Budget Friendly Templates - Covert Simple Template Kit Mobile Solutions CarAudioFabrication

Budget Friendly Templates - Covert Simple Template Kit Mobile Solutions CarAudioFabrication


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@lc7ka7 - 14.07.2014 20:14

These are awesome Mark. I'll be ordering a set for sure!! Great that you're doing this to help out us weekend fabricators!

@Jacobious - 14.07.2014 22:29


@48884BB - 14.07.2014 22:30

they don't ship internationally =(

@justinvetter8531 - 14.07.2014 22:41

This is much appreciated! Thanks for always lookin out for everyone Mark!

@MrJdog1232 - 14.07.2014 23:34

Great deal! That bit is like a $20 peice

@adrenalnjunky - 15.07.2014 01:14

Ordered option #2 just now.  Hell, it's almost $30 worth of tape and router bit - and my current flush trim bit needs some down time for sharpening anyway.  So for $67 shipped, I got a bit, roll of tape and effectively paid about $35 for the templates, which would have required about $15 worth of 1/4" or hardboard to even create my own templates.  Yeah - done deal.  Hope they release a couple more sets in this series for us weekend warriors. 

@rubena.2427 - 15.07.2014 01:55

Great job thanks for looking out for us paycheck to paycheck diy people!! Just as a suggestion would love to see a circle budget tamplate set I feel sometime I would benefit if I had one to go with my jasper circle jig but the ones out there are +100... But overall thanks man!!

@kyles1729 - 15.07.2014 03:06

No brainer! This is a steal!

@DamienNicholas - 15.07.2014 03:08

Thank you very much!

@brutisking - 15.07.2014 03:33

That's a bad ass set! 👌👍

@nwbasshead - 15.07.2014 04:53

Very cool! And very reasonably priced!

@jerryinman6636 - 15.07.2014 06:04

ordering now - thank you very much!!

@redrebel66 - 15.07.2014 06:32

FINALLY!! Is right!! I love it man!! Thank you!

@emorygilbert2466 - 15.07.2014 07:00

Ordered mine less than an hour after it hit earlier in the day.. Can't wait to receive that package.

@eugenetagawa7619 - 15.07.2014 10:23

Aloha Mark thank you for working out this deal, I don't really need the 1/4" flush trim bit but for that price you really can't go wrong with option 2. 

@77SonofGod77 - 16.07.2014 03:18

alwayZ learN sumthinG whilE watchinG youR videoS*thankS foR postinG&*sharinG***

@PoppaTInstall - 16.07.2014 05:25

Just purchased option two. Although I didn't need the bit, might as well have a back up. Now all we need is more demos with this system. Thanks Mark!

@stereotech2002 - 17.07.2014 07:53

thanks to you mark gonna order then now

@stereotech2002 - 17.07.2014 08:02

got them ordered bro thanks a bunch

@jdmmonster313 - 17.07.2014 21:44

Very creative

@fortiz00 - 18.07.2014 08:46

Thank you so much Mark!! I have been wondering when you were gonna post another video. Great to see you back at it!!

@DC2FoSho - 18.07.2014 09:58

Thank you mark! Will be ordering soon!!

@antbored4618 - 19.07.2014 21:54

This is bad ass I just ordered MY KIT!!!!!

@th3unn3rv3d3 - 20.07.2014 01:52

Thanks Mark, been looking forward to seeing more vids

@craizygolf1980 - 21.07.2014 06:32

Plz help...
I drive a 00 f250 extended cab, I luv the box that u did, but I want them to face front & I already got (2) 12" PIONEER TS-W3002D4 Suppose yo handle 1,000w rms & I also like the Idea of making a non fancy but function CENTER COUNCEL, I know I got more then 2' enough for 1 or (2) 12" if I really push it.... plz would u help me with it

@alexcabrera123456789 - 21.07.2014 20:40

hahaha i would love working for you guys with all the things i know how to do :) 

@scsteve7408 - 22.07.2014 21:23

Thanks alot mark! Purchased it soon as I saw the vid. Appreciate all you do! Thanks again!

@emorygilbert2466 - 24.07.2014 23:02

Just received my template set today, and it is way more quality than I expected at that low price. You just can't beat it. It is very think and much larger than I thought. This is a very nice template set. Happy for sure on this purchase.

@Mytrunec22 - 03.08.2014 07:17

I would totally go for this if it shipped to Canada!!!

@young2222j - 10.08.2014 21:42

Can u do a video on how to make a Gbody El Camino into a double din radio

@redrebel66 - 13.08.2014 06:37

Finally ordered mine. Almost forgot!!

@davidtemple1 - 29.08.2014 21:03

Crap , I missed the sale~~ ... Mark tell Bryan to run it again for 2 weeks so I can buy one kit

@MrCaptainobvious9999 - 29.01.2015 18:48

Bummed I missed this. Didn't know anything about it. This would be a perfect beginner set for me.
Any other kits offerings planned?

@multi-hobbyist1568 - 22.12.2015 08:47

I dont see any comments in 2015? I will ask anyways and, see if I get an answer. I have a 2002 Dodge Dakota Sport Quad Cab. The speakers, both front/rear, are 6.75". I would like to put larger speakers in but, keep the factory look. Is it possible? If I take the panels off and, cut the door, will that work? I know the slots in front off the speaker would no longer be centered if I put larger speakers in. I was thinking 8"-10" coaxials. Any advice would be appreciated. There doesnt seem to be a video regarding keep the factory look with an upgrade of this nature.

@ronielveigasantana1672 - 07.01.2016 01:20

How do I get a kit that ? Nice work with wood, perfect finishes , I have here some pdf of the boxes you guys do , I'm going for a little sound in the car and the measures of their boxes will fall perfectly to my speaker , my friend freaked out !! . I will disclose these boxes here in my city . Nice work !! congratulations .

@Barney-hk3es - 21.09.2017 22:08

I wish a deal like that was still around. It is 100 bucks now. Sucks to be tardy to the party

@jnks350z - 04.10.2020 21:43

Man I’m 6yrs late I wish I could still buy for$ 39

@bmanmitch2005 - 16.01.2021 13:49

Is this kit still available?

@H9550-i7l - 16.12.2021 04:34

SFS - Circle Template kit
$209.99Price please put this on sale or make a recommendation 🙏
