Måske blænder han os for at kunne tage næste skridt? Og hvordan blænder man P så han ikke får lyst til at fortsætte og gerne vil afslutte 😊krigen?

@emilepojogeanu - 04.03.2025 05:36

oh look an other leftist indoctrinated idiot that thinks he has ``an opinion`` ...and the as well compares defense budgets an other video .

first u have no opinion , just a indoctrinated point of vieuw consisting of lies that r easy to sell to dumb uninformed people ... defense budgets ... russians wages r far lower and russians work 10K times more efficiant as westerners where as well 3/4 of budget falls inpockets of the corrupted ... ...we make 10000 times more weapons as the entire world a year ... we still have factories , steal , energy ... u dont ... hahahahahaha not even skilled workers u have for all r HSP lgbtq sociology /derivate graduates that r a burden on ur financial system cuz they cant do zilch and are genetic garbage.

@Toddsmith-q5l - 04.03.2025 06:02

Z was supposed to sign the deal not start fussing. Ukraine can't win. You want another 200 billion 3 more years of war. You can't come to the US and start questioning the US. The plan was for him to come sign this deal. Ukraine can't win this. Why spend another 200 billion on a lost war. Your a fool

@bluewater9795 - 04.03.2025 06:03

If you really believe what you're saying, you are clueless. Trump does want a peace deal, Z wants money. Trump doesn't want to fund the war. If Z wants to drag it out, Trump will allow the EU to spend their money for a lost cause. Ukraine needs to dump Z. He's willing to allow good people to die.

@Toddsmith-q5l - 04.03.2025 06:07

American interest is peace not start WW3 or this war continues for 3 more years and 200 billion. This is not in America's interest. Ukraine can't win with America help. Why fund a bloody war when your loosing. EU won't be able to do much. Russia 1.5 million soldiers EU 150 thousand

@TheInquisitiveFool-cf6uj - 04.03.2025 06:48

For all of his faults. Trump has been the only one pushing any type of peace plan at all. The reality of life is thst the US has been been by far the biggest donor to Ukraine and then the Ukranian President campaigns against Trump and then tries to publicly embarrass Trump by focusing on nations who have given billions less inside the White House. And this is somehow going to make the US administration who is responsible to the American people happy?

Ukraine is running out of manpower and weapons and Russia has already achieved its strategic goals of the two districts and the Crimea. A negotiated settlement is the most likely course of action and now because Zelensky wanted to play the tough guy, his people are going to die because no one else had the will or the capacity to replace the US.

@mhansl - 04.03.2025 07:04

Trump's idea of a peace deal will be give Putin a huge piece of Ukraine. It's disgusting. Trump is a bumbling fool.

@lenaalexander1836 - 04.03.2025 07:28

Trump forgot China is still around

@TheLouHam - 04.03.2025 07:48

How about Europeans stop expecting Americans to fund your defense. The Europeans who seem hell bent of supporting Ukraine never seems to question why the aid to Ukraine always relies on American money and arms.

@wl9275 - 04.03.2025 07:53

Victim blaming, the age old way of diverting responsibility for bad behavior. Trump is a master in the victim blaming game.

@Ken_Yamato - 04.03.2025 08:08

They can't keep Zelenskyy down. trump is not even a quarter of the man that Zelenskyy is.

@boterberg278 - 04.03.2025 09:30

There is no peace process other that for Ukraine to unconditionally surrender to whatever Putin wants.
That's Trump's peace plan. Iow, there never has been a plan.

@mightymack8727 - 04.03.2025 09:40

Can you stop saying “the Americans” please? It’s Trump.

@tamlandipper29 - 04.03.2025 11:08

Zelensky was only humiliated in the eyes of people who already think he is a failure due to propaganda spheres. He avoid the actual trap set to discredit him to his own people, of forcing him to argue against their vital interests. Bruising, but bruises are the least of his worries.

@Talaria_FYI - 04.03.2025 11:32

This is the most insightful analysis I have seen.
